Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

rVl1J ExtJajition of Chrifls \ i £ V.9. I ~ft. I V. How farrc forth may one man, A endure; an.:l Chrifiian religion com'tncnds --,- j oronpcoplebcacpcaccwithanothcr? League the fame vnto vs, bm.3'"17. The w~~dor.:~ or focictic bctwccnc man and man, people and which iJfrom ab:me, h·purt",jfmtle, pearutblr,fiJl/ people, is twofold; either ofconcord, or ofaof mercie,andgood[ruit.r. mitic: The league of conctJrdis, \V hen men bind Sccondly,it Peace-makers bct\,l,lc man&. thcn~fclucs in peace one with'another; and this man be blc!lCd, then much u1orc happic arc 18 may be had bccwccnc all mcn,bclccuers or vnt»cy,who make peace bctwccnc God and man; dJtom.u.,s bclccucr!',good or bad; .! ham peaa wirh 1tll mm and ch~fc are the bichfull minifkrs of the Go- (f.1ith the ApoHk.) Le!!gtte of amitie is, when fpcll, \-Vhich iCt thcmfclucs whoUy .to rcc:oocitc men or people bind thcmfclucs one to an.,ther men vnro God: fo PaHl (fpcaking as aPeaceill fpecialllouc, bcGdc their outward con~.:ord: maker) faith, 1 wt befoec~ JDH M Embaffitdours i :t..C'or.s,:.:.o and this kind of peace ought oncly to bc.lrad ofChrifl,thatye/J~rtconc'iledto God ;,.~and therewith true bdccucrs. Good king.lehofaphat is fore aU.chofe, that by Gods grace arc fet apart greatly blamed of the Lord, tor makin,g this 1 for th1s work,mufi: in finccriticfct their hearts, fpcCiall league \\'ith v-:icked Ahab, Wouldtft and imploy thCfclu.cs diiigcmly forthis end~, c ::.Chr 19.1 c}Jou helpc the wick}d ( flith cthe Pwphet) anti to recon<;ile men vmo God, :and to bring them louethemth.rrhate the Lord? for this rhing trhe topcaccwithGod;. andinthcirowneconfd--: LfJrd.slVrarhisvpontl,u. · B cnce:~this fl1:all bcafealeofthe Lords mc1-cie Whereas Peace-makers arc hleffed, ''I!C arc towards them, whereby they may3£furc themto be admonin1cd,ifit be poffiblc to hauc pe<rc fclues that they be blcffcd: for howfocurr vn~o with allJ11cn,.as much as in vs licth; and ·within forne, their ri\inifi:cric may be the fauour of the.compaffe ofour callings, to auoid all occadcath,yet theyorcalwaicS a fwcct fauour vnto ·vrn. •· fions of contcmion and ftnfc: Saint Pards exCod in Chrift. , , f Epb.+ ,. ho.rtation m11fi ·here take place, f lvemHjfhold Thirdly, hereby wcc.may fee,wh:tt:t blctfcd rbe V11itic .of tbe.[pirit in. rhe bond ofpeace. To thing it is;,in the day OfGods wrath againfi his Vcrtuuprc• (cruinK puce• ,,Humiliti"• the effeCting whereof, rhr~c venues arc there people:~ to Hand in the breach, andby earneft propounded fOf~our praCt.ifc:llnmilitie,Meek_:- praicr to fl:aic his hand, and fo to make peace uefii, andLong fttjferiffg. !,fumilitie is a venue, bctwcene God and his people by praier. This whereby onc.tmati rhinkcs better of 41110thcr was Mif[es praCtifc :nany a time, for \.Yhkhbee then of himfclfe-;lfdr this makes :1. man thinkc is renOwned ·with all poflcritic, Pfal. 1 o6. 23. bafdy ofhjrnfclfc ih.rcgard M his.ownc linncs Exod. l z. 1 o, 11, .1\.nd fo did Aar<~t,, Num.t6, a~d corruptions.; whercupo1t he is co.11~enr to 47·48• D4utd,z.Sam.24.17. and many others. g1\u;.place vnro.othcrs,and..t,o yc.cld ofh1s own This dutic conccrncrh vs, for God bath a con.. right,for the maintaining of peacc:whcn as on trouerfie with our Land, for the innumerable the othrr lidc,.piidc caufcth men to fcekc for C crying linnes hcreof,as blafphcmic,opprctlion, more then tlicil:..