Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

18g \ eAn Expojition of Chrifls '\ Marrb.G. 'I ~ ltodrluc vs from di!lrufifull care: for this ac- A of God is oncly one and yet it hath two I ;,~~si~ng- ~~~~~~:t:~iO. <-luo.intcth vs v\'ith Gods parri,cular and -fpccidegree;; the fidt in gr~ce, and the fccond in ~~;r~~~.two I all prouidcncc oucr vs, taking notice of our cgloric. ThckJ.ngdome ofgrace, is iha.t fpirituall · flatc wh:ufocuer .it is, and difpofing it,to the regiment which God n:crcifcth in man,- or in bdl..In regard ~,·hereofwe multlcarnc.contcn. hts Church, by his word and fpint in this life; tapon in all cHatcS ofthis liti:, inJickendlC, as and it is the firfi !lrp or cmraQcc into Gods in health; in trouble, as in peace; and in vYam, hcal!cldy kingdomc. The k,jngdomeofglory, is .as well as in a.bopn,c~ancc; foy whatfocucr our the full ~i"uition of immediate tCllo ..vfhip wnh dlate be, it is according to the gopd plcafurc the blctlcd Trinirie, by mcancs oflcfus Chrifl ofO}Jr hcaucnly,father, whO is inlinitc jg PO\·\·er in the highefl heauens, after this life. Now and ~,.vifl·domc,both knov.:ing what is bcH,and both thcfe degrees are here vnd('rfiood by the abl~ t<:.? turnc all to our good; ~s we l11:l.l! furdy kingdome ofGod.The fccond thing to be thus [t~1dc by comfort;lblc cxpcrience,ifb'y faith we fought for, is his :ighreortfoejfo, that is,thc righ~ dep·':nd vponh~m. This Dauid knew well,JI~d te01J.!itc£fc ofGod,and not as iOmc tranfl:lte-it, a P(al.Jt~· · the.reforc ·fajth, :t hccwill not fMre thr:mgh hee rhe1·ightcoHforff~rhcreof, that is,ofGods kmg- (walk,_e thro;r_f_h the -z:alt'ey of rbe fh~tdoweofdrath; dome;for the V.'Ords \'•:il not beare that tranfla- \\·hy?~fonhv:1 ar(tvirhmcc, tl~y rod and ftajfe; B tion. And the fcekingofGods rightcoufndfc, 1 that is, rhy fpirit, thy word, and prouidencc is here added for fpcciall caufc; to let vS fee by j comfort mee. If our hearts were t<:tlcd in this way of cxplan:uion, when we haue obrah.1cd I point, we f11ou,Jd not be impatient in di!lrdfc, for our fclues the Kingdcme of God:for Gods nor dead hc::trtcd in W'lnt; nay it woulci make: ki!1gdomc Hands in righttot~foeffi, and then vs Ghecrefull in the home of death, for hereby doth God rule in man,whcn he m~kcs him parwe lhould be ;ttl;urcd dtat thcfc cfhtcs '''ere taker of his tightcoufne£fc. Now by righteouf- God 5 ;i~h· better for vs, then pcace,wcalth.,Or life it fclfe, neff~ of God, we mull here vnderHand,thc obc- ! u:oufnc!fei1 bccallfc they co~ns:: by the will of our hcauenly dience which Chri!l our mcdiatom· performed .I i/~~:;, ubc- ~ather, '"'ho knO\-''Gfh whereof we hauc need: for vs,in fulfilling the law,and in his tUffcrings. · ~ t.hcrc:forc let ,vs labour by faith,to be affufcd This is the very gtOlllld-workeapd foundation · of our adoption, that we Jonay know God to 'of Gods kingdome among men: .hereof Pmd beour father, .and then by thc,fame faith \o\'CC fpcakcth oft, Rom. t . 17. ForbJ it,· rh~t is the Q1dll be eaflly a{l"ured, that he will turneall Gofpcl, th~rtghreoufius of God"5 reuealcd from things that b~fall-vs)to our good. J~tith to Jtuth: and Rom.