Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

__ _:_ ________ --:-----:--------- - - -··- Sermon in the & ount. /~' Pehgi:ans. And thus much ofthe meaning ofthiscom• A for howfoeuer God approues not of btJl· Jin, mandemcnt,forbiddmg all occafions to adulyet he prcfcrues nature in finndUll \\'orks.And tcric, vndcr a luflfull cic. . thus we fee chat luH is a finnc. Now confidcring that a m~m is gnil~ic of 1 I. Point. How can lu!t be a fi.nne ofrhc fca.:. adulccric,that vfeth the occafions therof;hcrcuenrh commandcn~cnt,fCeing it is dirctlly forby we may fee that we cannot axcufc our fclucs bidden in the tcmh:for in this.bricfc dccalogu~ from rhc brcad1 of this law; for though we be there is no needles repctiti6 of any thing? Anfi cl cane from chc bodilyoutward faCt, yet who Lull is tvvo-fold,clthcr \Vi rhout confent ofwil c~m f.1.y, ~ heart iJ c!enne? \.vho is fi-ccfrom as when vnchaHc dcilres come imo rhc minde the on:tfions thereof? as from a wamon eye, and heart; and arc nor entertained of the will; vainc apparel!, wanton fpeach, intempcr<'nccj but be fpecdily checked 10 foone as they arifc; and the rdr: all which makes vs culpable of and fuch lull is forbidden in the tenth com" this finnc: and therefore we mull lay our hands h1:mdcmcnr: or with content of vYill, v\hen 3 vpon our mourhcs, and condcmnc our [clues tnan is willing to cmcnaine&: chcrifh the vn..: of O'uilt before God: we moll humble our chaft thoughts that come inrohis mind,rhough fclu~s,acknowlcdging our finnes,and b1·cachcs he ncuct put them into pr:t8i!C: and rhcfc arc of this commandemcnt: and latlly, we mull forbidden in the fcauchth commandcmcnt. take heed of all occalions, th>.t may mooue or B Ill. Point. The greatndfe of this lim,e of incite vs vnro lull or wantonudfe. lull: This is here exprdfed by Chri!t, calling it The fecond point which our Sauiour Chrill Adultcric before God1 as if hee Diou!d fay, propoundcth, in the interpretation ofthi~ Jaw, Lookc how great a finne bodily adulceric is is this; that rhc lu!tofrhc heart, though lt nebefore men, who punifh the fame with death; uer come into aCt, is Adultcric: now that \VC cucn fo great and hainous a fin ne before God, may know what our Sauiour ChrHl meancth is the inwardvncha{t lufl:ing ofthe hcart,whcrby-hljt, fun~rie points ~re to be handled: firfi, to a man giucs confcnt of ~yvill, though he nehow lufi can be afienc, confi.dcring it is oncJy uer bring it into action; for this:he Hands cuia hidden defire ofthe heart: fecondly, how luft pab!e of adultcrie before God,and D1all therecan be a{jnnc ofthe fcaucnrh commandcmcnr, fore be condemned, vnlcdfchc repent. feeing it is forbidden in the tenth: and thirdly, The vfc of thi..Third pointh manifo(d.- Firll, how great a fi.nnc lull is. ~ .' · ... ·. hereby we may lcarne how to eXamine our For the firfi, that lull is a finnc,is thus proofelues by[his feauemh comrnandcmem:for our ucd : Gods Law requlreth obedience of the Sauiour Chdll here tcachcrh ts, that they whole man, both in foule anp bodi~, at>.? in ewhich Willingly -reraine vnchallc ddires with ueryparr, facultie, and po.wer thereof; Thou dc!ight,though they heuer giue their bodies to kjhalt!ouerheLordtl'l God, with all t"J heart, C theoutward':!Cl:; are Adulterers before Cod: with all tl'l {olllc, andwithltllth]f/rtngrh.- and and therefore when we "ou!d exalnineour thtl.t obedience which •Commcth not from the fclucs by this cottanandemen~, we mull fcan:h \oVholc man, is linncfull.Now when a man con.. our hearts,whether we hauc willingly retained cciucth vnchaft though[sin. his he-art, then his therein any lufifull thot•ghts: and if we hauc, foule,& mind,& his affeCtions, haue not done ~~e mufi k~ow thatl':''~ ~re &uiltic of Adulte~ their duty vnto God,& fo he linncth in lufiing. rle befote God. And becaufe none ofvs arc Yet this doChine was neuer recciued ofall, frccfr'0tn 'this !1nne, it mull hufnblc and cafi vs but fomc hauc llill excepted againll it, and downe before God as breakers of this comtheir principal! rcafons arc two:I.Thcy f~y,lull manclement. · is a naturall[ion, deftre, and 2-ppetite, Secondly;if therlofi·afdlclhcarr be Adulte.:. which was !n.Adambefore his fall, and fo can ric before G.od,thcn \fl.'e mufl ..YI(h care and dinot be a fin ne. Anf. )Lufl or appetite in the Hgcncc lcarn~1 thct Apollle Paulddfon, 2.Cor. heart,is not fimply a linne: for fo it is a naturall 7· 1. ·1·o pirtie 1 oHr' [clues fr-o?n.•a/l.•vnclennn"Jfo delirc,which was in our fir it parents in their inboth 6f Jlejb.anafjfrlt, •rhat is, We t11Ufl J;bour tcgritie; but to lufi afccrthat which God for... .D tti' keep£: oUt hctms ahd th1h{:es•purc :tnd chafl; biddctb, that is the finne; as for a man to lnft as well as ourJbodies. And to induce vs hereafter a woman, or a wom:m after a man,notbcJ. unto, confider the rcafons foJJowing: Firft,wc ingman and wife, which we fee here Chrifi all defire tO fcC'GoP, and to-know his loue in eondemnetl1, z. They fay God b!dfeth adulChriH, for our comfort in rhis life, and faluati• Lull: ofthe hcnt:~ gric· 11 01afinnc,; How to exa– mine the hc:m bychc 7;con~m:ut· dcm:nt, i\tOtiueJ a– g~nll:Iull. I tcrers, and fbrnicators in thdr luft,with the if... oi1 forcucr: lnit \1\·lrhout holingff! and., puriti~ fuc offeed in child bearing, as well as 1han and of hrdrP, wtt cdn nener fo~ God, nor kn0\.1.' the aHcb.n,Ji• wife, in lawfi.ill marriage:.- and therefore it can• c!omfoft ofhis loti'C': for when a man defiles his not be a finne. An[. In aclultcrie two things tninde with vnd·dlc thoughts~ htc depriues may be eonlidered: the' lawful! lufi of the himfclfe ofrhdlate ofGods fuubur,aud ofthe heart, and the aCt of gc'neration: now when experience of·his 1 1otrc Scconrliy; confider the God giucs Hfuc to adulterer-s and fornicators, flat~ and.c~ndirion bfn~~l.lls heart, ~Y effeCtual! ·! it is no approbation of [heir fi.nncfulllufi, but fflllmg; tt tS the ·dwd!mg place ~nd Temple oncly a common blcffinjj'of. naturall gencrati- _of[he holy Gho·fi.;(fot v.•hcn ':llh:\n is in Chrift, l_o_"_'_"_h-ic-h-is--h-is_o_w_ne_o_rd_i_n_an_<_e_b_y_cr_e_a_ri_o_n_:-=-l_h_c_li_ue_•hF ~ ~-'~·ifl:_b_y f.1itl~-=~~-r~-:~~f.1 ._ 2