~uC,.& fo caufcth contention: contempt ofRcligion,adulteries,and iUch like: gProv.lJolo asSalomon faith 1---;; Dne9' hy pridekth m~nm!lk! now when we fee the great mortalitic of our · s.Mcckcncs. 'ontention, M~ek51~tf{e is a vcrtue, ·whereby a brcthren,or hcarc oftnafons and confpiracies, l)l:ln i~ gentlc-i!l'bchauiour towards cucry perand rumors of warrcs by encmiesv.·ho threatc f~,gqqd m~'bad :·this caufeth a man to put vp our ouerthrowe; then mufi we knowe that ini.urics, and to for:beare wrongs,when occaGGod fhakes his rod at vs, and rh·en cfpccially 3 .Longfufon of rcuengc is.gjuen him. Longfujfering is 3 is cucry one to intreat_ th~ Lord more earnefl:ly fcrin£· ·vci"tue, wharcby a man doth bearc with other for mcrc,ie and reconciliation; for this is ablef~ mens wanrs,'as rn..or.ofitic-,and hatlineffe, and in fed workc of peace, to {hie the Lord from the b~aring yccldSufbis owne tight,for the maindefhuCtion of his people: Rcadlfoy k,leremiel, k IC1· tcnance of p.cacc: thus dealt .Abrahamwith E~ekJel m, fundrie times God complai11u of : j"~~!5·.~. ·Lot, when their _hear.dmen wtre at variance, the w'a.11t offoch, M foonld fland in- tbe6r~acb :~:::~;~. though he were the fi1periout; b·orh for age and h~fore him for rhe Land, rhar hee jhoflldnot deJo,p. ~ 1 1 Gcn.q,s, 9 ' ·place; ye·t for p:e:r~c fake, he put Loth to ch~fo. flroieit, Behold the ~vaight ~_pd \\~orth of this 1 tAeplace of hi.r_A./;.ode, whether .on therighr hana D dutic, 111 Ahrah4ms Interccf.ion for Sodo!).le, ' or on rhcl~ft. Bdidcs thcfc, there arc many ofor he fo farrc prcuailed with the Lord, nthat n Gcn.18.p thcr vermes propounded in the \"i•ritings ofthe if ther~ thad luene Unnc 1'ighreo~Uperfon1 in SoAp.o!Hes,for the inaintaining·ofpcacc; to ·wit,. dome, tht whole citic had beeneJPar~d for their ••Hurn:t.nilic•. H.umanirie, ·when a m:m can fo carric himfelfc [ak!1: butbccaufc there were none,fo foonc·as toward,s all otl~ers, that he c;m·rakc well all inrighteous Lot... was ~-?"tour, it was burned V·<ith. different fayings &.. doings, and contlrue them fire and_brimftonc tro~hcaucn, G~n, 1 9· z3. 1 ~ to the befl: part, if it be poflibie: This is a mofl: 24 ., 1 .necdfull venue for Chrifiia.ncpcacc, which we La!Hy, if Peace-makers be bleffed, ·the m\1!t follow, and hereunto frame our nature Pracl-hreak!rs are aurfcd : many there be of and affc~~ions, which arc crooked and rcbelli':' this fort, but abouc :~ll,rhcy arc rnoft not<;>rious 1 .0\IS ofthcmfclucs,that fo farrC as is poffiblc,wc wholJiflurbc the pca<:<fof the ):.and, >Nhlch by ·may hauc peace with all men : for.peace is rthc Gotls mefcic we haucfor many ye-ars cnioycd. 1 :[ bond of cuery fOcietic, of families, townes, & It may be thoug_ht wee haue none fuch ~mong : ~ common wcalths, without which no ftatci can vs,but onely rra1tors;and fuch as plot w1th f~1·- 1 j ------L-~~-------------------------------------------------------'•-'n_c _______.