Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- ---·- ---·- .. - --·------~·-~---- I Afatth.6. Sermon in the ~1\.1ount. ~ --------------------------------~------------------------- come nure bim; then the teXt faith, A~uw; 1 Af principJc efChr~lli3.nitY,tO dt>p~nd VpOh CoO:; held his ptacc, And D:tuidnotably tdhhcth his prou~d"ncc by t::tith : they fee nb prQt;idcnr~i cementation in GoJs prouidencc, Pf.·d, 39· 2. :1nd to rc:lX oncly v·pon the meaoc.s; \\hcrcl,y I held.. my pe.zce ,md {tlid nothing t yea, v, 9• thcrf.'lcrifit:c ~o their O\YI1C pn)·nc-s & llld!lilr~1 ~ I fhoHidhaue6cc;:edu» opencdm; a~H~ ~o 111akc thcmfeltlCS. their ownc ~ad. I mo111h, bec.1st{e thoJJ Lord d;d.ff it~ Excellent 1 hn IS the Hart of many among "'s> who bcarC is that fayi1~ of th.c Lord, lfa. 30. I ;.lnYcji thr name ofChritli:1no;but indeed and pr:tClift , andqt~ietncf]Cjhall7cebe fluted, in quu:tnf_,·1Cand arc as Turkcs, and Pagahs: ~nd this rt'~\(bn a:;. ! cMfidence jba/1 beyour flren$:h r m':!aning,th:lt l~nc_ ~·eH waigh~d, is fufficicnc to UiOOLil' anj I bypatience and conrcmarwn a man thcwes Chntban heart m a moderate cnJc to fe-~~l· firong confidCcc inGod: fo thnr though Gods earthly things. - . . · dealing fccmc neuer fo hard, we mull beware Thirdly, markc the. g:retjnd oft~lis i'cafOr.~ Chr)~~· of impatient words and murmuring thoughts, ChriHs Difciplcs had the true God for their .,. 11 ft in ::ll 1 m t.Sam.;. cndc:~.uonringto fJy wi:h m Eli, -it ~s the LOrd, God, V\•hich the Gentiles h?(f not, and thtie!. dung, be. I 18 ' !et him doe wbat jecmerh good i;t hr:S cye1: and B fore they muil J1ffcr from the Gcnri1q ill the-it h~~t~~c;re !. n Iob tJ.If. with n lob, though.hek.Jlme,yet w:l l trujl in him. bchauiour. This teach('th vs; thn i'n :~ll thinffS I r:; {t 11 h I m Gods children muH be vnlH-;:c"Hre he:nh.c11, for ! v. :;z. cor a ter a t e;e ia ""things"'" mufl fo•f•i:t thrm, .nd ;,;-,i/!1 1 1 • r; /, h q · J . , fi rhin,g.r tb.zt b~ g~6d wu muft.n:a/1 th~in. The tmngs ;ee'\.e t e entHeJ • or funncofaPrincc will not /hevthin,ftif< H.·· ~our heauenly Father Lnor:s>et h a beggar irt any thing; no mote lhould tile . '\.:: duld ofGod,-&n :my thtng confvr:nc htn:!fdfc 1 hatyee haue neede of all theft vnro the world. 0 then how Mrthie doe we I h . .,,._.alke of burvocarion: forth{' very fini1Cs Of ' I tngs• the heathen arc rife among v·S, as vnclca11'C.fl(;:; )'his vcrfc containes Chri!ls hfth and fixcb drunkcnndfe, ihnclering, and opprrl!iori; 1 .nri•l rcafons,codiO\.vadc his hearers fi·om diih u!iful many among vs excccdc the Pagans in merd4. car.e. The fifth is dr:t'i.