Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----------------=----~-----. --·----~~- I .-s ermo.n in.tbe·a-1ount. MAab.;. V.15,;~. a p:tr~b!e bo;:rowcd from. the courts c(t!;e !ewes; ~rrd har4 it i.s ~o tay, whether they be 1 the wor~·s of. 3 parable or not. r.: _.: • . But to lcauc all thofe, A (ounh Expolition, ~ ·-n;fiti::': t':t~ ! 1 which,l tak~ .moft fit a.nd proj>c~ ·to ~x~rcfli!1 · P , th'( trge ~~antng ..of t-hlS place, JS t!)ls. .The ' words,,'flltqinc '\o,tmabk, but arc !at<rally I ,.anq p•,op.orly'.<i> b~vtJdq!laod: ft>r <;:hrifi had ; ,, ~I 'bef9re'cxh<¥t<d the party.dring wro.,g,)oo f:'ck 1 -tq ~c,rff.otl<ilc<\ wi•~' bis•11»othcr, by,,.ddfo~<·~ ! Je9ging ~~~his,~ffencc;Md,makiJlgJ·oc<;>mpcnf~ 1 • '/ ,; 1 according,to rhc in-iutic .offered. ,But·iDc!cauic ;: "' men :l!C .ppflin~tc.:ttl'"d iHffeJ1cC:.kcd, .aniil\vill , no.r.yc~ld,;tnd fubmit thctnfducs' te>this dlftl<; f j j. r I !hcrcforc hd funhec·vvghb: che·panie ofl'en– i ding,~o the fpccdic performance of thiSdmie, 1 .by,_thedat)ger infuing vpon the.neglect hereof; l .fayj~g-, /Jgr.~q lfith,rkiQ.tadsierfari6,.f611!.] •hat ,is, vfCl)!~_;n~sJtQ .b~'<il)ln: ftcind~s . \.Yjd1 him, witb \'}'hOm_chou art ac.vat~;lll(;C::, (fot:..dn.tdu~r'Ji.r!• d<>lh. ~g~herc figJJi6can opeu.et1e':mb,bot any one, with whom we arc a~ diff¥;~tl1o ~h<\th au-a&l.on ag.ain£l,ys iJ1 any11nancr bjlrca-1 fon of oqrn(ni~ric done ymo.hin1.). ~"ckJ; ] 1 that is 1 .wirhout dclay; ,l\anil<nor vpon rhy.Cup· · pofcd right, but ra.rhc.r ycd<ifrom thint o•JVne 1 rigPt, th~n10uer-long todcferrCco ~eTerenci-; . J.y: whil~J. tbou .art itt .tbtw'!)']thatis; (·as·we . ;nayplain>ly fe.e,,I:uk.!iJ. y.S .• )rhilo · thOu ~rt ' go111g W)th th,ine ,Aq\ll,qr(:f!J~ (O..ll)JUe•the matter tried bcfor~ the ;Magiftr~tc. ·Lift tbi~c .Aducr. f#Yit de/iuer th" to th~l.r/flgr.]1hat·is, ]~aft thine ' aducrfaric" b<\uin.g a g<:w.d ;~.Clioll.:agautfi thee, "'. ·.. doe conuince and caft~hee, before..tbe Ma• giftratc. A111Jt,hq.Jifdgt,dt!iun;tb" to,the Ser· ie.nt, andthpuhe cajl ivlPrp>:ifom That is, leaft after thouart conumc~il.of,wrong doiogi the Judge CO\ call thee into , prifou.A!'d becaufe it wig~~. be rhought.a fmal thing, to be call into prifon;,for.tharhe_c-niighr qi1icklycome out ag:ti)l,c;th~reforeiOuf.Sauiour Chrift addoth iq ,the lallpl\lct>,Vere{;; thou(halt not come ~ut,tillehoit hajtpaied tfiC o!Vff..enmofl farthing: thisfarrhing,W~S:th~ Jcafi eoy11o vfed among the-I~'·cs~ calledaij":~u:lrin, a Mar.u-4:. ta~ncs t\''0 my-rcs,as \Nf' lilaY. fkc,.a b; fh;widow.; gift caft into the Tteaforiet;:nnP it is. the1founh patt ofapeny in Euglilh:t~ that this laflphrafe isr.roue,biall, as if he ,badfaid, Looko forno compo~ndin~or agreement with chine aducr. faric, wht::o thoutn.rt onp~c_all imo prifqn, for hcc'willlhew thee no fau.oilr, bur vfe thee as hardly a\\may be, !'!'mining<~otHing;: 'b,ut caufing the to maka full rdliruri<;m an~ fa. 1 tisfaCHon, cucn. to thevttcfmofi'farihing. ·And this I take to be the true and proper meaning of the: ·words. The ,fpeciall points 'to be obferJJ.o<bin the words, ,arc two; _a_Precopf)~nd a Rc.afi>n there– of: Tho Precept jn thefc ·words, .Agr:ee<JVith l thinradu~rjt!r;e qHickiJ;tYhl!eJ thquart·in tbe·;v"'j; With him: that i~, vfc all good mcmcs to. •beco~·fceinds with whQt,;foeuer :thou ha!l. , -a.IlYi:\\'~i<::s o~cnded, Dcfore··thc matter Come J . ;-~=- ' I ~ 't i . . ~ ----~ · A ,.to be tried before the :Magitlrarc. Th{! Rcil,o~l 1 J'n the words foliowit~g. drav.:nc from tbc j danger that wtll cnfuc dc'tcrr~_ng ofagrccmcni:j 1!4/ rb:n~ .Adun{tmc drli!Wi' thu lb tht hrdg~l &.rh~ lt~dgf iu tlu SerifM;<,&c. Th~ prccctn iS'"'.l rchearJaH of.the RUle of Recorrcili:uion g-ioer1 in the former vcrfc, touching agrccmc!