Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

IM.t;h.5.1 Sermon in the~aunt.' v.S. ------------------------,---:--:;--:---:; j Th~mururc 1 (\fpurir~eati. t Oil. z Ro:n.a.:J. Candl.T.ritl. fc!t.j.fed:.j. Jtnrcinht.trt dcCeribed. V(cs. t. con{bnc purpofe not to finne againH God any ' A way, either in thoughr,word,or dccdc; but itt all things to pleafc God continually; [o as ifat any rime he fin ne, it rs againtl: his holy rcfolu– rion. Now tOr the m'ettfo:rc ofrhis punfic:uion, iquity,whcrc there is no knOwledge ofthe \'\·il of God in the minde ? And for tuch as hauc more knowledge then the reil, ge.ncral_lythCy arc not anf-..vcrablc v.nto i~ in P.raChft; tornt'kc t a vie\\'C ofall the markets m the land, and you t !hall hardly find a man that is to fell his graine1 that will bee brollght to abate one iot ofth~ highdl price, no notvnto the poorc that Hand it is only in part in ::his life;for the grace offan– Ctification is not pnfcCl: till death, as the Apo– Hlc flith, x we receiHebut thrfirjlfruitJofthe /Pi– tit: that is,not the Ten~hs,but as an handfull of cornc tr'> a ~,,·hole field: the foulc !s freed from the puniDunctu and guilt offinne, and in fame fort purged fi·om corruption , but not wholly. This we mull: obfcruerllc more diligently, be– caufe the PapiHs reach orhcnvife ; to wit, chat after Baptifinc and rrgencrarion, finne is fo ta• ken away, that rhere is in man nothing that God can hate: but experience in cucry child of God, !hewes this to be folfc. The chcife groiid of their opimon is this, that if finne properly called, {hould remaine in the regenerate, then God !houldrepute a man·to be iult, which is a finncr.But we an!\ve·r,that Godncucr rcputcth an impenitent finncr iufi, but oncly the rc:pen– tant,&regencrate,which arc: by faith in Chrifi~ and fo in effeCt arc no finners, bccaufc though corruption rcmaiUe irl them in part, yet it is not imputed to theirpcr(6s: Bclidcs, in the act of their converfion, corruption hath recciued that deadly wound, whercofit fhal neuer reco– uer , but daily die, till it be quit< aboli!hed, and thercfore.doth it not raigne in them. And thus we fee in what manner and meafure the heart is purified, whereby the pure In helm maybe tnus defcribed: Thqarefuch, adtdmte tht pardonofrhdr{inner in Chrtjf, mtdhe inpart rmutd in thtir fotdtt 6y tht holy Ghofl, hauing thtir natural/ corruptions mortified and "bolifhel. in fomc me«{{<re, and tht grace! of Gods imttg< repaitd in them, Anti agotlf;refoiutjon'n:rought in their hearts, not to {t11ne Againfl God in an; thinr. Con6d~rinphat thep~trt in htAr.o bee blef– fed, we mult fearch our felucs, and fee whether our hearts be qualified. with this grace : As in former times ; fo at this day inwatd puritic is much auncicnt Iewes fi.ood vp– onthcir 1cgall puritie and righteOufndfc, and the Phari6cs after thcm,rclyeJ vpon·thcir out– 'ward holynelfc; and the holy Gholt foretold, that in a the latter dayu foou!d colfu perilom timeJ,by rcafon offundrie finnes, whereofthis is one, thJt menfhould content thnnftluer with a Jbdowt Andfhm>eafgodlinejft, dnd In truth d.