Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

8o rUnExpojition ofChrifls ~~~--~--~~~ calleth !erufalcm th<citic ofCod; and fo the A ~y hauc done,.and doe da)ly,1J13y we nonhen people, Gods pc.epk; though they for thci_r giuc: fcntcnce againfi them, or thoy aeaintl: part had forbkcn God. The rcafon bercofis thcmfeiJ.les ?· Anfw. Ne.verily: for t)>ough this , this, bccaufc neither th~ !ewes, nor any Othc:' cafe be moH fcarcfi!ll, .yet they haue not abfo... doe cht n prcfcndy ccaf~ tobe the people of lure power ouer thcmfduc.s: AlmMj[u .. kin'-' :a s.Cbt'.JJ.! WhC spen-. ,.Qod,whcn by fin.~hcy cut off thcn~fclucs from_ of l4da had moJl \Vkkcdly forfaken Cod,and 6.u. !:lece 1 rc to God and forfakc ham; bm then doe they ccafc bound himfelfc in league to the dcuill; bur vet ~ Gtds · to be Gods pcopl.e, when God for-fakes them, , when he humblcdhimfclfc,bcing in attliCli~n, poop e. and·cuts t~cmofffrom him: lik·e~s in the: !btff and prQycdtoGod,hc was rccciucd tomercie. ofma~rimouic, wJlcncith:r m:in or \>Vifc cafe 'tvas tCarcfull while hec b mad~h.'ltnits adultcric, that partic brcak~s·thc bond of. Hocks ofthe.ChNrch; ~nd yet the Lord .conuc:rmariage, and as much as i,, hi~nHeth ems Off tCdhim when he wec.t to perfcCutc. Thi-s muH: him[dfe from chc other: but '!jct. 1 Nhilc the piU'... not ~rnboldcn.any to goc on in finne, for the iic innocent affeCtion t0L"rdwi/1 not b(emrrcifHlfvnto[Hch, Dcut. 29. I b ,~~.,.,•. I I ~var.d.·s the panic offcnding)and giucs not aBiB ' 19. , of<)iuorce, they llill remain~ .man and wife. NeiJb&fb•ltthoH fwuareby thine head] This yerf. 3 6, IT.his appcares in thc[c Iewes, .Y'ihomc l!CichC.r 'B is the 1la,fl ftnrnc of fwear-ing forbidd en by l ChriH: hirnfcltCdid thc1i forfak~;''{hen they re.• 1 Chrifl;._ the~cafon) bei.aHjC th,u~c canft nnt m4 k!- ·ice}ed him ( for h-epr:J.yed for"th.<:m when they ont haire~hitror6/ack.!: that-is , 1 hou {halt.not c_r~cificd him)nor yet his Apoltlcs,till thcy.faw fweare .by .thine head,, bccaufc rJ,ou hail not '· ofinq.Lrablc ob0inacy, p.owex 'ouer thine head) thou art not ~;\46. . ~' able to make thine head ; nay, thou canfi not , ._ lhispoim nu~(l be rem~n)br('d,as fcruing to ~nak~.onc haire .of tliine head ' nay ( which r~C:Hfic qur ju9gtlpents tOtJching the llatC.of'il Jsldler) th.o,u canfl not giue to any hatrc hi~ Ch.urc~ Orpepplc , ·that h:l\!C:mp.ny gricuous natuqll colour,, by making it either white or )~!).nts & fa.ulJ~aroong them> bptb for blacke.· ·1: .l'· ;. • an~ f<?~ though a people doe what in WhercobfcrU$! tfw.-.·hon~ur giuen toGod~ tbcm l}'~t~., to c;\~t off rhem(olues from God·, : not oncly:~p make the hairc ofmaus h~ad, but yet till God SYf them off frqm him, they cca[c , CUCJ1 tci. giue a natut2U colour to euery one <!l.o.ttope)lis p,cople;~ndthetcforewe.may· liot ' of thetn: man can not do~ the kailofthefc judge thctptq~ be·no pooplf!.c:>f, QJQ.d ,~till \''fJ:e ~ '<',.. _. - fee thatGocJ.\,.~th_cut theJ)h9ff.· A11d\lly · Thi>q,\'chcth vs, fidhhat there is·.a parti- Cod, poni- '1' _this to 0 ur oWriJ:·Chur-th;p.IW"a.(e.y;;e hac\ (01:;. , cularp16uidencc oLGod, wherby he:difpofcth 1d'~ P"~· Iakcn.G<>d ,.and ha<i. ~mong·.