Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

86 d nExpojieion ofChrifls l!falth.!• "'·l9:_ vpon the: Samaritans ; and therefore when we I A fdfe , but tllnte the orlm· chuk..; :zlfo ; 1 which hauc a conceit hereof in our fclues ~ wee rJ\ay words muft not firnply bee vnderHood, but by iu!Hy fufpc:Cl: what fpirit it is that mooueth vs. 'omparifon,tbus; rathu thm thou uvmge thy Ordinaritr:Hmge, is that which men ordinarily folfe, and refifl the tHi/1 one rhat httth jfrick]X! put in execution, in the Church and common thee on tlu right chrfk.!., tHnu to him theoriH:r: \'.'calth,according to Gods wil, bccing thereto for this particular example called by God: and it is two-fold, Ldfcr, or it the general! rule ofnor refl{hng cuill by priSoueraignc, LejJ~r re#e:tJge, 's the infl.iCHngof uat rcucngc:and that it may not (lmply be t<lkC, lawfi1ll correCtion vpon offenders, in ...vord &r may hereby appcarc:firH,bedufc CbriH fbould dcede, not reaching to the cafe of life and then command tht fuffcrer to giuc fl~nhcr·ocdcath:: this kind of reucngc is committed to cafton ofwrong doing to the cuill mau, w'hich Parents ouer their' children, and Maficrs ouer is not his mcaning:againc,Chrift himfelfc whO' ;heir fcruants, to fchoolemailers oucr their gauc.·this rule , did not (o praChfe it, )V hen fchollers, and Tutors oucr their pupils,, Sott<- he was finittcn by the feruanr ofthe high Prid!, raignc rmengc, is that whereby the Ma;;iftrate B Ioh.rS.zz, 2 3. . . . ".. maylawfullypunifhmenaccordingtorheirofFir!l, hy·rhis exorpple Chri!l condomncrlr fences, in bodic, goods,or life it fetfc; this I cal the common praClifc of challengin~ the fidd fouer~ignc, not firnply, but bccaufc it i5 the for perfonall wrongs,&.oftaking rhat dlaHcng highcl'Nh!t agrccth vnto man, beeing of life when it is giuen; as alfo the .fighting thC tingle and death. This reucnge is executed partly in eombate :for Chri£\: teacheth; ·that a man muft peace,and partly inwarrc; In pcace,bythe eOtake manytW.rongs,bcforohc feekc to·rcuenoc. fifcation of?oods, by imprifoni"?cnt, ba~,i~- hitnfclfeby any fuch.courfe. If it be faid , it is I ntCnt, anti (1fthe offence defer-UC It) by takmg a difgrac~ t6 rcfufc a cba\lcngc;wc mufl.knpw;~! away oflifc, for the good of the !Tare publike> r.har truC'grace and crcdiJ, !Tandcrh in yt<lding 1 In time of warrc, whca as (not for euery c:afe) obed1encc vmo God,&: n_ot in finning.againft 1 but for the iu!t repelling or rc·quiting .of him for the fauing of our rep·utation. with. wrongs, v:arr~ is made a~ain{hhe eaemie's o6 · men. . the ltar'c. Now tho'ugh it belong to·ihe MagiSecondly, the common praC!ifc offighting !hate oncly, to execute publik·e reucnge , yet and quarrelling, is hc1rc condcmnCdaminy bold Fig~rinf!,ond euery priuate manma.y haut the beneficahereof~· it vnlavvfull to giuc the fuH blow,but yet if an qumcllin&: and may vpon iult caufcs vfc·rhcMagilhares: other flrikc rhem rhey rhinkc they may 6rike Wftercinwc nu,._(eck to thcM:1gi· lhatefurrc• hclpe for his rcucngc J as fidl, ifliis caufc,bcc. - againe:.but this Chrift here c;ondernnes,:md.his waightie whcrcinl}c is wronged: :. ifit bee C ownc cx:implc is ngainfi it: ~forwhrn lice was necctfa.ric1and J~i~it be tdrhis iufi defence, for fmittcn before the high'l?-ricfi 7 he a {mete ;,#-If-:, 1 Ioh.J!. u . the: common good, and the punHhment: ofthe g{fint: whenPaul b was fmittcn , heoodyde11• offcnd·er; and the Magil}ratc in thefc c3fes may fended himfclfc inword, but fmorc ·not againe. la-..,,fully, aay he (llU{l.put in·execution reucngc And ChriH chcckcth R~t.11·h for ·taking the for priuat nu:n:forwit"hout this,neither church, fword to .refill the officers th:tt apprehended nor c~mmonwealth, nor any focicdc could him in the garden; indcedc he permitted his fbnd! difciplcs to weare weapons,.y~t.not for reueu.g,. Th1.1s w~ fee what iufl reucnge i5: now con.., Qut fo1· their iuft defe~1ce. · _ .. (:dering it is the ordinance of God, this mull Thirdly,.Ghnlt here·cQnd emnerh their,opi· adn1oniih vs to e(chcwc all outW3rd offcn~cg ~ nion, that make iE amatter of praifc for aman that ... -..·c may f6 elcape the iufl: rcucnge of the that he \~'ill not tttrne his face from :1 man. It is Magi!hate; and aHO to m:1ke confcicnceofaH indccde the·praife of the Magifhate to be cou11nnes that fo ·we may auoidc the vengeanct of ugious ~· andnot to fcare the face of man. 'iju~ God. And thus much of the gcnr.rall rule. yet a priu:uc man, be he ncucr fo llrong,ought Now bec:mfc this generall rule might feeme ·D toturnc his face from the aduerfarie, vnktfc it to be hard, therefore Chrill: explanes the fame be in the cafe ofhis necdfarie defence: for a ma in 3. particular examples, wherein he fbewcs mull fuffer double or treble wrong, rather thC ho\\' n'lcn 3re to bch3uc:: themfclucs when they reucngc hi•ttfelfc. Ifany !ha!l thinke this to be arc ··wronged. The firll ex:unplc is in thcfC a great difgracc, flill hcc mufi remember that 1.1~x1_mplc worJs, whofoctt(r .fhall[mite thee on rbe right our chiefdl honour confficth in approouing offmtermti chre'·eturn~ to l)lm t.lg other a/'0: vnder wl1ich, our fducs vmo God, by.obeyio.,t'T h1s wj\>who ·~wrong. are ~mpr.chendcd all iniuri~; done to mens here comm::mdeth vs r:uhcrro turncour backcs bodies, not oncly by blowes and words,but alflie, then to rdi!l: in our owne rcucngc. fointhc contempt of thcirpedOns, fignifierl ~.flior:. But\\1hatifaman bcaffaultcd,ci- \ by thiking on the right cheekc: f01· vCually mC thcr on the bigh way, or in his houfc, may he I Hrikc with the right hand, which direCtly notthcn rctiH to fomchi s l1fc,& his goods?An.. fhould light on the left chccke,and if the right. frrur. In IUch a cafe he may doe two things: .check be finittcn,it is commonly with the b:~ck ~irH, he m.ay to the vttermoH ofhs powcr,ck- [.,y :.t man ts abufcd 1nll.1s bod 1 c,cucn by blO\\·s kcth not agli.ll(t dcfcncc,but ag<~inft rcucng.Sc- \Vhataii'JII '"~Y ,/<.>· ;~n;~~:~ ""' l ofthe hid,which is a blow with contCpt:now, fend.himftlfc and his goods; tOr the Text fpcaof contempt, yet hee mull: not rcuengc himcondly,ifa man (:\11 fc_~ no \YaY to cfc<lpr:,cith:_: -------··-- ··-~-·-------··--------·-_._ __by-