Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

V,40,41· Friuue'n1C~ dud:tQ· \'{ards'fy– rants. Sermon in the:~Otlnt. by fiigln,or calling for hclpe ofthe Ma·oi(hate, A tion, Phil.z.z.w.hich isa porable rlll<'\for tllegh' then he is to {land tO farrc in his ownCdefence, men De at diffvtcnc~ yet'fl'@lughd'0 be-~ 1 that hcc is rather to k-ill theri be killea: for in -co_ntcntions ciil1~f'liti\'\'Oril obd~G<i .;.all th..irigs l this cafe, God put> the ·fwQrd imo a priuate ought to b' douc:in lou:;&tf.a.'lhifcJhA<t:i!f:Q.: m;ms hand,and tuJ.kCs'him a Magifiratc,to ex- .t'hat wtancling'lpirit is n.~.of!GqC1;_ )vb.ori!-- ccmc rcucngc vpon his aducrfaric: and thus by men fl:~ue 101put dow:rieno~~rS. Hi 'fOt;(b: I might a man lawfuiiJ':kJII a theefc in the night when a man hitb·fpohn h\~o:mttd~b.~·!lught tP withom thegtJilt of hfogd, Exod. 22._2• .· . •. . teafc, for lt~ulttplyHlg E>f ~e1idf ,1s •.agtuuft "''·'· Fourthly,hcnce obfci:ue:that n6 priilatc man Chr1ltian cwllnf,!ndeuc:r)b\o\'herecoi).lictJUl<fti 'd il may lawfully kill a Prince, though he lhould ui the holy Sohpnlrc. · , · • · 1. \'''' 1 tyrannically dc!lroy both church and toriunon Secondly, bsre•JS condemned, notthela\'(• 1 wealth; for this ruiC'mHil fquarc .thca8:ions full, but the commqn v!c·_?>f·l~wuig, whcNhy of priuarc men, they mufl rather bcarc double men for cuery ,rr.i.flc- will trouble· thC ·Cotirt~: and ncblc wrong, then by way ofpriuatc reThis artlucs .a.·cOnt·~uioU'S {pii"ir-, and' a min~ ucnge rdiH:thc cuill one. The rcuengc ofctiill that ii giuen to ~cu.en~c,. whichrbefecmcth.ribt ) Magilhatcs mull: be rdCrrcd-to God,towh9rt1 B Chriftians, as-Pad! fhcweth,•J·.:Gor .. 6.r . ..2·.s;.6. : it iulHy b·clongcth)as-Dauiddid, l.Sam:.z6.1o. and yet it is"the corhmon-praC1:ifcJin thcfe.6Ul"! ·I! Common : vfcofl:iwini;l nought. ! an<l: Pl31-. 43· 1. ~~; 1 . · daies,frQmwh:ca-ct: c~mc fuch l'nbhriilian·f~b. ~:r:;!;;_s Lailly, in this firH cxampleofpart-i~uJ~i" inches a.s this 1witi.Gr: reUc11f,tfiun...him..,::Pr:..ef{iil : iuric,wc may fee one propenic of :iri~cUill man; -,:vi!!fpmd JJ_that.ll:.auc••·Bnt:thc.cruth i:Srrcllttl: ~· uillpcrfon. namely, to be giucn co.fighting, -quar.rclling, rachcrchcn a man fhould goe thus todawf}bee · -and ronrending:fuch a one may thinkhlmfclfa ought. ~o 'fuffcra.doubleand·i'robkloffC\ ··! ! il I .,, k,;q 'I goodlyfellow,out yet he tha< ~feth·his (lreugth · Thirdly, ·hcre<i:hrilt reicrheth,thar in:alLOltt 1 to ordinarlequl1rrelling, and wrong·doing eo dealings we tn~lt hauc a. princ_ip.all rcgatd:v·lltiO , others, is here madc-ah·eUill one~ byJthc fCncharitie, and .t:athcr fc~k:c cto;n1ainc.aino:!~his 1 cen~t ofourSauiour Chri£1: and therefore li.u.:h grata: in our hearts thenoui.. ~t\V:lr~·. i '?r14!-f . as excel! in tlrcngth, if they Wouldblapproogoods. . '· · .;... :...0 ·• ~ ' , 4 'tJ m.J ! ued of Chrifl, mull tp~ke tonfci'cuce of quarFourrhly,wc.arc here rauobt io pfefcrre =r 4 relling and fighting;:ufd" offCr"viOltn;:c to no OWJ}C peace and quiemeife;tcforc OUr tcinpo~ ' HowWe man. );'; :I .. . 