Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

"thc:vrc. Row tl)eon– ceiuc: :tright ofGod. l • Anhc:tucnly 'ODUCffl,tiO. eAnExpojition ofChrifls I !11alliJ.). I I•·· 34· hcauon, thenc~ commeth eucrygoodgift, lam. 1. t].yea, thence ourS:miourChriltdcfccndcd for the \\'Orkc of our redemption: thence alfo the holy Gho!l dcfccndcd in Chri!ls bapri!inc; and the Fathcr¥Voicc was heard from thence, pointing out that Latnb of God which takcth o.way the finncs of the \\'orld: and thence 01all ChriH come ag:\inc in gioric at the b.H: day, to be glorified in his Saints: all 1Nhid1 doe magni.. fie vmo vs the glorie ofthis Throne. Is the Throne ofGod in hcaucn and not on earth? then rnufi we lcarnc to conceiuc ofGod .as ofan hcaucnly King: in the chapter follow– ing ·we arc taught to call him our hcauen!y Fa– ther, v. 9. and therefore whtn we fpcakc or thinkc of GcJ , or doe worfhip vmo him in pJaycr or thankfgiuinp, we mull: not conceiuc ofhim in ;.\ny cOtrnalltort, but in an hcauenly manner. The feconcl comm:mnclemcnt forbid– ding tbe reprcfcntation of God in any firilili. tudcs, may teach vs,that wcmuH: not conce.iltc, cl God after a11Y earthly or camall manner In A decdc tho Popil11 Church approouing ofthe i– mages of the Trinicie (as bctOrc was Ihewcd) doe thereby teach the people to concciuc of God, as ofan old m:m iC:tting,in hcaucn,with a crownc vpon his head, bccaufc he is called. d the Atmcicntoftlarcs;but all fi.1ch carnall con– ccits of God arc he re forbidden. That we may then conce_iuc a right ofGod, two Rules mult be rcmmcmbrcd.Fir!l we mull not frame in our mindcs any image of God at all , as that he 01ould be like vmo man, or any other creature, but we muH conceiuc of him both in his workcs)as our creator, goucrnour, 2-nd prcfcruer;and alfo in his propertics,as moft wife, moft iuft, holy, mereifUll, and fuch like: Secondly, wee muft concciuc that God is one in fubftancc, and three in pcrfon: "''c muft not confound the pcrfons,nor dcuide the fubtlice, but concciuc of one God in three pcrfons; and three perfons in one and the fame Godhead. ThefctwoRulcs becing well obferued, will kccpc our hc:uts from t11ofc vline conceits of God, which many frame to thcmfelucs wht'n they thinkc ofhim in their minds. Secondly, fceing Gods throne is in hcaucn, therefore our ,;omwfattonmufl h there a!fo: for where God is and his throne, there ought our hearts to be. Now wee fl1all haue our con– ucrfation in hcauen by doing two things; firfl-, by a continuall clcuation of our minds vnto hcaucn, morning and eucnin~, and at all time~ whch we hauc occafion: t .Thcff.4.1 7· we arc commanded to pr."J continuall_y, and that \'-'CC d0c, fo oft as in the duties ofour ordinary cal– ling, wee defirc in our hearts the blcffing :md atltfbncc ofGod for the fighs and groanes of the foule, arc prayers :1pprooucd before God : V\'Ce mull thcref~rc lift vp our heart to God, "Dauid did, Pf.1l.2p. Secondly, wee mull fcN"lll our affeCtions on God, and on heauenly things, as our louc, oul' ioy, and fc:1rc, yea ?.~r c:1rc muH: be of comming to hc2.ucn : for A where can wee bee in a more h:1ppv pbce I-- --, then before Gods .throne m heauc~, ·\\here I ~~;cd/cts out his glory and maidlie to his crca. \ Thirdly, hence we may lcarne to concciuc Howwe aright of the prouidcncc"ofGod:' for God fit- ;~;::~~fnw ting in his maiefHc in hcaucn, and bccino infiGoJ$pro– nice in wifcdomc, power,and greamcs,dgrh by u~tkncc. a moll- carcfull prouidcncc fee, know and "'Oucrnc all things that arc done vpon earth: ~his is notably fct tOrch vmo vs,Pfa.I 1-.4.The Lords throneUin heaucn, hireies wellconfider, .hi.f eyeliddr:J willtrie the childrenof men:!thc \'\'·ords arc vcric fignificanr,imponing tha~ God from hcauen cloth moft narrO'-Nly fee into all mens dcalings·and affaires: whi<;h vs when ,..,.e, B fhall be in :mydiflretfc, cnher in bodie, minde, goods, or fricnds,to:bchauc our fclucs in aho.. ly manner,for God fees our cafe: and therefore firfl we muHmake our moanc vnro him,&·hlibly intrcat for that grace and mercie at hishlids whereof we fiand in nccdc.Dauid makcth this a ground of much comfott in :~ffiiehon: Pfal. 1oz. 19, zo. Out ofhwttn (faith he) did rhe Lord hehold the eArth, that he.might hearc the, mourningoftheprifontr, anddtliHcr-tht children of death. LaG:ly,this terrific cliery linner:for ~u~;~;,r to the Lord fits in beauen with a peircing cie,bc.. holding all thy doings whatfoeuer thou art; and thcrefole when a man finncth, though hee hide the f.lmc from mcn,yct the Lord fees htm, C and will rcproouc him, and indgc hrn: let vs therefore make t:onfcicnce ofall Gnnc, & feare to doe cuill, either by thought word or dcedc, fceing ""·ce are cucr before the Iudgc th:~.t fits vpon this rhronc. The fccond particular prohibition is,againft verf. 35. fivcaringby earth: the rcafon is, btcatfeitu the Lords joot-ftooi<. The canhisrhe Lordsfoot- !loolc , not properly, but by rcfcmblance; beca4fe as the footltoole is nothing in glory to the throne,no more be rhofc glimpfes ofglory which God f11cwcs here OJ) c01rth, comparable to that fitrpaffing dignitic and gloric, wherein Gods manifcHs himfdfc in hcaucn. Is the earth the Lords footcfioole? then is tnn111aion. he not included in heaucn, but is prcfent alfo Gc-,h omni. D vp•:m earth: God is not in one pl:lcc alone, but prdcm:c· he is euery where at one&. the fame time.Here " then we hauc a plaineproofc of Gods infinite grcatneffc rmd onmiprcfcncc, in regard of his cffcnce and godhead ; for Chritl co111parcs him to a king, who is ofthat bignclfc rhar bee fills heaucn with his gloric; and ofthat hcighr,that the earth bclowc is hi"s footG:oole,~ccording as he Gith , lerem. 2 3. 2 3. I fill h~tmen endearrh. This pointD::mid prooucs a.tlargc,Ffal.J 36.7. 8. Whether Jha11 l gue from rh; prefmcc? &c. D1ewingplaincly,rhat tbcrc is no pbce, whcrofit can be trucly f.1id, that Cod in cffcncc is not there prcfenr. The conG.der:ttion \-\hereof tcacheth vs, Firlt, ro vndcr!land origin tblt faying of Pa~l, --~------------~-------------------------__:..----~