Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

' Jtulcs{or pre!i:ruacion ofchaftitie. :11.Cor.:5. q. I!Jln Expojition of Chrifls 'j ,Jfarrh. 5• V.29,10. ------------------ ! by his fpirir:) now then looke as men vfc to A I uimmc vp chc:ir d,:vcllinghoufcs, for the rccci1uing offomc noble gudt, fo ought""' ro keep j our beans pure and dcanc from vnchaH luilcs, chat they m:ty be fit habitations for the blcffcd fi)inc of God; but byvncha{lc luftes,vvc maka the heart a ibble for the dcuill,and a cage ofall vnclcanc (pirits.Thirdly, if \·VC fuffer our hearts no1.v to burnc \Nith ftcl11ly lufl:,we make an en– trance in them for the burning of hell fire for cucr: for thcfc two ahvaics goc togcrhcr,bur– ning lull:, & hell fire, vntcffc repentance come benvccnc. And therefore if we vYotlld c!Capc hell fire, we mufi: quench the fire of lufi, and dcnfc oor hearts from this vncleanncs.Founhly" by profcffion we fceme to be the members B ofChrift; and ifwe would be fo ind-eed, then we mull take heed ofvnchafi<; lu!l:s,for thereby \VC pull our beans from Chrill, and knit them to an harlot. Thefc and fuch like reafons, mull mooue vs to auoide all vnchaH dcfi.rcs : and for the prcferuation ofchaf'titie in our hcans,thcfc Rules muG: be obfcrucd. Firft, the rninJc muH be filled with godly meditation, and the v\'ord of God mufi dwell in our heart$ plcnteoufly: for vnchat\: lufis do thcrforc arifc in om hcarts,bccaufc we are idle min·ded,;tnd cmptic bfGod·s vvonl:iftbat vVere truly ing.raffcd invs,thcfc vvickccl clcfi.rcs could not enter, or at leaO:takc nQplacc in vs. Semanners. The ApofHc Pner felt the finart of' this boldndfe,though in an othcrcafc:for comming to warme him!Cif::: in CaipbtUhat,without good w;unnt fo to doe,when a fi.Hy maide demanjed of him, whether hce was not one of Chrills companie, he denied him flatly, and that with cu~llng: and fo many men and women conucdtng without \Varrant where they Jl10uld not, do f.11l i'nto many noyfornc finncs; and when they rhinkc rhemfclucs moft fl-rong, then withPrter, haue they the grcatdt falls. v. 29. Wherefore . if thy right eye caufi thee to offend, pluc~ it out, and cafl it from thee: for better it iJfor thee, that one if thy members pe~ rijh, then that thJ 'Whole bodie (hould becajl into hell: v.3o. rut tfoifthy righthand ma~ thee to offend~ cut it off, and cajlztfrom thee: for better it iJ for thee, that one ofthy members perijh, then that thy "'Phole bodie jhould becajli'nto hell. condly, we nmfl: oftengiuc our fclucstothe fpirituall excrdfcs offaith,repcntance,and new C obedience; as to the vfuall hearing, reading, and meditating in Gods worci, to the often re– cciuing of the L.ords fuppc-r, a)ld to c~mtinnall prayer, pot onelypublikc)y, but priuarqly cJpecially: for t~cfe confirmc: Gods graces in In rhefc rwovcr(cs,our Sauiour Chrift Ialc:rh Scope. the heart, and doe eucn nippc in the head all downc a mofi hcaucrUy inflruClion, for the avngodlymOtions wharfoeucr.Thirdly,we mull: uoiding of offences; piopounding it by way vfc fobrierie in meare, drinkc, apparell: for ofanfwcrro a fccrer obiet:lion;which might be vngodly luA:s arc kindlc:d,fedde,an~ nouri!hcd framed,by occafion ofh4 former cxpofltion of with too much pampering oftbc,bodic:Sodom t~is feauenrh commandctncnr:fnr hauing conand Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim finned dcmned the Adulterie ofthe heart,dcclared by mofi gricuoufly in this kind through fulnes of the eye, fomc man mig~,t fay, What Jlull we bread: and thc~cforc we,il!I,J{l:-vfc amodcratidoe with our eyes, if an vnchafi lookc be fo on in rhefe things, that grqce,,1pay be (l:rcng: dangerous? Our Sauiour Chrifi anfwers, lfth;J thened, and all euill lull;~ weakened in vs. i'ight tye caufe thee to ojfond, pbtc/z: it out : Founhly,we mui-1: al\-vaies be doing fame g99d 1 Which \Nords muH not be taken literally; in thing, either in our gencra.U <; ofa Ch.ri:... 1 D .their proper fenfe: for this is a Rule i11 the ex.. tlian, or i11 our. par~lcular calling: yea in our poun.ding of Scripture, 7'hat when.t/p~lirer_a/1 Rule: ofcxlawfull recreai:iol) v.•c mutl iprcnd and prat:l:ifc fonfe M againfl anJ commandement ofthe law; pounding· good : for whrtlmen are idle, Satan fills c.hcir then the words muft not be takfnproperiJ-. ·Now s,ripmc:, hearts with c~ill thoughts; and fo defiles the thcfc vvords in their proper fCnfc; doe comfan\c. Fifdy,men and women n1nCt not priuarcmand a breachofthe the fixth co!nimmQ~ment. ly conucrfc rogcther, withou,t: warrant fo to \Nhich bindcth eucry man to preiG.fuc)lis ..own, doe, either fi-om their gener;UI, or particular and his ncighbours,life;&. (o r:o man can withc:alling, fo as with good conftic.ncc fhCy ro.l.l out tinnepullom lui:qe, or cut ~ffbi,· hand. fay,rhe Lorrl doth eaU rhem fo to,conuqfe:for By rye then, we arc to vndcdlaml: Firfi,the 1 ExpeC.ion. the mutua!l conuerfing of men and women, is ~yeoftbebodie: yet l}ot that oncly,bur an; othe,· rhe caufc of 11:1any noifomclufts: and thrrcforc thing thtlt r~· dfere·and prerio1u vnto vs: as our neither men nor women without good wareye, cue.n our right eye is. /fit cmtfo thee to of ... rant, 01otdd thrurt themfclucs into fuch occ3ftnd,l tharis, c:tufe thee to finne, and to fa1le in lion of temptations. Reni'embcr whar the Athe way of obcdteil<::e·vnto Gods commandcpoH:lc faith, J Euilt comserfng.r, corr11pt ,e;ood mems. PIHck._ir OHt,r.nd caft itfrom thee -J Thcfc \\'ords ----~------------------------------------------~ ----.-