'f .., ... ' raU·goods; yet not fimpiY.;\butin this refpc .. Ct, : n~~~~t~t I V, AO, dntJ.' it' Jfiy man C that hcrebywemayhaueflrrcr rime with qui!. ' P"'" T '1 Otncffe to Imr.loy our fcluesm·rhe worlhiJrof rPifl fue thee_tft'ebe /imJ) ttncf ' God, androedificourfcluasin holincffdand L. h,. . I h h picric: thi_s_dutie concerneth·thcnl crped:rHf\ ' ta~ all1ay t 'J·COat,tet. iflj . aue which baue much de:ll1ng ill<he worklr;: and .:~: ~ ;~:~ , . I tb'l cloabe alflo. . .. thereuponmallyoccafions·?f3.nger &. vexatrO', '\: for fuch vnruly p<~flions make·.a man VI\fl~ for s. Eumpte Here Chrilt propOunds thcfecond example Gods fe[uice~; it: is the mecke and loiA.fy heart ~~~:~~r1nt ofwrong done vnto nien, wherein •he forbids that recciut.::s th~ bldfing from the Lord,~Mair, t ~~~~~~~a Chrint;m– Jike. :.he party wronged torrei.Jcnge him(clfe:to wit, 1 I. 29. • /~ ~ ~~~~\:~ being iniurcd in hi~ gOods·, either priu:uly, or . larHy,in t~is.cxarnp~c is fet d~wncv.moy~, 5~ ..... l vndcr colour of lh\.\fl,"r':_fhr b0th'thetC'm<~y here a {econd propcrtt"e of :. nat~1cly]l"tO~l;)e ~Vrong do- • well bevndcrftood.l~y~eoatt prd.perly is meant g_iucn to,_wt;,ong their brethren in their ~o'6ds, ~~~~:~t the innergarment; hn·&by c!oJ!zy 'thC 'outward: e1thcr pnuacdy, or vr.dq colour oflaw1,fu~hia pc:rtOn. bur ~~re the 'lt\'Old~-a:e·n0r fo tlri~t>:tto be ta1 one '"'as Z~cheUJ befo~·e his ca.lling ; · When·lie I ken? bur !ndttfercmly for-anydmcrs ga1rnents; gathered tnb_ute and cufiomc· for the Rom·ir.rc for mLuk,gthcyate tlit~s fd downc,''Jilnd htm 1 ;! Eri1perour, hc-.vfed 1 forked cauillation;· foft his I that would talze di.vay rhJ.. cloakfi{o~hi~ nor_t.a: t¥>. ~··wnc :_and thcfe our d_aiCs abou nJx.rith; :o _Luk. 19 " 8 ' t.ab.J·thJc~tttealfo. And Ch_n~s :TI~~tunp.1s thts; \ I t~ofc th~t ~nnch rhemfe!ucs by pilling_<~ndipo1- . Ifoncvnlllfily cont:en<~·V..'!th tllec;td1 take from . lmg ofthcu· brethren;but all fuch arc vniiifl & ' , 1 thee one garment, i~f' him haue a:n6cher a.lfo, 1 : cuill pcrfons, by the iudgcment o(our SauiOur l•. • ~·; whether coate, dr. clea1<c, or ftJch·likethinn. ; -Ghrifr. '. · d ~r And yet this commandchient is.h~tfit~ply,b~t : '-.. I -r eomparatiudy to be vnd erflood·;:cto wir, ,_' . · V erfe 41• d nd 'Whqjrieder thcr then -a man fhould fcckc p"ii!uatc rcucnge, ·u ·· JJ he inufl not 01\cly fu!fcr thC!offe ofonc oarmet' 'fPI C,Ompete thee lOgoC: tl mJ/e> but of moe,and fo ofother tcmporall-g~ods. , goeWith"himtlMine• ·,' ..... Out ~f th's.cxamplc, w_c -~ay·~:2riie thcfc ' .... Infl:ruCl:IOns;Flrft,tha.t Chn{ban~muH be quiet and paticm,and not giucn'd,whcthc'r \ it b.c priuatcly, or-openly by··the laW. : ~his _contention Pa~tl reproollc,ct mth~ CCI nnthians,I .Cor.l.J. & charget~~l'lePhilippians) that nothmg be done among' thttli·G} conten'- i·lere Chri!lpropounds ihc thir~ example.of· 3 , Ew>pk. Wroqg do~·ng, by Supcriqyrs tow.~rds their inr fcriours,whCrin the p::uii~·W'fong'Cd is lilfcv.lifc 1 forbid dep~tO make refifl311(~Cb)r wa'y ofpriuhte rcucpgc. F~r the vndcrfianding where0f, we -· muft know; that as in thi.~ o\!f.common wealrh I ----------------------~--~~~~~-----------------------------------'~'2c