Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

notappoint him·how•llc !halipun!llJ Vs for our 'A ' his crc>rures, whcrein·Go<l'h:!th fet ~ift!iilt~; periurie. If i: be latde•; that thc:oath:made by . and .th<reforewe ough:t not •to dcface1 ii,1Widi thc·ct~C'lture, ts a btndmg oath; whJch mu£l be 1 t·h~ ihmpcdfpridt and Vanitie;buc uchef"'~dfCW kept, for Chrill:·cails it .an oath , Mat~~1;..1o, ! therein, '-lh3.t Iibcnicandmddc.fiic J chit' rha}' and therefore a manm.ay:lawfuJlyvfclit; .Anfw. 1 honour Gods name. ..,. or:t( •• Thcteafonis not good.: for the oath bindeth• I : 'v~ ~';/, .. Let jo'ut: comm~'i;j... and muH bee kept, becaufc mdirect!J a man fweorcs by God ; and fa in fubHance _it i• an: I I l'f!.·lionb~~.efl,yea, :'lfi~nay, iJifl;: oath;: butycnhemamterafit~s;nla":'full,be-:: ' r,o' :.O· ...,l!a''t:r;,oeuer •• ,m· ore f0117.-- .·.· C3ufe an o:uh, bccing a·part of Go.ds.rworlhlp,.~ .1''- 1 IYfJ fjfl ,..,. ought to bee directed vnto God immediately: ' . h .'!-'' '/1 · · I ··· when an Infidel fwearcs by his falfe gods (as 1/ICI ();·, eUtu. r · ,, .. . cGcn.p.JJ•• L···,.··did. ., rh~ a.-J ·r Nahor)thac is •.n _LThis v~rft <ontaineth two Jiatts: A rule fo'r, An>i<ol .. , .-~ ·03th.,_a{ld it binds,hJs confcu:nc~,bc.caufc 10 h1S 1th~ framing ofOUr fpeech ·itn;o~uming [aiJfeJ n ~f::!untn• intent he fwa<e by the true Gqd ;.aM<yetAhe B ;arrd a Rcafon therco£The this, Lrrjo,kf Al:nJ'na· bomthc: hair<of&he '-"d. l Ln,C+t.& LJI.C.I:Io (ormc.oOt i's vnlawfull_.,.b~.c.~ufc hG~t~ ~ha't in• :..,. &QmmUJiitatJd,j;~yea,JM, nay~·'!'tlj: wherC.-'h~i therocimeofGod, .wb•ch!Snot go,d;,> 1 • · fhewech, that,thoitghmen ·m:iynolfwc'are'in 'Fhirdly,is the hairc ofche thhreature · ~heir commll!l'falke, y~t •~ey (tl'!)' vfe a ft,\,ple ' of6od and the naturall colour hts'workemon-1 !"ffi~mari6;?r ne.g«tion to·thc t~rig r~e-yfp~J{. ' '!hip! .thenall abufe hereofmull ncc:dcs ·be""" .1'hiS'Rule 1S dlilCrOy expounded' t-fomnali~ 11 · Jawfull : ..s fir!t, the cullome of thofc.mcn or to Fefpeet <he t'ruth of our fpeech, as if Chri(t women; who becing alhamed ofGods workha'd faid; Whllt!ocucr you aflirme in fpenking;: ·manJl,ip in their owne hairc., doe bc;:auufie aifirmeit"truely-, and what(oeuCr jrou dcnie- i11 • their heads with bought haire, fomctime of .fpcaking, d~.nir itnucly.But by'thc G:ircuiil(lf,; dead perf.,ns.This iSan odious thing,and fuch ,c~·oftheplace•, ·it rather feemcch ·, that ChriQ pcrfons take Gods no11nc in vaiuc:, as much as here propou·ndcth a Rule f6r-~<::ycry·fonit~Of they which fwcare by the·hcad at euery word: our common·tMke, to·this effctl~ Ifyou would for be r)ley what they wil.qe,God in_fome fort 'affirme anything in your ordifi~uue{pccch", let hath fet his owne name in the natur;iJJ.colour yJor ~ffirtn;uioh be yea; and if.'ydu wbuld de'-' ofthdrhaire,which none ought to be alhamcd 'nr a.Jy>fhing,let your hcgatiqt; or denial( bi:e· of. Se~ondJy, the painting ot faces,and coloun'o;and in yo~~ ordinaric c;:ornfuunication \fa}' ring ofthe hairc is another abufe ofGods ~am no,mote·! though you be vrged thercro::· So fttthcrein. This practife was abhorred