-j, 21. 21. Now h· the . v,. "• . 'B;4t 1: 1fl fr:e"e the rightfOu[neffeofGodmade mani[df,&c. and 2. )) J~>' J' ~ Cor. ~.zt.GodmlldehimtobcfinnefQY'tlf,which Lim/dome .olriodandhu rif1b~ c .kp.wn•Jinnt, rhar we might bemadnkerighre– '\: 0 '.1 'f 0 oufoeffiof God in him, And it is foC3lledfordi- !I!OU{neffi,·/!md a{/ theje thingj ucrs refpech; Fi>j/, bccaufe it isfrc;cl~ gi~cn 1 ~;,i'!J:''''· (h /Jb •· ;fl. d' - vsofCodtobeournghrcoufncsmhlshght;8c· 1 au emtn~;;~re 'vntoyou. man cannotottainc vntoit ofhimfclfe,by any The ChrifHi Our SauioL;r ~h1:ifl bau~ng by fixe feuer=tll workc of nature or of grace) "'''ithour the gift mans care. <ifgumeJ\tS diif\\'adcd his Dlf~iples from difof God.Second'J, becaufc God"' ill accept this. uuilfull (are, doth here ll)cw vmo them,\\'h<l~ obedience of Chrifl at the day of iudgcmcnt, care that js, .._,·hi eh ought al,vaics to -pcffdfc for his eleCt:, ::ts (atisfying his iuO.icc, ar.d the rit'hCir beans; to wh, Care afrd· tlu kjngd 1 me gour of the law, whi'h no rightcoufndfe of tif q~~m!~ his r..thteoufotjfo. And .thi~ c;! hec man can doe. Thirdly, becaufc it is the in}pofcth ...pon them J~y expref'fe command, oufnc£fc of that pcrfon who,is God; for Chrifi f.1ying, Fifl- {cekf )'"thd,J~~dor~c of God and is both God and man, ond though he obeyed h1~- righreoufoejfo; and then ngc:h the enterthe Ilw, and fuffcred death, as he was mtu1, yet t;tining of it, by' an cffcCtu:~ll reafon, anda.Jl that obedience was performed by that perfon tfH{f rbingJ {ball bc.miniftrul vm11 JO#f- · who was alfo God. .Ad:tnu righrcout'ndfc by .;r/je Expofllon,. There betwo things here ,D· c:reationwasin himfclfe, but he lofiit byhis inipy-ncd vs to iCrkc; God.r k,jngdome~ andr~'{hfall: but our rightcoufnerr:dc is in >hri£tdout %f b a.Cor.I.JO t~oufncff~: and Of both thcfe Chrifi faith,Firft vs, anti therefore he IS fai , b to ue ma erig - [cck.f,-that is, bcforC!all, an.d. .abouc all..,, ordly UIJ~tfiusvntovs ofGod. But how !hould we get things, let yourprincipall care :nd indeau~ur tbisrighteoufndfc, fecing it is Chri!l? .Anfw. \\~nGods he, to prowre thcfc vntoyour tclucs. By I.:JngIt is made ours by imputation, for whenhwce kingdomc dome of God is here meant,• 1 /fate and condition ti"uly repent of our fin.nes, & bcleel~C inC rift, hcrci~. of riJau in this lifi.', wher~b; in Chrift bee eni'!)'el God :lCCffts the obedience of Chnft for vs, as rhe f 1 uom· ~f God, and hath right to e11erlajfing if we ha( perteCUy fatis'fied his iuflice, and life. _This vc 1 ·y dbtc of m<:n is in Scripture caldone his will in our owne pcrfons. Now led the kJ 11 gdome·of God, nnd the kjngdome of '"''ith this imputed righteouf~effe, \\~e. rriufr heou1c.~-;,hecaufe whofocuer is in this dlatc,hath vndcd1and :md ioyne the fruit hcreot 111 vs, furc right and imercH to Gods glorie in which is JimClification, ·oT reM!ed holir.ef[e; hcaucn, :md Cod he;c mle$· in him, as a whereby v;e arc enabled to w~lke be-fore .G,od l · 1 1 · 1· k. d Tl x· d inncwobcdicnce, b\·ing_ing forththc;_fi·uJtso( \ Km~ ru 1~t 1111 ~:s ...:._tng or:nc. 1c mg ome· ""' - . - :igh:::~-=-=