Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3 f, 6.,,. Sermon in the ~ount. 1 85 -~ __ , uingV:ranexampleto.doe li'<!wifo, r. Pet. 2. 10, A ofGod in Chrifi, then wemuH rcfcrrc our boY. ea, when he was cruelly & vniultl}' crucified, dies and foules·, aod all that we hauc, to the hcpra~edfor hiiptr[ec'Utors, Luk. z3. 34· Sreum good 9fother_s. Although men by nature bee alfopraiedfor them thatftoned him, ·ACt. 7, 1@, .like to p {att:~~e Guifh, {U ~pms, WooLues, p Ifa.u.6.;. and.Dauid, though a King, would not fuffcr Cuc~tricu, &c. '-Nho(e r.ropcnic is, to'bc t:tkcn On ~"'himei that curfed him, uourc and hurt other creatures. ; yet when t. Sam. r9. 9, ro. neither would he cuer touch it plc"3fcth Ood to n:ceiue them to mercic, Saul, who fOught his life,~ though he had him and to phlc:e them in his kingdome, then they 1 1 often in his hands: thy, r.nhis.heartfmote him la.ic\ their cruel! nature, and liue pcac~a. 1 for cutti11g off the izlppe of hiJ coau: fa farrc bJy one \Nith another; for tn the mounraiae of 1 was hcc from fceking .reucnge. Fourthly, in. ~orb ha!inejfe ~ nMejl,~llh;t:r aYde/fraJ, vcr.9. ~t f the fifth petition wee pray, Forgiue t1J our 1s aprophclieofChnftsktngdomc,thatthcrm I jnn~J, tU wee forgiue au-t' trefpajfes .• but if we ;rhe[wordandfpeare which be weapons of\~ar, carr.ic- grudging in :ou~ hearts , wee praic · p,a/1be turnediniofqtheJ and mattock!, wh1ch God not to forgiuc vs, but to condcmne vs; arc in!l:runtcms of common good in rime of. . fOr wee will not foigiue, but be rcudngcd on B peace; whereby was !ignified, that when men them that offend vs. Now this is a moll:fcarearoconucrted, and become true children ynto full cafe, that·aman lhould pray for vengeance God, they laic afide all malice, and giuc,themvponhimfelfe. Fiftly ,, it is not meetc in com- ,fchics to do gOod,andbecorr:e ferui,cable Yllmonreafon, dlatthefameparrie fhould be the to allforthe good.of :1ll. Thjs was notabJy xc:-:. J accufcr and the Iudgc; ahdyet ifa. man might rificd in Paul 'I who·ofa q. perfocmor hecame-a- 1q Aa. 9 .lf· . rcuenge himfelfe, this lhould be fo-: arid thete... pre.~tcher: yea, her hecam(a/lrl]mgJ to a/J. mCn, r s.Cor.9.:2. J· :tPrc,.if.we wouldbe Chrifls Difciplcs,wcmu!l: 1 that byall meane,s hemigbt w)(mefomr: .An4 thus 1 ·armC .our fclues ·w.ith patien·ce , in fuffcring' doing, we arc like to our hcauenly fa,thcr,who f wrong, and rcferre reueoge to God that iudcloth good to all; but ifWf! giue our fclues·ro I gcth•riahtcoufly• .. ,_, · .· ,wrongdoing,we are cuill ones and herein like Yet fomc will f.,y, Ifwe alwaies put vp and to the deuill hin{clfe, , 0 , fuffcr wrong, we !hall ncucr be at"quiet, but Founhly,Chri£t here forbidding priuqte re- ~~~~~~~~11 . llill be abufed, Anfwer. Though in our owne ueng, 'vhicrus 't~llawful, doth hereby ellabliili perfon wemaynot rcucnge our felucs, yet we that reucnge,.