Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

--------------~---_;__--::-:-~--------:--·,......,. -,--·.1 11 1 Sermon in the~ount. . \ . M•ttli.5. V.34,J~· Infiruaion,, l Sl¥c.aringby faith, troth, ~..vnUwfuL 2 Medita~eon GodJcrc:a.· tut~s. . Not alwaics:or fomctimc it betokens an allCueration,as in other authors might be Ihcwcd: fo that I take it, there ou_ght not to be any ind1rcCl: oaths wherein Gods name is concealed, and the creature fworne by, made a pledge of Gods prcfencc. Now I come to the rcafons,for which Chrifl forbids rhcfc indirdt oaths :the fummc ofthe in gcncrall is this, 6ecauJe. Gods name, which muft not 6c taft..!n in Vlfin~, t-J {et in euerie one of his creatures,eHCn in the!eafthairc ofamansfgad, (for therein a may fee the wifedome ·and power ofGod)thtrefore we may not[wearc in our com,w,qn talk!lt~not bJ the leaft creatHrethat God hathmad<. Hence wee Icarnc: fimdric infl:ru8:ions. '· That it is not lawfull to (wearc byfaith, troth,,drMrr,and fuch like: for faith (to infill in one) is a·gift of God, which bcareth Gods name in it:forthematter ofour faith is CbriH:; fo •s whcwcfwearcby it,we fwcarc by Chri(\ whofc name wee may not take in vainc, and therefore we may not fwcarc at all by any fuch oathes.Againc,God bath fet his name on cuery creature, he hath imarinted in them the figncs ofhi~ power, wife omc, iufiice, and mercie: Rom, 1.10. Th~ inviJi6f~things of God are feme by hid ""'"-'': and, ACt. 14. 17. Raine fromh.auen, and fruitfu!lfeafon, w<re witneffeJ vnto the G~ntiles of Gods£oodn~ffi 7into them: A . ll 0 Lard. His example we fl1ould followe. t'.Jld whereas Gods iudgcntcnrs arc among vs ,-we muH hbour in them to fee Gods indignation a:. gainft our finncs, and his mcrcic in chaHcni:lg vs for our amcndc,ncm, that ~:c. might not be condemned wlrh the ..,,·orld. Thirdly if cucrv creature ,;rie in it feme fb.mpc ofdods narnc, then V\' hat filould the , rca( 0 nablc o~caturc doe? fhould n<)t men much I more t....ods un:lge ?ycSJ'ycnly, both m thought, will , affcd:ion, and at'tiou ;· V\'C muflc therefore Cc~kc to rep:1ire in •VS Gods im_agc dceaicd in Adam: and aboue all things takc.j hecdc, V\'C c:1.ric not about vs the itn:~gc of the dcuill in any 6nnc : for ifwe doe , we :ue farre j worfc then the dumbc creatures, 1 Fourrhly,wh.ereos euerie crclture be:uesa- 1 bout Come part of Gods image, this fcrucs to ~le:t frrippc the ignorant fore ofth::-ir fu.lfc plca:wh? 1 ~~;~~-r~nt med. tbinkc God will hold them cxcufcd , bccautc they arc not book lcarncd:but they mufi know they decciue rhcrnfclues, for fith they arc ignorant ofthe wifdomc,mcrcy,and power ofGod, & ofmanyorherthingsinGod, which the vc.-. ry vnreafonable creatures might haue taught them, if they had beheld the fame, and medirated thcrcon: they may iufilyfcare,leall thcfc filly creatures fiand vp in iudgeriu:nt ag~in!l: them at rhclall day. And la!Hy,feoiugGod liath fct his image in vr, which ferueth firll to con cmnc the world of eucrie creature, we mufi labour to vfe thrm all great ingratitud< : for we liauc fet before our •C in an holy manner; as mcate, drinkjappatcll, & tnret eyes, wee daily tall and handle the good creafuch like :we mufi beware we abufe them not rent! Y• turcs ofGod;ye1 who beholds in them his wifvnto eur lufl:s :1.11y manner of\Nay, for the abufc dome, mcrcie, and goodn€s, that thereby he redounds vmo the Lord whofe name thcv might takcoccafion to praife his name?for men beare, and '"'e know Godwill not hold hi1~ arc like to bruit bealls, who vfe the benefit of guiirlcffe that takcth his name in vainc. the creatures, but yet ncuer think on God the Now I come more parricuJ?.rly to rhe fcuccreator; and like vmo the £\.vine, ·whO cat crh rail reafons annexed to the feucrall prohibitivp the mall, but neucrlookcth vp to the tree ons.Thc firll parritular prohibirio iS this, Thou from whence it commcth ; yea, fome arc fo {haft not [wear• by heauen: and the reafon fol.o lhameles,rhatthey denie God by their works, lowcth,for it u the thron• of God,This rcafon is though not in word. to be fcanncd. A Throne is a;: of Sccoudly, this tcachcth vs c:trcfuiiyto me• wherein earthly Princes vfe to Gt in Hic\gmcnr, ditatc vpon the creatures of God, }cbouring & 01cw thcmfclucs in glorie and maidly.Now therein to fee Gods wifdomc, iufiicc, and merhcauen is not properly a Throne,but by rcfcm~ cic, and the rcfi ofhis attributes; that hereby bbncc; bccaufc that God doth in heaucn, and we may take occafion to praife his name : Pfal. D from heaucn fhew his gloric and maidlic vmo I39· 14. I willp,-aife thu,for I •m wonderfully men, In hcaucn the Saints andAn~cis bcho!d Andfoaref~!!y made: marsulom are thy workJ'.r, the vnfpeakeablc glory ofGod.An from hcamtd that m; fo#le k.!toweth right well: here the ucn doth God !11ewhis exceeding powcr,cucn Prophet doth profcffe: Firll, that hec did mein fpreading the hcaucns like a cunaine aboue ditatc on the creatures ofGod fcriou!ly; then, the cat th, in fccting therein the Sunne ~ the that his meditation made him to feare and to moone and fiarres, meA: glorious creatures; in bealloni(hed: and thirdly, to praifc God. Pfal. giuing particular motions vnro them; by fen92.),6. Oh howgtoriou.utre t~y workfs? thereding rainc from heaue with flonnes,lightmng, in importing, that he did meditate thercon:bm 3nd thunder. Againe, he fhewcth his iufHcc the vnwi{e mAns faith he) k,tzoweth it not, and a from heaucn, by pm-\'ring downc his iudJcfoo/C' do_t!J not vn erftand this: where he fll<."'\VCth mcnts thence: As the 'flood vpon the worl of e,_l, that it rs a great point of folly to fee Gods th<vngodly .fire and brimjfM' vpon Sodomeand creatures, and not to behold the wonderfull GomorYah: as the Apo!llc (aith,Rom.J.I H.The power, and goodnc!fc of God in them: Pfal. wrath of God Ureuea!ed from heaum, againft {l/[ '4~· 5· I will meditate vpon all thy wondrom vngodfinejfe and vnrighteoufneffo ofmen. Againc, "'_urktJ: andvcr.Jo. Allthywork_;Jpraifethu, Gods mcrcic and goodneffe is manifeHcd from hcaucn,