Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---------;..___~----------~--:------" I Mauh.5. Sermon inthe~aunt. ' 53 } V.27. -·-- I rifles, vcrfc 2 7• and rhcn ad10yncth the true A rhcmfclucsfo dofc to che words, thlt they \\.li I fcnfc thereof, vcrfa: 28. ~fpccially,:tct fo, as he ' norpaffc one !or beyond the Htcrall fcnfe: but · cominucth the fame in the vcrfcs following. j yc:c in the meanc. time rhcy omit the ~ull meaJ For c.hc firH;bcforc the interpretation of the ninr1anri rruc vie of the La we~ The hkc hath I l Iewes T eachers, he prtfixeth this Preface; J bcc?c chc pratl:iiC ~fhcretiks ia :1:I agcsi aS the Teebauchea;·drh 1 u it hatf;hee;refoidofo!de time; Arnans , who dcn1ed that ChnH \Vas C od, . ·i or, of the ancientTeacher.r, The meaning and Huckc faft to rhcle words of Scnpture,bthe fi.- b !oh. I.,-:. · 1 vfc whereof, we hauc before il"lCV\'ed, vcrfc zr. r/;c'' h·grrarer thenI, an~d to fuch like. ADd ther Then afccr follo\o\IC the words of thC fcaucrith Papill-s to vpholc..i their breaden GcJ 1 by trao- ~ ·~ comm:ulClcmcut,Thtmjbtr!t not commit adu!trrie; [uh(b.nti:uion, will n~e~ks_ k~:r.c ~h_e litt,t'r:tll ·which arc rheproper words ofthe holyGhoH: fcnfe ofthefe "vords ot \..,hnH, J'b;i u m; vo~r, Kh('•n ,. 1 ~f yet here mult not they be taken in that fenfe, whereby they ounume the narurc of char Sa- l l6.f,,~:u;.,1. · which the Scribes and Pharifics gaue vnto cramcnt.And rhc likemight be; fhcwcd by fi.Jn.o them: for the better concciuing whereof, this dry examples in all ages;v.·hcrby weare taught; one thing efpecially mull be opened; n::tmcly, not to Hand vpon rhc propricdc of the words Adultcri('. what is Adultcrie here forbidden. Ad,~!re-ri~ B of Scripture ondy, but to labour to hauc the properly, is rhe breach of wedlockc by fuch rruc (pirimall fen le ioyned "'ith them. parties, fame one whereof, at the le-afi)s either Secondly,here ob!cme how gricuaus :1 lit me :rt~t:;:e-?.. maried, or efpoufed : I call itthc 6reach •f wed" Adulrcrie is . in that Chriit by nome dorh exLock§, to note the propercic ofthis finne, \Vhich prcfiy forbid it, arnon& _all .:he finn,:s of this is not in any other fiHne, vnleffc it bee of this kind· yea the very PhanflSt> doe cuene where kinde, though the finne be farre more griccondemn~ it:for though they would eafily dit':. uous. Idolatric is a more hainous finne then Apenfe with b difobrdience to Parotts ; yet the e Mmhz;. dulceric , beeinga breach both of thcfirHand woman taken in adultery mull be put to death, 'f•S• 6 • feL:ond commandcmcm,ofthc firfi Table; and Ioh.8.4.). The greatnes of this finnc might be · yet it comes fl1ort of Adulterie in this qua'lide {hewed by many arguments; for ifhe he d worfe d I.Tim.~.i ofbreaking \Vedlockc; forwedldckc 1nay bee then an lnfidel,tlirucarerh not for hU familic,thcn kept ofthofe which arc Idolaters. Secondly, I farre worfc is the Adulterer, for be dcitroyerh fay, bm."Peen~any_partru, tfoncbemarri~d: mea...: hisfamilic. SalomO (we know) makphadH!teri~ c Pro.'j~. 