Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Apropcrtlc: e~t ab:tddc: I Tc:achc:rl I g Icr.:z.t4· Expofition. l{cu~n~c: tW'-"f"!d. ,.pubhkc. ; :Rom.J:.17. The ~re r. M:t;!lllr:tcic bwfu!l. eAnExpojition of Chrifls dcauoQr in all thingS' to'transforme our fclucs ( A into religion, obeying that for-me of dotfr:ine, whereunto w~ are deft:4cred, Rom.'6. 1 7· Sccondly>in thcfc Scribes and Ph:uilics we obfcruc the propt;:rtie of a bad Teacher: n:nnc~ ly, to tr:msforit,c himfdfc at1d his do.Chine, ·ro the cuCtomc and manners of the people, \-Vhen as the people fh ould b~ t;:ansfonn~d into 'hi4 doCtrine and praCtife,aCcording to godlihefft~ Hereof the Lord admonifheth 1eremie, f L et them ret:tnu to rh'ee, but retitr'ne ·. 1for1hbu't'o them: for it· 'v:ls the practifc oflchcfalfc pr'ol phcts in his titne_,_thus to g ftr_emr~hm thehaitdi ~'f 'thC rvick,ed .· a\1'4 iC is·a Cot~tijcl1 fault intnanx Teachers, that rhcy ti·ame therryfclucs, botH fo'r doChinC and rr~ife, tothe"cV.ftbme and tn,:"lh– ners of thc·P,coplc': but rh1~ is the dcliils poli;; ll 'cic,whCI·cby he OUcrthr·o~·~r-11-fe-li'gion,and deL flroycdl'lntnS"feulcs.' · ·~. (";o •ll.. ·'• ..., • i-.. Y .., < v. ~9/Bu.t}fajtvnto J9t!, r.e/ifl not ~uilf: ·fiut whofoeuer foaUJlrikf thee on thy rigf?,t cheek,: ·, tlu:ne to him' the other dJfl "·' ! ' "·ll 11'~" ' .·, ·c. -f In this and the three np:t vcrfes,Chrifi cOn– Iutes tl1e falfe itttcrprctation of this law. The fummc ofthisanfwe.r ftands in tWO points; the full. is an inhibition, rejiftnot eni/l,rwhith1 i""S,on planedby three examples in.~)1e ;v..•otds foHoW~ iog. ,The ft\·cood; is a corumat)demcnt tP'ref ~ l}uitc. goo~for.cuill, v.42. ~~' ~·~ .-. F6r ... the ficll, .byeui!lis m.eanr-~ the init:rieor nir_fhg'·thar is·de>ne to man;; or moreproperly, the ~utlione,rtha.r is, the eujll ma:n thardorh, the J..\'rong. Refifrnot]that is, r.ifo not againfi thee– uill ene, to require like for like, according to the iniuric he harb done vm o tbce:fo much the word fignificth.Now Chriit forbiddeth not rc– ,,£1ling cui!I by alawful! dcfoncc, but by way of priuatereuengo' fonhcfj,e.aketh to hisDJfci- . ,pJcs, and t6 priuatc men, faying, I [ayvntayou / iPhich heare; (os Saint L"lzf hath it,chap.6. 2 7.) Yet further ro·clearc tins inccrprecation, we nmn kno\"ll,") the Scrlpmre mencionc-th tWO kinds of rtucngc.Pub/ick.; and Priuate. Pu6/ik_s ID, when the Magifl:ratc Z!ccording w iu!lirc, and the la~ ofGod, puniilieth an cuill 1 pcdOn, rhat ~ ....~rongcrh his brother. Pr1uau rt– ue'nge is-, when thofc that are no Magifhatcs, 'Will rcucnge t.hemfelues on fuch as deeth~m w rong ..1~hc pttblick$ rmengc is allo~;ved by S. tfJ,u!l, calling. the Magiflrare, ,hGodJ Minifle;·, f?r rhe c.t·~cuJi.r.g ~f rcttC»..(r-· vprm Cl!ifl doer!. PriHate ·re:t~nge, is fOrbidden by the fame A- . ,}'O!He, 1 Re~s.""nge not thJ'fe!fe, Nowby this do;.. ; ~hinr it is plainc, th"J.t our Sauiour Chrill heqai 11 fo:bi(lding rcurngc, not pltblikc:,.b.u~~ prr~ttU~ reuer.._~c. , F1rH, here vYc fee thofc men confi1ted, \''ho thinke it vnhwfull for a Cbri!tian to be:~. M:~.