-whic:h is lawfull & iuft.Now larpmaycrauc the helpe ofthe Magillratc, either• full rmenge (to fpcake fomqwha\ hereof) is for the prcucnting, or for the punilhnent of C the work! opa· iufl and}4wfuU ppwer, requiting wrong done vnto vs; for the Magillratc is· euillforeui/1, Thisiufireuengciot)No-fold,DIGo·ds Liuetcnant, to rclccuc theopprcffed,and nine, andHuinane; rDiuine n~mge, is the work 1, Diuint. to ex~cmc vengeance on malefaC1:ours: thus ofGods abfolute power,takinf? vcngc:lnc.evp:- did "paHIfend to the chiefe Captaine., to preon offenders: ofthclawfulnefie ofthis reuetfg. uetlt :r~onfpiracic that the lev\,CS intended in God, there is no queJ;lion•; oncly thiSJtWC again(t him, and o appca!cdta C<tfar, to auoidc muft remembcr,that God executes this venge-. thedanger ofthe Iewes at Icrufalcm : and yet' anee daily,in'thc manifoldmiferics of.tb_is h(e, when wrong is done vnto vs, "''e mult beare it & likcwife in the iuft condemnationoftht..Jropaticntly, without fcckingpriuatcRcucnge, penitent afcer death.Indeed as a f1thcr he chaalthough the wrong were doubled or trebled ficncth his .Ghurch and chil.dren,for vengeance vpoh:Vs. ·~: . 1 ' in ChriH becomes nurruremenr;but as a feue~:e ";Thirdly, our Sauiour Chrifr lier·eCalling the iudge he pl-agues the wicked, powring venwrong doer an euillane, ginctk. ..v~-~d:S vndergcance on them, both temporal! and cter:nall. fiarid, rha:t it is the propertie ofa!1euill man to fiumane reuen~e is the ordinance of God , doe wrong vmo others; and this' tide-is giucn \ovhcreby~nen becing thcrcrero calledbyGod, :1. HLimano. I to the wrong doer, to reach v:s~ tliat vvc mull ( do cxecur~ vengeance in the \1atne ofGod; & (uffcr wrong parienly, though ·hee be an euill D it is twofold,exrraordinary,or ordinary:Extra- ~~trae:rdiua-~ man that offcreth it ymovs... ~t is~thc propertic ordrnarie;mhe·tl.'tilcn are.c:x.t:raordinarily1\irrcd t rJc:. I ofa good manto do good counua:lly;but to clo vpby the,fpirit of God, to excc·utevtngeance wrong is the markc of an cutH man, who vpon offenders, h1 the name ot God. Thus herein is like the deuill: which mu{l tca<:hvs ( Phi.ncMjlweZimriAI!dCofoie:& thus manyof c not to doe wro;1~ to any one, in his bodie, the Judges. of Ifracl , efpcctaJly t Ehud and 7,~~~b'25•· goods, or name, Clther by word or. dccdc; but u Samp[on,_tcr0ke reuengc 1Vp?n the Cll<'mies of ~ ~~~:~~~~~- rather apply our felues lo doe all!he good we. Gods people :,rhus Elitts the 'Prophet flew Baals & c!~o 1 s.&:c. can, to eucric one within the compaffeof tmr pnefh, 1. King r8. 40. and dejlr9ed the two calling. Hereby we 01all fee wha.t our dbtc is, Capt.tinetand,their fiftiu with fire ftom heaHcn, for ifin our callings \'I.'C fctour felues to hurt· z.King I.IO.J 2, thus x Pcterkjlled AnanitU& x Aa. 5 • others, either by word 01· deed, wee are in the 1apiJ)1"a: and Paulftroo/zyy Elima; rvithb!ind- YMt.13·10 • fight of God cuill men: fuch arc our vfurers ! ncffe. This kind of rcucoge iS nowe rare, for ::md extortioners, and all thofc ehat vfe fraud we arc not to look for extraordinary inft:inCts: and deccitc in their callings. But-if \VC would we~knowc Chrift rebuked his 1. Difcip/cJ far x Luk.:Hf i11ewc: our fclues to be good men, approoued feel<ing to execute this extraordin:lrie rcuenge s5: H4 'P~--~