~t-)\ll.lhofc :rbufcs 1 C ofall t·hings, eucn ofthe!caRand>ing~ ,:J:''f,... '"'woilb. ·\"h;cl) fom~would f\tflcn vp"l.J·~·'' makiog~ ' that be·in·<hc world>fer what is morc.bafc 'thi! -t'iRc-no Chur.cb; yet this p.c.Qau~SVs t1ot to l>c the hairc-ofamans hc:1d?and \\'hat is:JdTeto be n<;>.Qhurc)l, n<·ithl'(·ought·we for ~)I this to',llc rcg:udcd.tben the colour thereof? ind yet the fo reput~d: .l<i>r·>l•wugh we hail~ dcfcrutd ;,; . 'Lords piouidence rcacheth·hcreunro. This is · · ·' .<,' ' ,d<.~de that Cod{hpu)d cut·VS;<?ff; jc,Jccing ne'l a mat~cr efcndlclfe:comfoit to Gods children: l )'puchiafcth v-nt.Ovs the QQ.Chine of ..lifc~,..,<and· for wheojwc arc oncerpcrfwaded of thc.pani... •· ~.., l ·t.hc pledges o€fa.loa.tio,it cannoitrudy befaii.l,'l cu)or· prouidcncc·'Of-God oucr fo. bafc •add t)m·!;hurdl. If'it·be faide, tha.t by ·light things,we lh~llcafily bercfolucd that ill , ,this rcafon )\:ec o,r,iillmake th.e Ch'urch ofR_oniei -things,wbith befall vs in thislife; .whJ"her in I .tctbeGod~Clw~ch; bocaufc they haue lomc j>r.0fperiticor'•duer.fitic,;.:omc·by.Gods fpccia] 'figncs ·of 4ods~.faunur; as Baptifmc ::md .die.· : ""hi~h ~\·illmooucvs tO apatic_nc -wQrd, tht)ugh gricuoufly _.corrupted. A11[wrr. . bea~Jng..of. albnnfer;Jes, and to conrcntm(':nt Though I not but Godbath his coinpi1 i'n ctict:iC)cfiare, bc:caUfc it is rhe Lo'rds feJT.. nie·iu the middcfi ofPoperic, yet ifwcvndctr- , diarg~ jrca'this will be anotable 'comfort in any iland by thc:~h\itch of Rome, .a companic 0( ·D afllietion to lvnowc that God is··the author Rornc 110 men wjwpr.ofcffe & hold the Pope for Weir therco£ -; ,; i crucchurch. head, and ~m~r~<:e the dqChiOe r.ftablifh€d by Sa.condly, h1th not inan po..,,.Cr oucr the tJc~~br the Councel'of .....Trent >·then (I .fay) they :tfe nO! ·lCafl.ct:eaturc,no.not oucr the haircofhishead? : the cm,· Church:for Chrifl.hath cut thcmoff,and giuen t!len doubt!c!fc he may oor lawfully fwearc by ' tbct11 a bill of diuorccment in his holy word) ;tnycreature, though he haue rcbtion·to God Rcuei.r8.!f..Com<eutofhermJpeople. . , therein;; for lfhec might lawfully. fwcarc ch~titie toHcJ)cc \.ve:enr'e taught ,.~o 'arie a.charit•b-Ic. bya cfcaturc,it wercbeCaufche mightprcfent wnd theinl• ·opipioQ of fuch particl!lar pcrfons; as goc- on that crc2turc \'OtO God,as a pledge ofhisprc.. pet~itcnt, inlim'lc w~thoutrcmorfc~fo.r though tht:y for' fencc,,.vhercin he cleJires God to puniflrhim,if their part hauc forf.1kcn God, yet we knoV.'c he failc in his oatll. Tllis is graunted of thofe.. not, whcthctCod hath forf.1kenthcm:hen~ay that deforul·this forme ·offwc:uing: but amau I in merCie·caH rhefn ro repentance, and theremay not l:ly downc any· creature; h.S apawri~ fore we muft not ralhly giuc fentcncc ofiudgbefore God, and appoint the Lord to punifh .. '________ m_c_n_t_a_g-ai_n_il_•_h_c'~"-·_~ __ ·_·ft_._B_u_t_~_·h_a_t-if-a- ·m_a_n _____ h-im--th_e_r-ei_n_;-bc_c_a_u~-e-t-hc_'_''_·e-at-u-re-i~s-n-o-ti-n~m~i~s~----- g~ue himfe!fe to the dcuill by coucn2nt, as;cucry crC"acurc is the Lords,and we m~y n.ot