Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

· (V{n.Expojitiono(Chrifls. ~-~~.t:h.5. i · V,l9,jO, r off.inl)c, and fo put_ it; pratl:i.fc this "~'holcfomc A to Ji~;r.~, when either by \\·crd or deed, me~ 1 Frauoc•ti:! precept of our Samo~;~r Chnn., I wtllhcrc encx.Citc or drawe on others to fomc cui!; as vnto I totianc. I treat of the occat1oqs offinnc, :.1.nd_fl1C'Q' ·with- :n~gcr, rcucngc, patred,to drunkctu1cs,or fiU;h· A" "'bliou By occa/ion ojjiwu t J meanc any-th(ng that delight in drunken fcllowJhip. 1 • all, hqw~ thc_y may be avqiQcd. like; ami this is a common fault oftho{i:: [hat~ I o(lirme dectther~of;ir,fclf~, or by mans abufe, hccomes...oflhc founh o,cafion is , ncgle£l·ofgoodd.Htiu rcribc'd. fcnfiHe., and prguok,ph 1:1nto fimu. In this large 'tmto onr brnhrm; as ofcxhort-~t!e_n, ~dmoniti.:-· 4 f~~~~t~;;~c~n~~Y ;~~rt~"ti1~:"9~ ;~;~~~~:t~~ ~~ic !~~~~~~;a~ic.~hr:~r~;h·i~&W:It·~~;1;; ·~~ld~r7!,. cucn_tp1tl}~llgs good.aJ~d...c:ommc;n9,abJy in ~ht... yet all the peoplearc charged. \)"ith ·that fa_u~c y fclues, W~>ch by mans a\>ufc, <altf.c tranfgrelliagd punilhed for it:thc caufc !})ls;t)1eir ncglc~l; , !.t~\~s,o£ o~ ag~i~1(t{Jod,,,; ..o.ffinn~ arc two-fold: to,keepe ~me an other from that fmn.c, a"or- ' t.Giliea. cit]"lc~ giue:w,or't(f/:.!n.-. ,t.·nocc.ajiongiue__t~:, is that diog ttsGod command~d thcPJ., ch~p.6:.18•. Mcngiuc:of– fcncc fO o–;c-'\ llo'~c:S: .. 1 thing,,either word 9r-aCl:ion, th:}t_i~ cuill in it Tlus is 3 great occafion of i,mpi"ctic among 1 vs; fclfc, the fpcakingor!dgivg.tvhcrcoflJ (tines'! ifl)eighbour would admonilli neighbour , and man eff~tl!l~lly··to- fi,Qil~. JO:cf:!lfion.J.,gi.Hf'l arc: B .one btother an other, fin,ne \\;Ould not be fo two~fo.ld.:ei_t~er 9f&~~Jnin:v.nto anoiher,or of rife~ it is. But.thir duti,e is no~t'onl~ ncgleClCd, · manvmo lumfelfc._l, !W·9~Cafi'>!lS·~Yl'-cr!,1y one ofprmate menone to another) but of publikc mantnayp~ouoke anpthcr to Gnne;.-ar~ many: perfons,\\'ho.arc·morc bound vmo it.Thc Mal will rcth~ce themvmo fix_cheads. l'hc firH,is gifhate is negligent in puni!hing, and theMi-o; j,~c,our.ft/J.Jwhereby on.nv.m pcr.fwad<!_t_h an oniHer in reprootiing fumc;an.dthe ma!ler ofthe 1Q.d ~nee:! ~he1· i$ ~ .gtcatcaufeoftT)Uch cuil family carcldfc in re(orming thofc that arc vn... • · ·tn '-he cworl1; thus ,caqJ;c the flU ofnour firfi d~r him,"\o\• c.aufeth finm: to abO\ttld. h Gen. J-4.· 6 • Parents : ·tor h Sr.r.m pcrfvyadcdEue ahd .Ev~ The fift occafion giuen , )s. cui{[ Exampl~ ;n. her hus~a-~1..d-: thus came the tbepraUifoof an;Jinn~ whatfoe1ftr;whichma7he B 3 d (!~ lordf.>flif~:for t)le hi,g4Priefhdnd; Jiqlmper- · kf!•wne, this is mdfi dangerous ,.like vnro wild pi<. i ~h.t.:po. [waded tiJt P.t.gpl( to ~Mk$ l!.torrab.u, and todcftro; fire that inflamcth all places whercon it ligh- /efus. Hcn~c .comm<;_th fccking to J!v!z7ards: teth. The truth hcrcof:tppc:arcs among vs: for one: frie~4:·p.crfw~dq an.othcr, for~heir outlet any one man or woman cake vp a nc\\'e f3w~rdgood a~ they think.~; yea, from iliis bad 11lion in attire, .