Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

'MnExpojition ofChrifls ·M";;h.s. 'V~ d1vell, wherber on tbe rjght hand, or on rhehfr: . 1 .. A . conucnicnt fpccdt; "<:; r;hi/e we ha'H~· rime ~~ t 0~1.6, 10, and our Sauiour ChrHl, though he wcrefrcC'J . mHft doe~Jh11t go((dt JVt (tin iltiiO_' iiU•,' for <.lC":tth a~ht.t7.:o·. bcC"ing of th~ Kings Hockc, yet for rh:~ arfai... and tl~c bll iueigC~mc~t <"ornc fuztden'ly: Sa1 di;1g of ~Jfenct,.potid rrib:Jte fqr himfolfe, a1i'4Pe.. _ mu~ro:rb; nt~f;hhd~tf ( taith · Salo~n)_goe, Md ;{P.j,QH· 1 s, "'ter. · 1\nd· ol5{cruing thdC things with good . comrPgiti1itiR-1non·ow, .;jrf1or~thttjhrn-ow• .::Al{J confci~ncc, we fhall by .Gods grace rnainc<ii~e . agai1re;.Ecdcf.:9.'.' a. whilf{PcHrv'Mj 'l-hfhdjba/l 1 Chnthan. concord. '~ ·.. find't to doc,doe itrPi~hlf/1-th)powfr;~-r:rfii·s is'lo6rWung1i"!J Sccondly,CfmH comma.nding f~ecdy :-r~_rc- ·.dotC'nc.c', g that .h~e-~!djlr-aine'd '!'Of{ifhe~·-poor~ 'qfi £otbiJJc 11• . mcnt that Wilfulnt'fic ~nd Uub1· thoir.·~{itle.\,l~tt'MIJ~il.tlit'Wiil~W~J 'tfeJ "to. fqi/'i.:~ glob. ]I.I&, :-bronnctfc of men, V!.' hereby, rather rhcn~hc:y .arrd:hlS!p'(:I.Cl.lfc mufi be cur pr:efidc1ft3·fot tHe. ":ill fubmir thcmfducs, and yccld a little of . --motcgoo·ctwC·c9o~,!th'C.rfi?r~1g_n:ic~~~·ahaU:e;&' thClr right, they will carric c.ucry. trifling1uartltc.hkcti\Vc bbto~ourh·hc;tllm'J Fmher; :c hMmh.s. ter before the M~tgi~rat~. Th1s is a comm~ni ~' rt'l_ihus J nuth o.f the, Pr~ct~t.tT~€"RCufon ii''iS· fault among vs in thclc da1cs.ofpcacc,fm:cucry, l foUowcthi ;b~aft~'rhihtf•aJutr[itri~'ill•liHw; tiJutd trifle is made ala..v mattcr, 1 Nhich ought not tO' rhl'lH~~t·qc.]w!liclij~'S-·thuS much ~n~•effcCl;•I( be among ChTiltians; it pl<lindy argucch:great: B . thoU fht!w· cxrrc!"Tl.iti~; rhou ~l~lt find cxttemiwam ofloue,and [mall rcgarq to this comtnjlU- :tic fhe\vc~V'-'l.tO i:hct ~gaitJ:C.•, eutn l::t}'-thcM;tdcmem of our Sauiour Chtifr. I fpcakc n9t giftrat~c'i'.Chcj,~hol::doaJcHiflly and 1 rigorouflf,: this, to c.ondcmoc the lawfull v.fc.of the law, lhallbr.c rewarded in~ their 1kitfd :'G6d in his' ·but to rcpxoouc· ~he badde. PraB:ifc ·ofcarnaU! JU!l iudgcmqnwiU !ratrc~ Jfuln n\cafi.uCd vnto),\vho make; Ja\,·ing the meanes ofthcir~rias.. '1-1-lfO:othcrs, Mauh.. ~7·· 1.•6.i ··.uau: n!uenge.;!<Jn<l fomc-rimcof flat iniuiMcc:a- :Ma~k·'4-"J4J:b Jt> :IJf. ., 11 :· ,;, ., d 1.' ., :.=·· .. . :r , ~infi.thcir brcrb1·cn•, whome they doe,nouafJ, Hc'rc thcrr,~a:atttt:t\lght·ta·deafe.i'n_equitie1 ;fe6t. . '') ... L". t !'~ ~ i• and~·'JonJl'Nith aa rHcn~;·in ihc priuatc ""' ,;.,. -!Thit~ly,pChrill here :dfo noteth otit \he -aifairds of 'o/llr callih~, oQ<'n'"~'"'"duld liaue r~ coruo:!tic-. hilrdn~t'fc Q.fld·c.ruclt-ic ofmens hcarts,wllow·ill ·;hcmtoid"calo..M1 itH·~~:xhtlt:hc'l:l'God v\·ilt dtufc ·n.~ucr le~ <un.® .goc,ifonce they get him in t~hc. oth<:uro~tJ.oa}Clvovr.J.i:>«·ith vs:·but ifi·\vcdealc ill lurch:. fu.clt c...xu.ellyvrctchcs arc they that takeI wfthothers, 1 Cod•r"''iJ.l •rt\".'ar~ ·V_t ifl 1 the fame; :; ! _ th( fprfeitlU'CS of lcafcs, bonds, andobligatiklndc~~ Thisr.poin~ .:~11 .;\rf\if..Cf.