Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Afarrb,5. V.'!9,JO• Thefeeo11d kir.d ofof. fcnce•:;iucn. O;fcnces:t· riCtn);froma mis f:'orrupt ::ufcdi<>ns. f,1. Tim.6.1o. Howto:;– Ut;~ltlolf..:nce$ 2rilingffom amatuowr.c hear:. '1'hcR11k, M cane~. ____ _ __..!.___________ Sermon in the ~'11ount. ofJimtc M d.:adf; poifoo : and eflceme tboft p:r- A n:1y!cd to his crcllC and buried in his g~·at~rj fonJ thatgiHc the,, v':tiJ'lJJ>i;: ;hat regArd, .u iil as rhc ApoHk J1lc\ves at !arg:c, Rom. ''· '·4· asthcde:,ill. Thus ChriH: dealt with Pera his &c.No·.v when this pct[\\ ahon {hall ~akc p! owncDifciplc, when he wcm about to hiadc1· in our beans, it wiH by Gods g! kccpe \'S him fi·om doing his fathers wil in futfcring for fi·om yeclding to corrupt n~otions <~nd ddires, I our finncs; f3.ying, q ComebehindemecS:-tttm; :1nd moouc \'Stc hbour ro fubdue dH<m da.:ly: confidering him in that aCtion, as if hcc had fOr herein !bnds ul!r ::!.flUrance chat we h:tue I bccne the dcui!l him(dfc: for we muHknow, fdlo~,ovl11ip with Chrifl, v\heu \\e hauc fellow- ! that the dcuill comes not openly vmo m<:n,bur fl1ip in Ius death. And therefore as we !Cc m:t- ! cunningly conuaics himfeltC m thcfc occ1.fions lcf.1C!ours to ccafc frum Health and rcbberic J of finne giucn by others, that thereby he may when they arc once hanged; fo we bceing: cru.:. cmcr into them for tbc deHruCl.ion of their ci6ed with ChriH in r<:lpcCt of the oldc man; I foulcs: WC therefore mun cndcauour as P:ml mun not fuffer tht (amc ro rule in our lffcCli~ ! did, r To k.§rp~ a good confci~iJC~ in r.!l things: ons, or to hauc fo:-cc in our members! knowthat is, to kccpe our [clues pure and vncorrupt ing (as the aApoHlc faith) ihat o.'4roldc man iJ ' 2 Rom.f". 6 . from all occafions of finne in the \\'odd: \\'irh B cruci_fird witb Chrift, tl:.1r th~ 6odu of I' a watchfull eye againfi otfcnces mull vvc might bedeftroied,rhar h~nceforrh weeJbotlldnot walkc on,in that \'·:ay that 1c3dcth vmo lifc,cffcrHc fnne: and, b the; th:u are Chrifh basu b 1 . dte\-\ 1 1ngthcfcllumblino blocksYvhichthcdecn~cdiedthe jltjh, with rh: affo8.rom and!Jifh I G.t 4 P-I• uil! calls in our way by ~thcr men :and fi> lh:lll thereof: whereupon he bids v~ c thinkf, TIMt we we obcychis good coli[cl ofour Sau!our Chrifr. aredrtrd toJinnr, JllC:lning with Chritt, and fo c Rom.t.,f: The [ecm1d k.!_'nd of occajiom offinne!m, c:.tnnot liuc therein; S.'1inr John faith; d .flu 1 arc thofe which a man giues vmohimfclfc:and th.:t i16orn~ of God,finnerhnot, b~caufr rhcfoede d 1. IOhJi·9: they arife either fron1 his affcC.t-ions,or fi:om his ,·rm.1iueth in him: d1o.t is, true faith a!furinrimilginations : from mans affeCtions ariiC fo the he:lrt that all thebenefits of ChriHs death many occa1ions oftinnc,as there Pc corrupt afilndpalli.on belong vnto him; whereof this is feCtions in him; as fi·om corrupt dciirc arifcth one, that in our nature he filffereci dc~nh vpon couetolljiteJTc, which is fo great an occafion of the crofl"e, that we by the power of his futfc- .tinnc, that the ApolHe calls it f the raoteof111i erings might hauc.finne crucified in vs, fo as it uill. This drawcs mans heart fo much to the lhould not raigne in vs to bring forth fruitcs wor!d,that he ciln fpare no time for the mcanes vnto