- nie the pown-thn-eof, And doth not experience fhcwe this to be true among vs? for the pure heart is fo little reg>rdcd; thatthefecking after it js turned to :1 by-word, and a mitt Cl' of re– proach : Who arc fo much branded with vile I tcanncs of Puritans a.nd Prcfitians, as thofc, that motl indcauour to get & keeperhe pm·itie I ofhcart in a good confcic9ce? Againc, the gc– ncrlll ign0ra.nce that cucric: where abounds doth plaincly argue the want ofthis grace; fo; what can bee in the heart but impuriticand inI jn cxtrcamc necd;which as it argueth a blo'o.d~ and crucll hcart,fo it fhcv,·cth our times to be euill d:1yes, wherein menprofdfc much, and doe nought:which finne ·will draw Gods iudg~ ment vpon vs, and caufc the Gofpcl t:o be te– mooucd, anLl giuen to a nation, that with ptb fcflion, will ioync the power of godlincffe i(t heart and life. What befell the b jigge-tret b M•'-"·'; B ' whcreon Chrilt fought fruitc, and found no– thing but leaucs, w.u it ntJt .tccurftd? andhaw !hall we thinke to ef9pe, ifwe be like vn~o it~ c for the earth tbar drink§rh in t.he r:A.inethdrfal- ~ Heb.$.7,f. lttlioftvpontt ; ,.,dyet bri~geth forth brim\'Jm~ t hornes, U verie nen-e vnto curfing, whoft ende u to he burned. Sccondly,ifchc pure inheart be bldfed,therr ,,.e mult labour to practifcthe counfdl ofthe Prophet, d wafojou,m4k!JoU tleane ; and efanJ m.. l,t&. BijietheLord inyow heart!: yea as the Apo'IHc ' "'·'l· faith, f LetvJ p~ngeour [elvufrom allJilthinejfe f ,.co'·1·'· of theJkfhandfpirit: Indecde it is the~work of .;; Aa,,, •· God to purijie the heart: min of himfclfe canno mofe doeit then a Blackc-moorc can charigc' his skinne; bu~yet cuery onci·that would fcktcl in himf<lfe this worke ofGod, muit vfc•the• C means wherein the fpi~it doth·purge the heart;' , firlt thcrfore we muft humble our fclues vnfai– nedly for all the 6nnes and corrupti<>ns of our life alrcadie palt' and forthc time to come' growc to a refolutc purpofe, ·not to l1nne, ao~ gainlt God in any thing :which we 1nuft-telti..o fie by a godly cndeauour .to obey him in all ' things;for a pu.r_eheart,and a purpofe·to liue in , any one finne, cannot fl:and.togcrhcr: but this· con£lam purpofenot to finn,is a notable gvace, and an inf.Uliblc ,token ofa rcnucd ~fanctifi2d• heart. · · · ' ·· · The fccond point in thi• Rule is, wheoeih this blcffcdncffeconfiHs; namely, in'this 1 -that ihqfoal/ fee God: for the vndcrltanding hereof, D two points niult be handled: FirH, how God• maybe feenc; fecondly,how the fccing ofOoil is true happines. For the tiril,thc Apoltlc !aithj no manhath fot11e God at an] time.~. yea fu~thG-r,u h 1.roh.p:~~ P.ud ·callcth him; ;KmgOJ Ki11gJ, whomneuer l . . man faw,neilhrt· can foe. We muft chcrtfo 1 ,t 1 r.Tm1. 6 · 16 know, that thcr'<:-is a twofold fight in man~t;hC' How God fightoftheqio, and of rhcminde; by ,the fig£t· m:~~ybcfccn. oftheeienbr:rlancan fceGodht hisdfcnce&'. fubGance, wbi£h is moft fpirinrall, and fo inui-· fible, for the eic fc~th nothihg but things c&iporall and vi!lblc i a man by his cic cannot 1\iO'' ' his owne foule; and much lelfe the fubltancc of. t God.;' :;,,. ';;,;, ·. 11 -: jo,, Ohiell.l;,llut k .Ahraham; 1andMofoJ faw !, k Gc""r·•· God, for he appeared.vnto them. Anfort1".: 1 1 Exo,3J· 11 • They \