Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

--~---------------'---------'-----~--~ f Marrli.s· ' Sermon in the&"ount. _ I '~ ~ "V.>9, JO•I 1---. I ! ! jt wifJ.cthat m:Jl:.!d' glad tl;e lua;·t of mnn,ando;ft A this, '"'C remember t~at ~k~ croffi tndiir~d I to tJMk.fluSf.ucrcj bine, aJ:d hredd to ftrmgrhrn for th( Gofpel [af:.!, l'{pt>c:ffl!tj wre profit b; tf; hi.s h~arr•.l'\ gailtf, God Qoth }lUt mofi glorious V, an i11f_ .-r!!i61" m:trkrof a cl'li!dflj God. HcJ>. 12.: I colours,:md dclightf'omc tincJls.into the (low~ 7.1[yu e.r.d:~rc chaftming, God ojferttb.him:. crs ofchc !~i!~ ,_, l}p, f.or~,this ende th:\t fe!f~vntb;on, tt.1 vnto fonnes: for t!'h-ar fimi:t> is it; m:mmiz?t lake h_is.d...chgbt chsr..c.ln: ye~, bewkom .the j/.ftlur ch.'ifl-ent'Jb ·1Jot! In :r~fon we 1i3cs the skilj ~\.mulickc, G!>~ hath giuc~ to findcthi1ro bt true: for (w th,ttwo children m~ny a-n!a_!l.i J~,yqicc more f\~e~te and plcaf:tnt be fightiJlg.tu the ltrc.ere;&. thcie com~s :t man then is the.: foundr of aryy mufti:~ll inihumem, wbo t:tktth QllC of tbCr:n and bcatcthlliml but \\•l)icll were to\ 10 ende, if ;t' man might ·n<:>t the othcr·hc lets alonc:1:•il·.not all men. fay,that t.bCr._with ch~sre ~p1_his)lcartjnJa moJcr:ttc dethe m:t islf:uhcr to the child,whom he bcatcth? ligla ; nay,laugjhuq; iti~lfe is the gift ofnamrc:, rha Lord for our nurteringj \dll fend which was in Adam,bcforc his f-all, and therec.rofTcs vp..>n vs, when \"<.; C 1:nbracc l11s GOfprl: fore is lawfull: B~t yet I .fayr mattl rtio/_cin ... ~ now11" we !hail pl'cifit by .lus corrcEbons, 3fld mu.ft /1c i11thc L1r~, to cure!£. many abufeso.f 1 lcarncthercby to humble ourfclucsvndc,hts- ~dight: for firH,thc~e be mall}! t.hat Gannet b~ I , mjghty band,thcn we begin r;o rCceiuc:iffur5.!t mcrrie,burin the P.fa.Ctifc offorilc fil)nc;if t~1cre B; ofhis f~thcrly dealing towttfds vs his fonnes &. ~~ath~ught ofGo.9or of his word, all their I daught.cr_s : a~<i thct('!-orc :vt mu!t he.~o farrc miFth 1s qualbt. But we muft cndcauour our fi·om bccmghJOdercd m the courfc of our hofy fe~~es fo t_? reioyce, that God may approoue profclfi.Q.n by reproaches and croffcs they th~reof. Agait~c, _I .. £ay, in th~ Lord; bcc;\U[c muH be the mc:~.ncs .to incourgc v.s th·ercilr.o li1,1ne \Vill foonctt prcuailc \Yitbaman,when .. bC l:l1n.t. 2·. ~ , · . . ., giucs himfc]fc to delight and.plcafurcs. 1'hls As fro•p rhc doClrlnc of th_cChurch: ingcPc~-;~~ ;:t~ loG.lmcw well; and therefore while hisiOnncsncrall,fo from the parrs thereof, do m~nyboth JKioh.I. 5 • tC~!te~ each J otl].cr, ,t haojfcrc{k facrificcsfor. learned a:n~l rake o"::.iionofoffCnc:c-; tk.~mpa~ticularlre!fer;· d4J: for(~ith he) it ma; as fir!t,from tht" d~Uri1;e of Godt preJ;, p~nicuh~ dotlrinc~. I. Of Prc<fc• ftit•ltion. I ( AO-s.s.l~ JtT.nfftMCC' I "''" ''"• th~ cr"rr~. :t<:enmptn;· I in~ rhe itr;Jth, ke m; {onnes hml~ fm~<d apd 6/aff!Jcmed Godilf whereby y/c teach rhat .God hath .lctrt~d rhe th'eir-hc.r~ru. . , .