of the C mufi·wqe ta'ke com11111nicaiion, fo' ordin~r1eheatheri, who in their writings houehrandcd• 'calke: 'for ln fcime cafes it h:lth bocnc lawful hi· 'Popp<.aJI{"'or wife, becaufe l1ice vfcd an oint• fweare,as hath beene Chewed:· · · · menupade_of Affes milke, to make her face , >:Firll, by this Rule is condetnited the,acld!rig (aireaqd.bright: what then fl1all we fay ofour of invocations tO our common affirmations or ;:bi~t:~~·,tf~ bdics.:;and gentlewomen, who paint ·their f:1negations: as 0 Lord;Jea : "dJ, goodGod,ar.d ~:soii~a~fo~· ~ <;es.with Spani!h white, and colour their h:~.irc? fuch like.In fomc cafes,and at feme times chef~ vnta..... ~Wl. Thefe doubtles bclecue not Gods word,which may be vfcd : butin ordinarie and familiar 1 prefn ..:ret/J·IIJe ofGod.b.eforef4uou.,. nnJ,bt4H-. communication, thcfe invocations are aOuJts' 1 ti<, .Prou•. 31. ;o,..Bu~.;ycc mee thinkes they ofGodl namc.An earthly Prince wil,not futfcr :,f fi>ou.l<! be~O,amed to be tollowcrs of h{abtl, his bame tobee toffed in euery tnnns mout~i'· 'I 2.Kmg9. ;o. Thtrdly, the weanng· of long and much lc!fe will the Lord, who herein is . : h,air,e~is; ~nothcr abufe thereof, m th'c yongcr iea~6us ofhis gloric. · · ·: '• fort; it Peganne indeed~ among the aged, but Secondly , here note , that affcuer:ttioffs~ ,, Art'cttcr.:. novt iJ is_become a. tricke of youth, and JS the may. not be ordinarilyvfcd in c01nmon talke;a~ do~ badgc.of.~ proud heart : for how can they fay •DJ v.<u'J J'", no in trur!J, and fuch like :rhefcarii they gl.Qrjlie God thereby, whet1' the Apolllc !\lOre then fimplc aflirmations and negations ; f~ith , [t .is. J!, foAmefor a man to hau~ long·,hllitt. tand therefore in 'ommon fp cech cannot be '~ · I Wcll,li!h God hath fet his name therein, wee fed, Our Sauiour ChriH, the patterne of plc-· mufi b~w.arc howwe make it an inilrument of tit, ncucr vCcd them, but in waightie matters~· finne. If it be faid, to weare long haire is our Which were carefully to be rcmcmbrcd;&dieri Englilh falhion: Ianfw~r; It is n.o11.ouuundhe·faid; Vtret,, ven'J, I f"l vntoJO"· · cm Engldh fafhon, but~mdcedc u IS aforratnc: Thirdly, f1crc is condemned the vfc of tx~ ... r ~to~:e"'t;t~ tricke, and therefore as vnlawfull as forrainc crtttiom , when wci. :tflirmc or dCnie a thing in' attire, which God condcmncs, Zeph.J.8. Our our common t:il::c ;as to fay,;~a,or elr !would/ ancient Englilh falhion (except it wc:re among wcr<, and fuch like, the agcd)was to wearC fir~rt haire: and in cueFour.thly, ordinaric [wearing is here againe 4 • o rdin.nic ry countrcy,thc moll aunCicncand gr~ue falhiplainclyforbidden, whether it be by the hotne lwml"o· ons. ought tohe followed; not onely m the "fe ofCod, or byother creatures,. Some to avoide ofthe: haire , but in appare 11 alfo, that therein fwearing (as they thinkc) in their common men mar !hew the grace of their heatt: for ta!ke,for yea and nay, vfe to fay, f,y ;ea, and 6y mans atttrc 1s GoJs o,rd1nance,horro~'.tli from no: but h<":rrin they offcnd,forthefephrafcs arc ,_____________________________________________H ___ l ____________________~o~at~h~s'~--~ --~