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Mauh.5. v.6. Com.forta. g:~.i~{tdc· fp~rc. Sermon in the ~ount. cxccedirfg mcafurc of rc~llious corruption, 1 A by ~~will, and title to thls promifr, th~a much janqrancc in their mindcs, pcruerfendfc h~c fhall be fO.lishcd : fOr he that is gt icucd for ln thch~'wills, and frowardndfc in their :dfc£t.- his !innc, b~caufe thereby hce h~ub offended ions i yea a cominu:11l proncneffc vmo a!l God,andwitlt~ll bath an earndl ddirc of tnrr:c manner ol fi.nne; and one the contraric) they cic and. grace, to repent and bc:dccuc, iSuucly tan pcrcciuc but fiUall fruit<; of" fanCl:ification; blcflCd. And therefore it may be f.tid vmo himJ the they (cde rufhing in them like a fccing thou findcH in thyl~dn this griefc for . might~c Gyam, bur the ne\\' man fo wcakc {,anddcfire of gracc,-rhou art blc!fcd.sand and feeble, that they c;n hardly difcerne any 01alt be fatisficri. Thus may the dj!!reficd foul< (piritua~llifC:and hercupbn they arc fore trbubrc,ciuc: comfl)rt 1 but as tOr them that liue in led with temptations, yea oftcntimes dtiuc:n li.nnc, here is ·no comfort, for tlicy h::\uc no to doubt; whether they hiuc any grace <!t all! true Jiflikc ~f ii1111c;no purpofc Or dc!irc to re... 11 I -·I This cannot bu~ be .a· hcau.ic ca(e, arid yet pcn.t thereof. . . . . hcrt: is true comfort for thc1tl; fOr ChriH: calSecondly, as this ntlc of Chrifl.min'!lhcth 1The mircric' lcth them bldfed(nOt that :ll'C fiilcd.with righ-. comfort to fame, fo it dcdc.rcth th~ n:i!'"cra- 1of•h: full~ teoufneffc) but who a~ll thirft after it; E blc dl:ate of othcts: to wir, of all rhOfc rhat that is, who feeling the w~nit of righ~eoilf11:erfc w::mt this fpiritu!ll hu:1gCrafter rightcoufncfft, in themfclttes, doe carndlly dctire it in t.h::ir for thcyhauc hd title tO the prorilife ofhc<iuenfoulcs. Thcfc.perfonsthcrcfore, tliaf fecle in ly fatisfac\ion by Gods mcrcic in Chri£1. And themfclucs a fca of corruption, and fcar~C 3 y<:t generally this is the fiatc of men cucry drop uf fanCtifl.cation, mull: trudy cx:unin: where: for after riches, plcafurcs, honotirs, their ownchearts, how they {land affeCted to a11d preferments rncn hung~r and thirfi, as the thcfe things; for if they be truely gric;ucd for drought in fummcr doth after raine ; but rare. their corruption and rebellion, and withall it is to find a man thar fauourcth thethm~s of doe car.ndHy delire grace and fanC\:ifica6on, God, and.thirtieth afr~r his riglucoufi1cs~and vling the mcanes conilat1t!y, whereby they yctli!Ch oncly a.·t bldlcd. . . may be freed from the ,one, and indued with . Thi.rdly, this rule of Chrifi fcrues fbr futt , ~~~:yt~hri the other; then they hauc whcr'.:with theymay d1rcCbon, whereby we may know our cHatC arc happic: comtort their hearts, for Chrill callcs them before God, in regard of true happincs: if we bletTed: and fo they are, tor in due time they h""l'" and rh;rft ajrfr rigbteofl{neffi, we a•·e fhall.bcfatisficd' and in the meanc t.ime, their JureiJ bfeJJ'd: for the mouth of the Lord bath will and delire is acccptccl ofGod in Chrilt for C fpokcn it. Now this fpirituall hur..ger is known the deed it felfe. . by two things : litil, by an vnfaincd heanic The third temptation is, tode[palre; ~hen forro~,ov ary.d grief~: for finne pail; where thiS is a man afccr the breach ·ofconfciencc by .forric watlting,truc fpiritual hunger and chirfi is not: gricuous linnc, is plunged into this gulfc,that fe<ondly.l by an ~arpelt defire of G'ods mercie hecthinkcs verily hell is;reparcd for him, and in thrift, for the pardon of finne, and for he mu!t needs be damnc : what rerhedic now fanClification,tefiified byaconfiant endcauour in fuch a cafe? Anfw. Some thinke thC' oncly ln the ."ft of mcancs tO: come thereby: he that way is to propound vnto him the grounds of hath thtfc things in hitn, may atTure himfelfe vniucrfall grace; as that, bccaufc he is aman, that he is blcffcd; for thcfc be the mOtiOns of Chrill died for him, for Chril\ died tor aJl,but Gods fpirit, and the true p!cdges of l}i&_l;tacc. this is a {\ender comfort, for the dcfpairing Hereby then 'Ne mufi tric our dhte, it thefe con{Clcncc will thus replie; God indeed hach things be in vs, wehaue wherein we may re"' done his part, but I rcfi.tfcd~Gods grace, when ioycc; but if our hearts be dead, and hard, fo it was offered. Therefore another way ofcam~ as we hauc no touch for our finnes, no hungc.. fort mufi bee fought; which is, byproouing rihg af;cr the: blood of Chrifi, nor ddirc of vnto himout of God) word,that hcc is within D fanC1ification, then are we Voide of grace, and the couenant, and that the promifcs of grace fo mofi mifcrablc: for the finallcll mcafure of a~1d lit'c doe bclongvnto him: for the effeCting trut grace; th::it can be, is to hunger after grace whcrof,onc main ground is,her~ propounded; in the want thereof. towit, that though aman want all rightcoufta!Hy,this rule of bleffcdnes muft admonifh ~~~~~:~~or nclfe, yet if he truelyhunger after it,hc is blef.. vs, as we tender our faluarion; fo tO labour for hunger. fed: and the right applying of this ground, is this fpirituJll hunger in our foulcs,afrer rccon~ this; feareh muH be made, whether the panic ciliation with God in Chrifi tOr all our finucs thus dcfpairing, bath in him any fparkc oftrue pafi, and for the fanCtifi cation of our hearts grace, or no; and this will be knowne by thcfe and Hues word and fplrit: \Ve may heare, two demaunds: firft, whether hce diGikc: his read, and talk~ of Gods word, aud yet all tO finnes, bccaufc they arc fimies? fecondly,whcno encle, vnldfc ·we be in heauineffe for our thcr hec trucly dctitc to be reco~cilcd \'mo ownevnrighteoufi1effe)and fromour hearts do God, to repent and bdccuc in Chrifi? Now if fcndc fortl.1f~ghcs and groncs after mercic and his conlcicncc tell hitn, that thcfe things be grace in Chnfi. For what auailcth it to hauc in him indccdc, then ht is brought within the wit and lcarning,honout and riches,i(thc foulc <<.::ffi::.e.::h::er:.:<J:p:.::ro::n.::o:::tt::n:.:c::ed::...:__!__:b::c_.:v_:o:.::id::e:.:o:.:f.::m:::.:erde artd gr:tcc in ChriH?\Vhich B 1 d0ut:t':