~np prcfemly ,the f;tmc is gcfOI.!nfCI~cqmcsthc.commonncgleClofalgeod C ncrally rccciued :. Jet a man inv~nt or fi.nga duties in Gods worlhip. . ,: . lewd fong,ond prcfcntly it isJe~rned ofall,c- ' The fecond is. con[<nt bY appr•bdtion of finn,, ucn of little chiljlrci1 that can fcarfc fpe>ke: and it i"s two 7 fold;focret, or~ open. Secf_~tapprQwhence alfo comes it, that,crawling infants b.-rtionand.~confcm is, w~~,n-rnen fee linne comfl10uld f!.';Care roun.dly,& frame th~mfclues to mitted, and 2rc not gricl:!C~ thcrcat • for this ·all impi.etic ""hen they cannot fpeakc readily, 11: 1 .cor. .J. caufe the Apotllc Paul chc.ckcth the k Corinbut from the bad·example oftheir Elders,with r,s.. thia_n.r, that they n~ert not fon.:owfil/1, /;ut rat};~ whomc they arc brought vp? Now among a.ll puffod vp ~t the f-aU of !he ince_fluom man : mca,thcir badexample is mofi ~anger9us,who whereby.they <lid in fome f9rt hearten him in make the greater profcflion of Religion. They his ftnnes:this isa gre:1.t ocea!ion offi.-tlnc in oUr are like falfc lights vpon the fho:uc,which le-ad doyes, The Prophet David "'" of anot[ler the O>ippcs vpon the fands.And therefore fuch lPt:n,. 116 _ mind.c, hiJ t e;·e.! guVJcdoutri:m;s of teareJ,6eas fhew any carem·forwardnes in holypraCticauft men bral:j God.; lawe.r_ Opbt.appro{z,ation fcs ofrdigion,mu!lQ:me fpccial W:ltch oucr all offnnc is, '"'hen men doe openly ~ount,cnancc their waics, that (if it be poffibk)th~y may be finners, and lewd pcrfons,._:vhich m:1kc profcfbbmcle!fc both in word aqd dccdc; fo1· ;~.11 men !ionofbaddc praChfcs: ;his is a great occafion hauc :m cyc;~.t them, and t~c wicked would ofm:my horrible impictics: hereby the hands D gladly.fpie hoJcs in their coate. · ofthewicked arc fcrcngthcncd in their ,vieThelafl oceafion giuen is, thepriuaujlandeSl:\nd!ing: kedncs, as mth~ Lordcomplaincth : and 'this is ring of Gdd.r Afinif!e-rt , and the difgracing of (Jod, mim- ~~:;:'"J· the finnc,ofthis age; for who is fo b:1dde, that , their Mini.fhrif this is an offence as gencrall as Hc:rs. hath not fomc patroucof<his cuill, :md fomethe reO:, and it caufethmany to comcnme the backc friend to footh him in.his finnc, which meancs ofthcirf<tluation. \Vhcnmen mcettomak~ finnc 01amcldfc, and !inners impudent? gethcr,rhcir common talke is ofthe MiniHcrs, But all Gods children mull followEl'fba, who and oftheir doC\rine, notto be rdificd by mu- . ~~n great fcruCncie offpirit told Ichoram to his t~all contCrcncc, but 0~1cly.t~ difgr.a.ce their ns.iJng- 1 .14 i face, thotigh he were akir:u, that if it hadnot pcrfons,~nd to ~nake thc~r M1.mfl:cry con_tcmp_- hecnefor the prcfenceofgoo!Kir.g IebofapiMt, he ti~le; but theyhttlc kn~w what great m1(chcJf )T'O~lld not hauf lc~ok:.;d towttrdt him, norfomc him: thts caufcth,& therforc lt ought tob~av01ded. the Lordhimfclfe.will not 9 take tbe l'Piclz!d6y Thefc arc occafions offi.nning giuen by one How to=· 0 Iob.S. 2 • thehand, neither can he endure that his'chilm~n to another: f'or the 3Voiding "'hereof, ~~~~i~~~~ ... I drcn fhould p helpe il:~ewic/::td, or !otte tbeff! fbttt which is rlu plHckjng OHt ofrlurte, andcutting off r 2 .Chr r,.:. hate the Lord_ tiJehandherc commlndcd, this Rule mufi bee !. ~-· -··- --· The third oceafion gi"en, is prouocation"'"" obf,ruep: W' muft hateand,[<hrwr the ocmh:;_~·