~t with, :rl.lf~c whQm vii!l' lrauC'offcndCdl: ~·hieh poi1;r:1 . [ Ghn(t thnds the mere vpon; becaufc of tbe 1 .-flit.bbornc{fc of nwns henrrs~rh:>t cannot ab.i'ci.C:. I .1:o!fuhmit'tjoe:nfehics, cirber iri.'!/ecldiug a HrI tic of thei.r ovtnc right, ot n:::tking farisf3Cl:ion / I ., I 1 tOr wrong done to orhcrs. No.,v this precept i..; I \:fur;thcr fcr.o.u~~byrhdC cwu ci~cur:~H:iccs;Fir~t, ofthctimt", 1t m'.lfi bctlonc qmck!y, & not: de- ! ; I .fo:rrcd vpon any pr.Ctcnce or fhew of our ownc I Jl right: Secondly 7 ofthcp/ac~,in the way,as ;vc ~ g.oc to the Cou.r:r!:...· -:.· :" 1 , ·:. In·this Predpr, Our Sauiout Chri-fl ..giul!~ How::oi'rt-: ' nora-blt Rule ofcquanimitic; Sor ..dlcj ' k:11 ~ r~,--c- .. ! maitite'naocc ofpeace and louC;..Vtth thofc·w.tth ,, wJw(h we arc to dealc in the Ptim:uc arfaircs.of ...""tnfl?fpcci'all d.llings; namcly;;adJa .. Le mudn~~(J I 'J, Jf thematter c;onccn!'f1 our fduc~. v\·hlm~~ ' ,ru.I c:ig~ur or cxt·rcmitic: .vnleffc' o,ur pl!tc'fbce' w ~ 1 ~ ·fuch,wherein our filenee may inlyearh eh<i-glci4 1 or.y of God, or tho good ofhis Church}Phit~,. '..15r£ttJbdrpatient minde !J~ ~O"ff'11i VnfQ tt//'m~nl l ; To the pra&ife 6f 'hisRule,many dutit~~tc R•l'•l. fl -required : Fir1l, y.·.owutt confit<tb>all m<fls:f•l'" ·ing..~nd doingsimb~ bc'fl pa_tt;lierein th<Y". fil1i 'led-, that b'l{e f~lfe wun.dfc :gamfi·our Saut- .our Chrifi,liy applying his fpeach't6 the b'i'MIb W«h.$. 1-tnj<!l Templ<inlc-m{afcm, whit!) h<e fpake or «l'.t• ~ C :.t~eTcmplcofrhisbod'ic. This mifbiklngaltd ~ ·• 1 ! mifconfiruing of mens fayings and doing~; Is J' d1c caufC ofmuch debate comintl_ally. SecondZ ~ly,·wcmufileametobcarc·wi_tb~ a.nd to·V!.'inkel. : at out brothers wants Prdv. 1-9. r1. it i:i rJJe, j 'llurie ofaman t~ pajfe "'t; ttn offcn_ue J if thf fa~e1 ondy conccrnc vs, ~nd be not'derogatorie-tb 1 Gods glory; as if he be fro\"\•ard,h:tfhc,anf!ric,; . ' , . te~roac~full,and.foforrh;wemufl ln Chrill-i<!!JJ., "" . 1.p:mencc pa<fe by the fame,as thOug~ V\?e·te~c' • • r .., 1 .no notice ofit, dl1 by our rcprocfe ·we m<fy (iQ: him good. Thirdly, though dire& iniuric 'be donevntovs, yet if the fame be priu:u:e,>dna doe not impeach the s:IoricofGodJ our I'ifc, o'r. good name, we rnuH be content to bearcit; r ·1 D Cor. 6. 7•P<~~ilcloth fharply rebuke the Cs;rffl. for goin~ to la.w abo.ut nifles;W?rarht:r (faith •.: het) fi1Jer JbU 11lJtwrong? whyjP.ftt!ine you tltJt h.:rmt?And this byGocfs graCcQmanlhall d9, I if lirfl he duly an.d equally con!idcr his ownc '/ defcrrs,both<>flike iniuries-fi·6 n]en,&ofctef– n:ill damnation frGmGod himfdfc, who·m h.~ r conc_inually offe1]dcrh. Secondly, if he hauc)rl de .to:the prouiddnce of G oa, in that thidt~ : wherEin is wrlsngcd, wh!ch' difpofeth a!l ' things for tltc good of his children, Fouqhly, for the m:ti~te ... '~.anc; of-:peac~·, '::h·e nmfi y~5·1a oflou"r ownc n ght: fo d,d c .Abr-r.hamVm0r£ot rll<>Ugh hee wtre :tbouchim botMn y~ltc-s':ind :iutlioritic,.bidding him cho(;fo whc"f.e'hc"wQii{d ----------....:..._ dw;{l, ! cc'"~' ~ i'