Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

16 !!An Expofoion ofChrifls 1 A1au1J. 5 , v,S. .. --- They fawe him not in his nature and fubflance, A heard, neither 'an any man tell,but theyondy but in ccrtainc created images and ftmilimdcs, that hauc thefruition of it in beauen: -yet ccrwherein God for that time did tcllifie his pretcnly fuch it is,as ihal giuc full contentment to lcncc vmo them : fomc indeed f.1y that though cucry one chat doth cnioy it,But it £hall be far a:m:tn cannot fee God in this lifc,ycc in the life bcccr for vs, to fcckcfot apure heart, whereby \ 01all fee him with hr;·bodily eyes. we may be alliued ofthis blc{fcd fight ofGod, But this opinion is not true: for thouoh the c_hen curiouily to fcarch how we lha!l fee him: badie O>all then be perfectly fanctified,a~d the tor to them that be ofa pure heart, God will e'Jc fand:ificd,yca glorificd,yct ftill it rcmaincs reueale himfclfe perfectly,to their ioy vnfpcaka true bodic, and a true eye, and therefore canable and glorious, . · hot (cc the ciTencc of God, whh;h is inviliblc Thefocond point it, howthisfeeing ofGod Howrhefe~. to the eyeoffleO\, can be true happineffe. Anfw. A man that io~t~f God hh1ppinc:s, rob ljol6,~7 . Obi,EI:. 11. I /ballfo• God in"'J fkjh (faith harh beene blinde, will rount himfelfc haf,py, ,lob) and mynt <Ju Jba/1 b•bold him. An[. He when he rccciues his figHt ; and he that lath fpcakcth there of God his Redccn1er, who is 1ongla.icn in a darkc dungeon, will count it a not God llmply, but God incarnate; for the B • blcffcd thin?,, to be brought outto fee the word uanl1atcd R~dumer, fignifieth one allied light of•he unne : now ifthis bodily light be ,vnto vs in. blood : 110\o\' no man doubrcth, but fo comfortable, how endlcffe is the ioy ofthat God in Chrifl m>y be fccne, as Ioh.14. 9, Her hcauenly light, which commeth from God that hath p.., mc,hath feme m;father. himfclfc? Then~meofShcbn counted thofe n 1.1tin.1o.8. ObicEI:. II f. I.Cor.q.u. Wcjhallfe•ht>n fcruanrs blcffed , that flood before. Salomon to [4cc toface• .An{. God hath no face,and there.. hcarc hiswifcdomc;then doubtldfc the fonncs fore that cannot be vndedlood littCrally; but of God mull neede. be happie, that !land bethereby is fignified,that we Olll haue plentiful! fore the Lord,hearing his wifedomand bcholknowledge ofGod, as we hauc ofhim whomc ding his glorie: 'for mhu prefencr u fnlnejfc of o Pfal.Jt>.u we fee face to face. iOJ, and4this right handare pl-eafuru for euerObieEI:. I V. If we Jhall not fee God with more. Mo[u is renowned.with all p.ofie'_dtic our eyes, then they feruC to no vfe in hcauen. for this prcrogatiue, that God vouchfafed p to p ExO.JPJ Anf.God forbid:for bo!idcs the glorious cornlethimfcdu backJ paru : and Chrills Difcihanic of all the Saints, we Jhall therewith beples were fo r>uifbcd with.a glimpfe of Gods old our Lord Icfus Chrifl, who redcrmed vs c glorieinhis transfiguration, that they would byhis blood, and made vs Kings .and Priefls ncedes q abid, th"cfti/1. Oh then, what glgrie q Mat.•7+ Vll[O our God' to whomc we Jhall fing praife, is it to fee him as he is? doubtleffe this fight of and honour,and·glorie,for eue.rmore,Reu.s.t ~ ' God is true happindfe. But then (will fome The fecond kind of fight, is of the mind,; man fay) the Deuills !hall be h<lppie, for they which is oothing but the knowledge or vnderfhall fee him at thelafl day. Anfw. Their fight !landing of tht mindc, and that is two-fold; Jhall be their forrowe, for they fhall fee him as im~terfcet in this life, a~dlerfect i11 the life to a terrible iudge,not as i Slluiour,·withappreht'- ;rome.ln thts hfc, the mm c knowcs not Gods fi.on and approbation of his loue and mercy, effcnce or !iJbl\ancc,but ondy by the cffects;as whi<histhcfightheremeant: as theApollle by his word and Sacraments, and by his creafaith, r WujhaH fle face to face, andk...,now M Wt' r r.Cor,IJ• ttircs:and indeede,the fheciall fight we haue of arc kttm>v<; So .then the• meaning· of thefe "· t;:ioJ in this·life, is by t efe his effeclsto conwordcs is tl1is,they Jhall fee God by his.effec<S ceiuc in our minds,how God is affeCted to vs; in rhis life·, and rrfeetly in the world to ~as that God is our Father, and Chrifi our Recome , wi'th appro ation of his loue and mer· decmcr,and the holy.Ghollour fanctifier. The cie. c· , perfeCt viiion ofGod, is.rcfcruc.d to the life to This giadous promife mull be obferued as a l"hevfc:,. t. cotnc,whcre Gods elect lhalHcc him in regard D ~round of fpeciall comfort to all Gods chil- Comfun:a· g.lintl:rc~ m s.Iob.p. 'ofhisfubllancc: formwefballfechimM hecu. rcn : for they that enJeauour after purii:ie of pro~dt. Yet that we be not dccciued herein, wee R.1utl: heart,{hall futfer much contempt and reproach -. know that perfect fight is two-fold,Jimpl•, and in the world; but they mull not bee difmaied,- comprchcnjiu : Simpl• pcrfcCI fght is . when for God willlookc vpon them, and Jhew himman fees a thing wholly as it is-itl it fclfe-; and fdfc fauourabJy vnto them : f Hu wiU appearc f l{;;a.6$.J. dms God is not fccne by the·mindc ofman. to thejr ioJ, and theirad.HerfariesJhallbeaPJamed: 't Pf~.u8.6. Comprehe•JiHcJii,bt is , when the Creature feetherefore they may fay with Dauid, <I willnor eth God , fo farre forth as iris capable of his feare whalmancandoe'l!ntome. • ,kpowlcdge; and thus fha1lmen fee God in tne Secondly, is it true happincffe to fee God ? I world to come perfeCily, and 'bc·fillcd there-· then in this-world wee mufi fhiuc to come as with,though they-know him ·not wholly,as he necrc vnto God , as p'Qfiibly ·we can; f9r the is·in h.imfdfe :euen as a vdf<l cill into the fea nee-er we come vnto him, the more wee fee may be pcrfe6Hy fulofW3tcr,thoJ1gh it reeciuc 'him, and the; nearer arc to our pCrfcCl hapnot :a.ll the water in the fea.But {ome wil ~ske, pirics,NOw that we m.ay come ncer vnto God, ' ho'v Jhall thcminddce God? Avf. The manwe mufi fet God alwai~s before our eyes; that neds fuch, as neither eye bath fccne, nor care) , is,whcrefoeucr we are,and whatfocucr we do, •;· ... ! wee .. .