\'nC fi·oJ'n the praCtifc of ldfc dealing tp\-\'ard~ ~he poorC,for they ncuct the Gentiles, JI~d it ll:mdtlh thus: knew that ChrHl came for rcleife in the pc.t:fci~ That which the·Genti/eJ doe which not of his poore, and yet many 2.mong thctn wrl-~ God,JoH-mu.ft not doe, ( rh::y d~ing_ amrjfc:) more merciful1, then many now a dai~s rh<ii Bm rhc Gentile! feck._e rhu1 dij/rujlfu!!y for bcarc the names of Chriilian1: foJ doe pot the things n<fdfu/1: Therufore;o" muftnotdoefo, C poorcfometimcdic for want ofrclccfc? and The \)'~din rhcoriginall whereby Chri£1 de. doe not many-among vs ttiaJ\e againehrpbj~ dannh thiS behautour ofrhc Gtmules,bc more JUdgcn~ent vpon.tbc poQrc 1 fcllmg thc1r comcmphat'icall then 01,1r tr·ani.lati01q cloth cxprctfe: modities decrdt whe-n the'poorehauc grc.atcR f.Or they import that the Gcmiles[et tlumfelua wane and nccde? well, if we "'·ill approdUe oUr\ n-'{m;. tQ fle"ft.!, or feel:.! with all their might. Which fclucs tobe Gods pccl11iar Ones, let vs be a{ha-'· mull be obtCrued,becaufcir is not afinnc !1mpmcd to bee iikc tlhe hcatheh in any en ill/ or ly to feeke things necdfary,but wholly to ginc not ro goe beyond !'hem in that whlch~·s our felucs rhcreto, that is, the ftnnr; bccautC it good. , · d proceeds fr0m dit\ru£1 in God. fl!!.efl. Why r:; . 1 / t': 1 did the GemilcsthUH\,loly giuc thcmfeluc. tO cor .'JOUr JJeauenty cattJe11 {eckc things n,ccdf:ufc?An(Bcoufe they knc-vv /,. I h h · · ·; d -. norrh·cnuc·Cod,uor his prouidcncc:rhcywcrc '\.nOl'Peti:J- l at YOU aue net . 0 not acquainted witl1his word, as Dauid fairh. a/J the If: thinfTS. · A11d this \.\'as thc,fi:atc of all the W')rld before 'J" 6 - I Chr'ifls -cort11ning, the Iewes oncly CX<Orptcd, ! D Thcf.c words comainc Chri!ts fi::.trh '.;caloii 6. Rr,ran:\. and the.i.r forcfathcrs,wirh fomc few Pro(dyt-es to his Dil~p-lcs againfi. di!lr:ufHi. 1 I care cJrawne I ~~infi rlilfm· who by conucding with Gods pc0p-lc J..v,q·.e fromGods -~Jcciallprouid"fnc:couer .thcm::ind Jlfult cnrc• conucrtcd to ttuc religion, ' it alfo includes an anf\over ro a.fccrct obicCH6n ~~~uc~,u '•!hispoinc well oblCru~d; firfi, GUctt:h.r.ows aoainHChri!ls command: fGr fome'lffian mioht -~\~;:J.'ont~copm.ion of v_n:ucrfall$nlce, as a ~:::ere def.;y; Ifwe may not be c<irefull fonhin?s ne~dut{c of mans l:lr:unc: f-or 1f t~c Gcmllcs knew full, who Ch:llrproui~le them? ChriA hcte an·- nbt the true God) how tl10ul~ they know the [.,.nrs; )tm m.:!ft not: be dfflm.ftfitlly carc:fit!i ,fur way tO life? if G~d -gauc them not fO muc.h yo:~o hattc ~fo.ther inheaum., who 0:owci wkcrc~f' grace, ._,,hereby tn~y could depend vpon hts· yqu I'Jdtle .1/ude, And carerh for }'OH. Now lookJ .... , prouidc~1cc tOr the dli1igsofthis lifc,much lcffe JVbe;·eof,Goii4 rak~1cm·e in7o:t.r b'eha!fe ,yo;tneeJe .1 d1d h~~gtuc them grace to bclceuc and to be f..1... nnt rrmtblc;our.fe/JrufHrtfur then the fober vfe of! ucd, 1t they "\'~uld. , ·. . !:u~~·tll rm:anc; :' Btft -God ;om·; /arlx~ I Worl;llngt Sccondly,_thts {hews tha:c th~y :"''ho Ut the it" tt!./f.s.t ~o,tiC6 o{}otl'f" r/!ttte ,andrri 1/ pt.ouide that· lzkcP.agans. hcaru. vpon the '"''orld, and gmc th<"mfclues whicb u b.flfor;ou ~·and therefore )'O~ ueede" 1 ;(Jt 1 tofeekecarthly things, arc Gcncilc.c: and P'a... tQ-:Jtxepm.rmindJthere-a.hour, ,. 1 1 g~;~y hauc t~o:_ycc a~ratn~d ro this· A!,T,.:ind'cknt \ ~----~-----------------------~-k~· ----~: . ~d . . i i I ! i 1