Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

/ .1'4.rub.s– '::f:.._ 1 Jta.J..f, r J.Cor.6.:. Sermon in the t.'7vlount. . -· ; 19 -~ raine enemies; but the truth is,all thofe doe di- A i:1 vngodlindfe ·and worldly lulls. It llands_l - --- fiurbc our peace, that walke after their hc:tl'CS them tbcn::forc in band,ifthcy hallC any cart of f lufh in tinnc and wickcdneffc, as idolrlli:r.r,hluf true l~appindfc, to labour af::errcgcncrntitm; j phcmcn, opprcffimrr, ·drm:kgrdJ, and fud1 hk<.·, ~,ovhcrcby, forfaking the lulls & courfcs bf their thefc arc peace-breakers, vd10 caufe.chc Lord former ignorancc,and cmbiacing and obeying to take avvay the blcffing of peace: t~c lercm. li!lccrc!y the word of life, they may bccOih~ r6. 5 • the Lord faith, He hath tak!n hi1 peace Gods children, and {Q happi-el fromhio pcqpfc:thc rcafon is,v.l 2. bcca~fe c.ucry Secondly, h:1!l thou recciued this grace of one w~rlk.!d after the j}uhbonmej{e of hu wJCk!d Gods lpirir, whereby thbu art inclined to hma· hetlrt,And would mt bear~ him: and, Leuir. 26. peace \Nithallmcn, and to feckc for peace be.t; z3· 25. The[word of tlie ~ne'!"'ie is font of.God, to twt·cnc God and thine ovvne confcicnt:c) yea· I oe:lenge the qt~arrel{ of ht$ cortemu:t. le 1s then bcrwccnc rhc Lord and oth<.:rs? then comlort our cranfgrellion and robellion againll God, thy fdt<:.-thou an the child of God, thcfe morhat wHl bring watTC :ind rebcllton 111to our tions comes from gracc,flc01 and blood btlrrg:s. Land; if this were nor, our peace ·would conforth no fuch fruits: labour maihtinue for cuer: foro the work§~~ i'fftice j}71lllbe B tainc thcfc good modons, vvith all other plcdperrce, quietnejfo,llndaf[ilrm:cc foY eur;. And .ages of thine adoption, and fo fl1alt thou grow. gaine, pin rigbmufieffoJbail tliou 6< <ftablifbfully affurcd ofthine owne happindk In this ed,411d /Jc f~rrc f,-om opprejfion. Tlns therefore a&e men makemuch adqc tb get good affur;ice Jhould mooue all vngvdly perfons to repent, ot earthly purchzfes; what madn~tTc is 2.nd to brcake offthe courfe of their finncs,vnthis 1 fo gready to regard mOrhentanie things, ldfe they '"'·ill continue profdfcd enemies to and to hauc no care,m compariftm,ofotir cter..; the peace of the ibtc, vndct which they liue. nall inheritance, which we fhall haue affurcd The fccond point, wherein this bldfcdncs of vnco vs,when we become the children ofGod? Peac~-makers confif\s; namdy,in that th'!fhd V .10, :B/effedare they -which hua!ledthc cbildrmof GoL that is, they !hall /}' bedtccmed andrcputcdforGodschiJdrenin fuffer perfeCUtion for tiohte.-, this world, ofGod himfclfc,and all good men; 0 and in the world to come, fully manifclled fo oufneffe.fa{e:for theirs is the to be. That this is true happincffewillfoonc" LinrTdomeo{heauen. appeare,bythcviewof the!lateofeuerychild C '\: 0 of God; forthey are vnitcd vmo Ghrifl by the 11. 'Bfeffedareye -when men fpirit of grace, by which they are regenerate, /}"' and in Ghrilhhcy arc adopted for fonnes and y eui/eyeu,;r(ecute you~ daughters, and fo cnioy Gods fpeciall grace d 11 · and fauour. Now hereupon they arc Kings an 'fay au,ma,nner of euiU ll-" children, hauing God fonheir Father, who • , n fi t: /,, .r ffl louesthemmorctenderly,rhenanyemhlyPagatn;•JOU Or my;a'\!>/ Jt;f:Y· rents canlouetbeit ownc children: fecondly, 12.. ~eiqyce tmd be glad, for they haue Chriit for their brother, and fo arc ""''\ J 1 hcires annexed with him, hauing heauen and great iJyour re-wardm heauen: earth for their poffeftons::rlnhim thtj artmade 7: KingJand Pri,fil vmo God: andlhall be• iltdJOr fo per(ecutedthey the Pro .. guof tb< w11rld at th~ /aft day: yea, they haue h h· b I. , /., the r holy Ange/1 for Mmiflring fpiritJ to.,t• P etf 'W IC 'Were oe;Ore )'OU, tend vpon the,r perfom, for their defence from Here Ch1·iA:propounds his t~htRule touchs. the power ~fthe enemic,v.•hich farrc furpaffeth ing hap~indfe, which he handles more brgcthc dignity ofany gu~u·d ofmen on eanh wh:tt- D : 1y then the former: for haumg laid downc.· the foeucr: all things workc tOgether fonhc bell Rule, v. 10. he expounds the fame in afpcciall vnto them, their croifes and affiiCl:ions are no application of it to his D1fdples in tbc I 1 . and curfes, but fatherly tdalls and chafi-ifcmems; . I 1.verfes. In the rule it fdfe, note two points; ·yca,their finnes arc turned to their good:to thE fidt, the parties bldf"d:fecond!y,v,·hercin ;heir death is no Jeath, but a fwcct fleepe vnto their blcffcdnes confifts.The panics blcfiCd,:~rc they bodies, ~nd a!ha;t paffagc for their foules into which ftif[<r pe-•fctttion fJr ;·ighrcotf:._({,J.d:p cccmall glory:yca in the aCt ofdeath,thcy haue Perfocflrion properly fignificth purfi1it, iUch a~ the comfort of life in the ioy of the fpirit, and one encmic makeeh after an other; bur hete the the Angels readie, when breath departcrh, to word muft be rakcn generally, for ;:;ll kind of carrie their foulcs to hcauen. perlccution ""h:ufoeucr. Now bet:aufc tt is a: J If this be true happindfe,to he called Gods paradoxe,& abfi1rd in hutnJne rc2~on,::o thinke 1 children; then they that liue after their owne him bldfcd, that for any caufc,is pcrfccmCd;! wicked lufts, voidc of all care to kecpe :1 good therefore Chrlfl: to verefie:rhe tiuth hercof,rc ... i confcicncc,arc mifcrable and accurfed; for they peats the lame Rule in the nextverfc,whcre aiare the childret\ of the deuill, fcruihg him in fo he expounds cucry par£ell tllercof, wherethe workes of ftnnc, a!Jd cxprdTinghis image ,with I will ~omentmy felfe;t,ccaufe Chrifl: is C I 1 th~---· •