Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

6z. •Ocn.f6.15· . s.rtulc:. d nExpojition ofChrifls I:.~·;:~~: rainc couplc5 of all kincl.cs of creatUres, and , A plc crying, bThe voice ofGodttndnot ofmttn:~ut b Ml. ll, prouifion for them for a whole yeares fpacc: I howfocuer mo!l fcarefull iudgcmcms befell 11, 11• for to omit the height an brcadtl~ ofit: it was Gods C'nemics, that rhus fought ro robbc him n three hundred cubits long , and cucry cubit ofhis honour: yet Chrifis ende was glorious I (according to the auncicnt mcafurc)containcd I and bldfcd: which may moouc vs to rhinkc '·''<.·d of ninc'foot,which in all came to the \Cgrh ofhalf highly of Scripture, as of rhc word ofGod. ~ .. a mile and n1orc.Again, others fay that though The fcrond head from whence offences arc otfdtct·s t~· cucric cubit had becnc but on footc and an taken, i~ rhedQffrmeoftheChHrch.groltndedOll kcn;Thc.!ohalfc long (as 011r cubits arc)yet ho.uing othree the word of God, The offences hence to.ken :1rc ~;;i:rct~~ the lofu, it "'\'as offufhncnt bigncs to comainc :tll manifold: firfl from a fuppofcd newencffc of 1 kindcs of creatures by couples, and prouifion our dothinc: this is taken of the Papills, and Frr>m fuppofor them for a ye arcs fpace. But yet put the cafe efpccially ofour owne Rccufams: for they fay lCJ ncwnu , that wC could llOt tcll, .how an Arkc ll1otdd be our doCtrine is but of fourefcore yearcs contimade great enough to containc couples ofall I nuance, ftnce the dayes of AI/artin Lurher: akinds of crcatilrcs, and prouifi.on for them; uouching alfo that for the fpacc of foui-eteene fl10uld wee thereupon take occalion to conhundred ycares, we cannot bring record ofademtlC the books ofGod that record the fame 1 B ny Church that held and profcfiCd the doChin, and the thing it felfc? God forbid,~<.:: nay r;- which \'I'C now teach and hold. thcr \VC muft hereby lcarnc to acknowledge Now for the avoiding of this offence, two RcmeJic. and ·confcffc our ownc bHndndfc,and the flulpo1nts muf\- be rcmcmbred :1. that the doChinc low reach of our vndcrfhmding , and fo adof our Church for the fub!hmcc thereof, is mire the wonderfull workc ofGod. the doCtrine of the Prophets and Apo!lks , The way to cut offthis occallon ofoffence, ACt..2.4:!.. the doCt.rine taught by the Apo!lles taken frQm the Scripture, is, .firll to obfcrt1c, conccrninp ChrHt , is made the foundation of (hat" (howfoeuer #othing i.r more rep11gnant to ouY • the Church, and looke where this doctrine is 114turt.·thm the wordof God) yit fhefam• word rightly held &: confelfcd, there it is an infalliof G-od hath more preuailednmhmaHy inens h(arts blc note ofa true church.Again,the apoHics to tO Wil#icthefame vnto it) then anrthmg 'hejide~ iu!lifi.e their doClrinc, had rccourfc to Mofes co11/d (J~er doe. Humane writipgs ar~ fanc · and the Prophets, as we may fee in the Ads of more plauftble to naturall men, then the the Apofilcs irt fundrie c placeS: no\>t' tf1e docAtb6.u, holy Scriptures of God: for the wifdome chine touching Chrifi held and recciued in our of God in 'Scripture is eitcemed fooli[hnefl' • Churches, is confirmed by the re!limonies of to mans natural! rcafon : and yet who did the Prophets and Apoft:lts, and therefore for cucr 1 dcaue fo fafi to the wrltipgs of men: C fubfilncc and doCtrine is theirs. Secondly, ''\'C as .Gods children hauc dot'loC to the word of muH: know that for the groUnd and foundation God., for the ccfh1~onie whereof they h:m"e of Religion , our Churches agree with the beefie and at'c content· to liuc and·die ?i This Churches after Chrifl: which continued for the thing argueth plafnly:·'.:hat there is in_Scripture fpace of fixe hundred yeares : for we doe not a diuine power: for Jfit had bcenc from man, oncly allow·ofthe Apo!Hes Creede, ~ut ofthe and agait~fi his nature as it is, man w,euld haue foure gcnerall Councclls, ~md of their Confefcomemned it. .~ ·· · fioils and Crecdcs, and that in the fame manSecondly, tHis'mull bcconticltrC::d, ·that the ner and fcnfc which they did;fo as the rc:ligion , penmen of ho{y Scr/pmrn , both the Pt'ophets ofour Church is vniu!lly fiandcred to be new. and iApoft!es, .hrmeYdvbrded th(ir ownefaults in The fccond offence taken fiom the doCtrine ,,From r~pp(tpti.,igofit, wliithpf-aindy arguctli that they of our Church, is fi·om the fuppofed firiCl:nes ~~~<=~ flrit(- wC-rc penned by h"oly ttien ofGod, acording and rio-ourthereof: we teach indccde, that a toil:he dircctiOI\ of t.he holy Gholl , and are ChriH'ian man muit holy denie himfelfe, his not thoinvemidns of politique-hcads, to keep - ov\·nc will and defircs,& rcfignc himfclfvvhol– men in awe: forth en the Authors an'd penmen lyvnto Chiill, to ~e g_uidcd b~ his fpirit, ac– thcrcdf, would rather hauc Contcaled their D carding to the d1rcCbon of lus word. N?w o\vn~ fault~ , then ha'ue publifhed thC fame i,h hence Come would gather, that our doChmc tlicir oVmc woi'kes.,tcf their difcrcdit. L'allly-! permits not aman to laugh or be tnerric, or to confi&e~ thc fubieEt antl nl:ittc!r oft!hc whOle doe any thing for his owne delight: and here· B~Mc;:'to wit, I~(;.t;. Chrl.ft, v\•h'O therein l}ath upon they,growc to comc1npr o~ Rcligioi1, p11ofefl':cd him(dfc t0 b.ze the Sonne of God: counting the profeflion and _praCbfe thereof nowifChrifl: had nOt bccnc very God, & yet prccifcnc!fe; and thcrcfor_e wlll not ~e ~ot.!-nd {hblild h-auc taken that honour-v-me him ;thei1 vnto it, but liueas they hfi: and th1s . th~ like iudgcmcnts would hauC befallen him man :~.mong vs. that befell others f0r the like offence: for none The way to cut off this occafion of~o·ffcnceRcmcjlit. eucr tooke th:tt honour vnto them, \'\'ho is twofold: 1. we muft knowc, that by the R 11 lc.l· wetc n,ot grieu0u"i1y·p·lmiil"lcd. As was aAda~ do~trine of our Church, it h·lawftdlfor a mnn in Paradife, for fcCking to ·be like vnto God : to/Je.merrie,fo :'t-hr in t.lJe Lord: Philip.+4· Reand HerOd, for rc"ceiuing and applying to bycc in the LO"i"d tdwaJ (faith thcApofHe) a-. 1 !J_~n~ the bialj>hemous praifeof the peo- 1 gainelfl•! reioyci, Pfal. 104.15 . Gad c.,~~