Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i 1 • 10 -,. "--------eA--n-E_x_tJo-,fi-tz-.on_o_·~'_Ci_b_ri_fl_s~---~-;·u;;;;;;~; f '!'' '! t V.C.. I 1 1 __ ~ ;,i~i~liJ they did further fplritually in their AI thcfcn\ro things ~.vl,ich ar;;b_o_d-il_y_h_ut-1g~r 1--- i foules hunger after rightcoufitcffc. Thus then and thirCI:, to wit! firfl a pai~.c il'l the bot~otnc I the two Euangcli!ls doe agree; S. Lu{f laics ofthe H:omackc for want ot mc:~.rc :md dnnkc; 1 downc this Rule'gcncr,1Uy ,but ./11'/:urh~w profccondly, an earneft de lire and appetite after . 1 pounds therein the (cafon of this blcffcdncffc. mc:v~c and drink,to be facisficd thcrcwith.And \ This. Rule, as the former, contCincs nvo blcffcd ts.hc t~lat: is fo gricncd for his ovvnc vnparts: tirll,"'·ho an: blcffcd: fccondly, whererightcouf:lcilc, and wirhall h:ah an c;~.rndl dein this blctfcdndfe cloth confiH. For tbc Jirc afrcr reconcili:ttion with God in Chri!l, fir!\:, the r·artieS blcffcd arC fuch > tU f11t11g~ and afcct ti'UC regCnCt:ltionand (1nClific:niOil 41Jd thirft ":fte-r rightcoJtfoejfo. The cxpohtiby the holy GhoH: for this is true fi,hiwall ~~~:[!:s~· on of thefc ·words is diuers; Some giuc this hunger and thull, whereto belongs this ~raci- . 1 fcnc~: Blctfed arc thofc that arc grieued with ous promifc, that in due time hec {hall be fathe ijliquirics that abound in the v·:orld, and tisficd and filled with plcnrie of Gods mercie ·wi~hall doe io 1lcart and foulc, long for rhc and grace, ""herein this happindfc cloth Conamendment and reformation thereof. Others fifi:, which is the fecond branch of this Rule. expound the '"'ords thus. Bldfcd arcthofc tint B This I take tobe the true and proper meaning by wrongs and iuiuries arc depriucd of their ofthefe words,'''hereupon the tv,·o fOrmer exright in this world, and fo arc confirained to pofitions depend: for he that is rhus fpiritually hunger and thirll: after that which is their an hungrcd, is oft dcpriued ofhis owne right ownf, w:aycing by' patience to obtainc the among men, and fo is faid tohunger and thirfi lime:. Bnt there is :1 third cxpo{ltlon which afrc:r that which is his ownc in rhis world. Al""c ri~ht dothmore fully open vmo vs the meaning of gainc,f~ch a man doth vnfaincdly gricuc at the munin;.::. Chrill; to wit, by righteoufo~Jfe vvc may well iniquities that be in the world, 2nd withall,his vndetfland in the firH place, the right~ou[11effi heart d~th mofl earncfHy dctlre reformation offajlh, whereby a finncr is iuflificd through thereof, l;>oth in himfclfc and others. gt,ace !r Chrifi, and fo Hands righteous before Firfi,)this femenee muH be rcmcmbrcd, as God, hauing thG pardon of all his finnes : be'- a fiorchoufC of true comfort in all gricuous (ides this, we may here alfo vndcrfhnd inward tcmptations,but cfpecially,againll rhcfe three; 'ighteoufneffi, whereby • is fancbficd •tld the want of faith, the Jma/lneffi •f faEiificatimadcholy,~auingGodsimagcrenuedin him ' on, and.dejptlir~. For the fidt, many in Gods by the fpirit of grace, 'Which was loft by the Church bau.c a true care to pleafe God in all fall of our firfi parents• .And thatthis imputed C thiugs, and to liuc in !10 finne againft their an4.rcnued rightcoufnrffemay here be vndcr... confcicncc·;•andyet thoy finde in themfelues ·fiood, will appearc by ohcfcrcafoqs: ,Firlt, in much diltrult and dcfpaire of Gods mercie, (u~}'l places of Scripture where hkc femcnces they feclc more doubting then flith: whcrear<t_ repeated) we muft vndcril:anJ not Ciuill upon they arc brought to doubt oftheir elcCl:i- ~ghtcoufncrfc,bufiufiification, flnCHfication, on·, and Hate of grace before God. Now ho'"' regeneration: as If.1. 55· 1. Ho~, eHer; on~ I hilt may fucb be rclecucd, and be \veil pcrfwadcd t}irfteth, come to t~Je wdterr, m7d /mic without of their good cflatc? .Anfwer. The way is laid fluer: and, Ioh. 7· 37· If ••! man thirjf, 1et downc by our Sauiour Chrilt in this Rule; himcomevr.tamecanddrinkf: and, Rcud. li. Blcf{ed ar~ thq that hung~r and rhirft after ·q... ,I will giue to~him that is 4thi1f, to drink! of righuoufneFL For here 'he tcachnh, that thofe tlul'flttl~.,., of/if(' {}·u[r : all which places arc one are ble{fed, who arc difpleafed with their own in fubibncc: for by ""aters, we mufi vnderdoubting, and vnbeleefe, if they haue a true {land riJ!.huoufites, \•.'hich is that fpirituall grace earnell dcfi.rt to be pUrged from this di£huft, ol~God,thc fo~nroine ofall bldlings,whcreby and to bclecuc in God through Chri£l. Indeed !inners arc iufiified and fanCtificd. Secondly, this defire offaith, and to bclecuc, is not true th-ar. which is mofl ofall to be dcfircd, mull D faith in.naturc, but in GC9ds acceptance; for nec:d;s be the moll: excellent righteoufnes: bur God refpcCl:s them for this true ddire, as if this righteoufileffc berc mentioned .is moll: to they had faith. And they arc bleffed, b'Ccaufc be ddircd; for Chrifl faith, men fhall hHngn· they fhall haue plcnticof faith, and ai\urancc tl~d thir./1 afrer ir,. thereby cxpreffing a mcfi of grace and fauour with God in Chrift: for it earncft anJvchc!nent defire : and therefore by . is merde and gr~cc ·with God, to hunger after righteMfn~(fe, we rimll vndedland Gods grace grace and mercie, when the heart fceles the and mcrcic in Chrill, abfoluing a finncr from want thereof: But yet fuch perfons mufi be the guilt and punill1mcnt of his f1nncs, with admonifhcd, that they (hew the truth of this (anClifi~ation the fruit thereof, \.\ hereby hC-is ddirc, by a conilam · endcauouring in the purged from corruption. Secondly, by hlingtme3ncs \vhich God bath fanC\ified for the obSpiritu~u and thirfling 1 vvc muft v nd~rlland t'KO 1 tainiug of a true and ' Fucly faith in Chri!t, ~h'i~rr ~ud things; firfi,a forr.ov.• and g_~ic:fc ~fhcart in rewhcrcw\fh they may bc:.fatisfied. gar.d of amansowncfinnes,andvnrighreoufThe fecond temptation is, from the[ma~- ~t:';~:~ ncs: fecondly, an carndl: and conftant defire of., ne!fo offonEtification. Many there be that endea- ~ pg~ I the righteoufnes of God, that is, of iufiific.atiuour to plc:afc God, making confcience of all on and fanC\ification in Chrilt. Anfwcrablc to finne, and yet they finde in thcm-fclucs~ '----'----~------------------~------------------~--~--~-· ~--~~e~xc~c_c_di_nL~~--~'-~,