~, ·~· Ingfoffors, Oll;S: andJueh, for the moH: pan, 3rc our·cotn-· Tradcs~{ncn; &'t~ 1~0\~tdA\Vtll obferue who , itton vfu.n Out ali rhefcmu1l know,that ~h-ey , thinkc >thef01ay 'do·C'~~ith 'their -ow~c-_, ""hat + _are vo1d~Qfk>uc,and gracc,Whcrby thcyrihdultl 1 C the)& wHll; but V.~ mu)t.knowe, \\'~t'<lt~ but Strmaintainc·this (:oncotd,which.ChriH requires..· .warrls, :iltd ouNt'c,tbtM(Will beexa€t ,; . •·· Heart-tiur· . ,fourthly, by this circnmH-anceof timc,(-A-1 Scco"dJy, here·\'~t fee, ChP..fl':atto.. ,,cth'of ~~!-:r "'•&'"r"'"' ~Y<equickJIJ ]Chrill would ic'ach vs to kec~ the Magi!lrarc, an<i-lus~udgtincni feate: a. Of 'f'nl&wfUIL our hcartsclcarc from grudging and hart-burhis p~occcdingagah;tl the g_uiltie,nl <;k:li.uc_ring 1,1ing·, cuen then,when we hauc occafion ofii.lit him to· tbc •Offiot,\~'1-;~0t the office ot the or qmugvcrfie witlot others; for this rancor·of Sergeant: 4• Of caltitfg;·guiltie- pe.-fo~s. imo 1 hptt,....,..'il caiJiC furthc·r debate andcontention, prifom:t5J Offuihgf~trhe law,whCn·,right can- , ~likc·tc <ln angric humour in the vcines, which not be gottc!l ~yany other l:ivVfu11 r'ncanes;~ut , : {cts thewhele bodie inburning fits. .•1'. law rou'il not be the'firft courfc \o\'c takeln·feckRcconcilia.. J ... Fiftl~, if,ve mufi vfcfpeed in fceking agreeing ou'r" l'i'ght?. we.· ~:nulf ~r3.'ther fUfftfr~·~omc tiC:"' with 1 .m,!!n~ wtth me!).wh~me ~ovc b3ue offended, t;>e.. wrong,and fcck to cnde thematter by fremds: &::h~b~be\ fore wecome·to the triall o( a mott.a~ Iudg~; and'vfc}~w, ag. P~1yfiti'~!1s Vfe poifons, when time. t the'n much more mull we glUe all dJhgcnccto , gentle pllyfickc Wl'~l net fcruc chetu"rne: then be reconciled vmo God, for our daily ltnnCs, in cafeofexucmitYJthcy doe miniflcr ftrongcr ·whereby we offend him; a!'d that with :ill phyfick<i)'<a,fomoiime'poifon ir felfe: fo when fpccde,cucn in chis life, before \\'C come to his D we C~nnoc ochen\ 1 ifc procure our.pcacc and tribunall fcatc: forhowfocucr in the. courts of ' right, then we may lawfully take th"'c benefit of mcn,wcmaygoevponfuretics;yccatthebarre thclaw.·· 1:1-:~j··.- • • .:r:::'.. l·· of Gods Judg~cm, none cananfwerforvs·. y. 27. "reh!tue·hetird that it .Ifwe be not bcforl' hand reconctlcd to God m · • • - Chrill, this vodoubtedly will betlie iffuc; we bath heent: 1/ud of ofde, 'ttme 01allbec~Jt incevrtcrdarkndfc,:mdthcrerc- ,_YJ, ,. JH r .~ · . 1 ')ij 1 J. mainctillwe h~ucfully f.1tisficd the Julliceof 'I'hou;utl t not commz.t nat~lteGod, wlllcl1w;llncucrbc, l-et all eflatcsand • "'' degrees think~ pn this, and cfpeciallftheyon.. 111-. i:: g~r fort, who dccciue them(eJucs bf rlcfc:t:ring Hcre•our Sauiour ChrHl tToeill:ab$ut to re- ' repentance, wh~n as indccde,thcy as well as o... fiore th~ fcauemh <Zo~m:mdemct11!,;tou£hing • thcrs,arc euery day goingforward to the banc \ Ad~t!terre, to his true fence and tMa'nn,g\ and' of Yods iudgcmcm. foto his ·propcr and Tight vfc, by put-gthS, if vfefpeedin ~i:<tly.,as in fecking Rcconcilhtion,fo in-dofrom the.falfeand crron<~ous intcrprcs-&i~:m· Of. wcJl·doin;. ing eucry good workc that -cq.ncerncs <;i.ods the Iewes..: for which rnde, hefir£Hah~Str6\.~·n glorie in the good of others, w·e mlift,vfC all rhe falfe intcrpretatiotN>fthe Scribe~ :ulifP"h'!\.:· ~--~----------------------------------------------·~--------~~-·~~~~~· ----