~.._ ,_ condcmn:~.tion of fomc. This doCtrine rn:mf .The Jccond w:1y_ to p.rcucn.t ..the takingof' doe rcnounc.c, 3s a dOCl-..rinc of cruel,tic, hQ.d this offence, it to rcjigne our foluel who!!; vnt"(JJ thercup'on frame vnto thcmfelucs priuatC .9pi..t God, that he: ~a}~' hit wb~lc _will in v Jand l)iOI1 1 S_;which \\'ill notfiandwith tile -\-Vord of vpopvt; fo Chn(tfa~d to hls-DJfctplcs: 'if m:; Goo._ nkln will come aftcrm~e; let hitbd!niehimfo!Je, C t\· The ·\}·ay to~uOid this occafion of offente, ncmcn';('~ tak!v! hi<crojfo, and.follow mu: that is, wholly iSthis; Flrlt, to grant vnto God hirnfe!fe fo '· R•l4• reflgnc himfclfc t6 bee guided by mec: <~nd much in this cafe; as we will yecd to rnorrall Mmh. 13. 46. he t!mwould get the precious man i1>the like. Among our [dues we allow of p: arlc, mufo foil . an. t,harbu bathand !Juie it, this libcrric 011c to :morher,rhat a man may kill Rom. 12. 1. Y\ 1 c arc cidin:d bythemercia of I aflicoraworme;:mdforhislawfulvfe&plcaGod, rq gitu vp ourfoluu, both fou!es tmdbodiu fute~ kill D1CCpC',oxcn,and other cr~aturcs,and ~':lo,G~d: "vhcre~y we may. fee, that w.c. hauc. yet be a mc~cifi1ll man: fhall.we I~ot then allow l IUH: c;~.ufc tobcw~ulc th(, ca{c and condition of vnto God, he may glonfie h1s n:!nlc in the all fuch, as cou~1t rcligio1! prcci(cncffeif'or tbcy 1 iu!t and defcrucd condcrimation ;:md dcftrua.rc like vnco .AnaniM and Sflphyra, whO Ctiotl ofhis crc:lturc?Thi.s !s- le1c then \VC grant I I brought part of the fale of theirpoffdliO vnto tonitn,for a 'v\'Omoc is fotmhing vnto man; butthe Apo!Hcs, :md f.1id it :'·as all: fothcfc men aman·iS nothing in ref},ct1of God.Againe, alookc tO be fa~cq ?Y Cllrift, they heare his mong our felucs,in fomc things WC aiuc liber- .word, an.d rccciUc lHs Sacraments, and therein tic one to another to doe as we will, ~mdyet j ! make a h1gh profcffion as any can doe: nameth.inkc the laion iuHand lawfull; .much more 1 i" I~ t~:at they will glue thcmfclucs vd10lly to D th<:n ought we to giuc fi·ccdome of will vnto [' t ChnG:but when they arc out ofthe atTcmblies, I God in all his aCtions, withot~t conceit cf /fu- · they !hew themfclues to hauc diffcmblcd with cltic in :my one ofhis workes; for al!!Jt~ ulork,p·r God : for they pradifc no fuch thing asrhcy tri'c done in cquitie. Second!~', it. rnuft be l·emadefl\cwof: and therefore they may iuiHy mc:mbrcd, tlutwe tcachnot,th:Jt Cod doth 3 . Ruk. fc3: c,lc:Jfl that bc.f.1t them in their foules,wh1ch fi.mpiy ordain<.' fomc n;cn tohell fire : but toubctcll f .A11ttnimand Saph;ra in their botlics,eching rcprob:uion, om doCtrine is rhi~; that ' uen{rrddcn death: for they arc 'JcrJ vnlo God God hath ·decreed and purpofcrl rb oJorifichis himfo!j~. name, in the due :tnd dCICmeJ condetnn:nion w!J~:r~~~~~~~~~s,:o~lcC rf~~~~·c ·;r~f~m~~~f ~~~7;~:r~;,i~ ~~~~~·c~~~~~~~~t~~~~b',~~~~~ ~:~~ ~~~·~~:,ri. true R~li~ion :m:tny Iik_~ \~·cl ofthe doClrinc of witl~ont {hc;\\;ing hi~ ~t~rn~l mcrcy'vmo theJ)t, ~ur rchg.!on, ~JUt yc_t they arc loath to cmbr:lcc ::u~d onelyro. declare hl<> mfiJcc·vpon them;then \ and t~ profcflc_ ~hC: h:;1c, lcafl they {ho':ild be I ~t~~r h.e decrees, wh_cn._t~~C)·· l rt byrhe~·nfdtJc<>. rcpro..ched fOl lt lll :•1e world. ra11cn mtOlinne, to mAtet vpon themdcferucd R<!r-~c.!.:c. ~-~ay. to cut oft this occafion ofQfFencc i! 1 condcmnao on. for t:.:.h:.:..c:.:.L:.:.'m:.:.c:.:·--------,~ ____;..___ ---.-----~--------------------·--_T_'<,_!__ . ---