death. s~cMd!J, wee mufl: rcmcmbd' of his faluation; herewith he is fo.choked,that C Gods comm:mrlcmem forbidding cucry fin.ue, 2. he ncucr chinkctl1 of rcpcnt>nce, till the !ail and cucry wichd lull and affeCtion; and w ich gafpc. Such an other occa{ion of finne, is prid• all we muilapplie the thrcarning ef his w1·ath ofheart, whereby many giue themfelucs fo againil the fame, thatthcrcby our fle{h may QC much to the garniihing of their bodies, that fubdued, Thirdly, we mull flriuc againflour ~r1cr negleCt their foulcs altogether. The like corrupt motions and affcCl:ions, not gluing 3. IS fe/fo-lo,ue, whereby men ouerwecning their them libcrtic to bcara fway in vs, b.ut rulitlg gifts, thinke not themfclucs honoured accorthemby meditating in the word of God, and· d~ng to their dcfcn,and fo through difcontcnt by praicr for firength of grace to ouercomc' g1~c tl~l!m(clues to plottc and praCtifc much them all;- dealing vvich them as parents doe m~[chcifc, for the aduani:ing of their cHace. Of \vith .kniues,curning the edges of them before th1s fort arc the Romit11 Pricfis and Iefuits as they katic: them in the h2.nds of their child1·en, thcirmamfold dan·gcrous attempts aga.inil ~ut lcafi' they be hurt therewith: as if our loue be· Church and State doe cuidcntly declare. And fct vpon the worlJ, we mufi labour w ICt it thus we might runne through al the affeCtions vpon Chrifi and hi<> rightcoufiH.':s; and if our of tn311S heart, Ou:wi1'gchat the corrupt motiho.trcd be :1gainfr our brethren, we mufl.labour ons chercofarc the caufe of much f.. me vnto D to fee it vpon finnc, and fo for cucry afr"cCHon, him,and a moll dangerous mcancs f.orthc ruinc as ioy, fcare, &c. we mutt fo keepc them •ea of hisfoulc. thC'irright obicCt, th3: they mayr:"!.thcr fi1rthcr In regard whereof here alfo \Ye mufl: fl.c:w, \'S in weBdoing, then become in l'S the &ccafi... hovv this e;~ m9bcp!:eckfdout, a,:d thU hand ons ofany llnnc agair.!l God. cmoff rh:::.ti.s,by \\·hac mcanes we may rcformc The fccond kind ofoccahons ofhnne wfli(.'hOtf..:r.u s \'lour heartS; and £by the r:1gc ofour--altCCl:-ions, a man gincth tohimfclfe, ari(e fi·om his mind~ riGn;; frum that they caufe vs not to fiunc.The w:-.y is this, a1;d 1 magination : And they -are many, I wiH mam rniolJ. we mufl. mort~fie audCY:tc~(i~ oHr vnrst~r ajfoCI,~ oncly note three. TheFir_ 1 ·, is-an -inw:1rd <:ono:u and corrupt defire.r• .And fOr this ende we ccic·of perfeCt kno-..dcdgcl touching mans dut·lluft pm in praCtifc three dmics. Firjh, we mutt tie to God, :1nd the wily of his fa·Iwuio11 : thar bdccuc thilt we arc ctu(ificd with Chd!t; th~t this is a common conccit ill the hearts of the is, ~s we concciuc our (olitcs to be in Chrlft by ignorant cij>ccially, m:1y ::tppcarc f>~r this com_. flith, whncby we haue <:ommun-lori withHun; m.on fpcech ofthdrs; that rh~}' k21ol; a~· r,mcb ai I [o WCmutl concciuc th•at this cdmmunion with any Prenchn· C41f1Cach them: for rhr lummc or Chri(t-,is in his dc:lth and bur:ial, fQ:t~ dar fin• ali (fay they) is, to !oue God aboue ttll. , 1 ,d my t_u_ll_cn:.::':.: '"::.'"'c'c.w..cit::.h:..:a:.:: ll:..:o:..: u :.:'::. 'r::J<C:: 't.::io:.:n:::s,.;,":.: 'c:.:r::.e-"-~":.::,)~~[h~OJ~r~!m)' [e!ft, a_ttd to belre.'!e to bee {:u:cd I ______________;_F,~ --- - ---- __ _ju____ _