30; ning the husband as weU as the wife, to c6fute worfo thin thrft, and yet_ theft is a notorious ilo the opinion offome !ewes, and by fomc !awes finne, greatly hated, at>dtwc.e!y punil1ied of alfo maintained, that the man harh apriuilcdge C allnatio•i~. ~gaine1Adll'!teric dc!lroyerh the aboue the woman, fo as he breakcth not wedSemin:irie of the C hUrch, which is f a godlJ f ~fai..a.ij. · locke , when he goeth into another woman, foed(in the family,and it brcake[h the couenant befides his wife; which is falfe ~ for though he' berweenc the parties and God, it robbes anohaue a prerogatiuc oucr hi~ wife 1 in bccing thcr of the prctiOus ornament of chafiitiel her head,ycr he hath no priuiledg~ to free him which is a tjifr of rhe holy Ghoit, it dilhonou. from mattimonall 6delidc , but is as much reth their bodies , and maketh them the Tem.o bound rokeepe himfc!fe vnto his wife, as lhcc pies ofthe deuil;l!< the adulterer maketh his f.,~ is to kecpc her fclfc to him. The prehemincncc miiy a Stewcs,for as Dauiddealt \Ni_r}l VriM, ro _ offupetioritis:: cananot free the husband from his m-vnc fonne Abfalon dealt with him: and the bond ofmariage, the husband is bound to l:rflly, it bringcth Gods vengeance vpon the the wife, as much_as the wife is tO the husband; poficritk:& thcrfore/ob callcth it; ajirewhiciJ g ioL.Jr.r1:, :md fhc hath po\'VCr ouer his bodic, as much fball dtvoure vntodcftmllian: yea, the grcatneflC 2S he harh oucrlms, 1. Cor: 7· 4· Thirdly, I of Gods punilhmem vpon Adulterers, panly fay , or efpoufed, becaufc Adultetie is·not onein thiS lifC, and principally afi:cr death, may I· ly committed by fuch panics, whereof one or pla.incly fl1ew the grcatnefiC of this fuwc: for both, be fully married;but alfo by them, "vher- D this and other finncs , c;od ouerthrcwc h .Adh n~uto1,?. 1 ofone is fingle and [he other contraCted only; mt!h and Zebomi, Sodomeand Gomon·ah, wirh lJ• a D-eut.u, and therefore is the fame a punifhmenr a1ottcd fire and hrim/fonefrom he111fcn; and the place 1l,lJ>'-+- to both :for contraCf in right is mariagc. Thus where they fiood,is made apoole ofpoyfoning, we fee the finne here direCtly forbidden, acwater vnro rhis day. And although the Lord cording to the letter ofthe Law. Now,though doe not {hcwc fuch cxrraordia~uic rcucnge athe Lord vndcr thiS·one i"-cludcs all the finnes aainll linnc,yct his wr:ith is aeonfuming fire aof the fame Kinde, as \\'e fha.llanoR percciue; ~ainfi whole famiks, tov>'ncs, and kingdomcs, yet the Phari fics rookc rhis litterall Ggnilicatifor this finne;though DaMid repented ofhis A• ~n for d1e whole meaning, and taught that the dultcrle, yet for that verie finne, the{word ms!fl i :~.Sam.u. hone here forbidden, was bodily adultcrie onnot departfi'om his houfo foreH(T',And for the life ly, and fo made the aclnltcric ofthe hc:trt to be to come, k Adu!rcre;-s, (!)·~whoremongerr,Godwil no adulteric; which cxpofldon Chriil; here iudge.Againe,J mirherforuicAror.r,naradrdte1·ers, ~ ~~0~;~6~. <!Onfmcs. &c.fhallinherittbek,ingd.;meo.f God: they may :r~~~~~~ tx-· Firfl be~·e ob[eruc the fi·aud and conning of repent, and fo be faucd, but then they ccafc ~:~~:;~;.~;~. thcfePh:tnlles ; they would fccme faithful! into be adulteres. t_:_rpr~ctcrs of the Lawe , in that they keepe Now if adultcrie bee fo grieuous ~ finne , ,---..:...----~----------------------------':.:'.:o:.. rf<:.:c~ L : -·-·-