- giHrate,to execute reuen~g<!vpon m~!cfa&ours by the [word, or to make \\ arrc againfi the common enemies: theiC men arc decqittcd, by miihkinG this-. text, v·:~,i~h fcrbid·dt?th"enely priuatc', and not publikc •reuengc. SecOndly, 2 here \VcJcc, that all priuatc rcucnge Bflti.tlj Priumrc– conddmted,as.a fin ne againil the tixt comman.A_ j~\~'f.Jt dement. This poin't rt1uft•bc rcmCmbsed·,:.bccaufc1t is.lOur natural~~opinion,-antl t>tWht-arrs dcfirc tO req~it~ like f0 likl! in priua;<!,.caufcs, '""hen \~'Care mmred. , No"\ tb•r·,~,t ma}rfu·~ot~ iJ1tg t]lis.Cinn~, v,rc are to_!now 1tl~at ~~~~~_re rcuc~:;:e "'is ~V"Y<?- folde, ..fnw...a.rd, •ana OutWard: l m»KI"tt>prtuate Kind~ ofpri– rfH;nge~ is a'f'urpofo ifl· th~ he;~r.t, t9deca:inan ~:~r~~~,~~~~J~gc. an cuill _tllt'nc; this ·i~ s:ommonly, calle..d'tbe bearjng.ofa grudge, a,nd it is·hflrc coUP-emocd. Outward reuen,r,e, is y.'h~n t\1e fpitc of the :heart :~.Outward. t:om~,Lllt9 aCtion, cithe-r:.byvrord 9r,deroe:bj' \\'9r4,1:'·hen a man ghtes out threattJhlg ftJee- -<:hes; 1 <\5 that bee_ Jp.i[J·~Jit· on h~ .JkJ.t"t ; .or be t~nwit,h him, ifit/j(inhiJ,!ot, <tnd..fu'-hlikc; orvf~th curfing.fpee~hes ... , M a plagH..e..talzythee. a PJSI)?jt~ qr pejitl~~ce Og_ht vpon II;Jee.: .Qr raileth Qr c)tj<!_qr~, s:,allingan,a;h~r k.,naue,,villainc, &c. By deed~ and :\Clion mt:n !l1cw outw;ud·rC- \Jcnge; w}"lcn they b.e '<\t,a ·word and ab!Owc, vfing t.o fight and to {hike one anoth"t?t-,by way ofpriuate rcuenge.Hereto alfo wemay,r-cferre an ordinarie bad prOJ0l-ife offotne Magillrates ! a.nd ~up_eriours,though(jt m<\y b~)f.ew tl]inke u.t;.li!~J i't to b.c a fault; '9 wi~,~~n· the·!vfagillratc :,,..Jx'.h~, dothragg_ra,uatc the pp.niihmcnt vpr:m a!malcfaC\ou~, f9d'Oll)C pri.u:itc,grudgc he b~rcth to him, ~or then he vfethprlu:\tc rcuenge:as alfo whcn:P.atnms or Mafl:er.s ~orreCt their fcruancs and chi-ldre-n \n fi1rieandrag~;for thougb they b~.R\lbJikc p.<;.rfons in this regard, I}'C.t to giuc con;<;d:li;on jp a chollerick moodc,is to cafe th c he;1nJiy v.1ayof 1·eucngc. 1 · ~ ~. ~ . ljers>.then vr.e muj{ l~arilc, that "':ee-may vrc. ,. not q;ql}ite ClJill for, ep\H, in thought, word Pr dccji, to thofe that doe vs wrong·, any 1 mancy..g!,qf~vay, but iJl.Uft rather fi1ffer iniurie, and reJr~rethc rcuenge vnro God that iudge– cth rig1n~oufly~ ..:-;.nd becaufc th,is dutic goe_$ agajnfi our na_rqraJl difpo.fition,I will vfc r R~:~tons2" i0me tcafons roperf.,,•ade,our bcart"S to yccld g~m!l priuat vmo it: ~irQ-,.the}l.p.oftlc teaGl~cth OUt•ofDeU_- 1 wzenr· teronp_mw., . that }tpt'/{{cance JS the I;.ft;.t4:· 1f k Rom..u. then'we !hall pril(arcl'f reucngc our :f~htes, we . 19~ robGpq ofh1srigh1,& fo linnc againgth~ firll comm~t)dtmcnr, S~qndly, in the.ocxt w.ords j he addqh, and I wilt repa; faith theLord:wb~r God takes vpon hin1to ·be our the ca{e of-it~Cliicc, .;nti . d1c;-dOrc '"'hen "''',:e. are wronged, we muft not be rafh to rcucnge our [clue;& ,;;bur.muHw<\ite wi~h p~tien~~.vpon the Lord,layfng our iniu1:ic :lt his fcc-tc;fOr I he will rtpaie in due..time, to them that haue wronged vs. Thirdly,cot,1fl.dcr the ~xamp!cs of worthy men in this cai"c;for our Sa~i~ur Chrift urucr fo~tght rouC!ngc-)but Garc wrong;a.tietJt!J, cimiHiag ~11 to him tl:lar iHtl.getb ,·igl;:ct?lfA7_:_ lra- l --~-----.-- -- .---:-c---~~''!, ____ . -.-,.