Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

_Without #;tnitriiio;; ;,,cj'7kmYL- SJ · =- ~-- that whe.teas hef~re we did .looke upon God?sa f~vere Judge;; yve lo'Oke now onhim, ~sqne wiHing (() .rece.iv~ ,us .bQth are ,J,:CS].~i(lte. Su;c,e ~of-~i[ery t onely, b.nqgs a lll,~n bpt. to-~lmfelfe,. asthePro(/ig 11 U t firfi: 1s f~id to come to h1mfelfe j but ~ope .of.?#frcy j Joyned .with i~, drives,a~an,homc· to ·Fod~as. it i alfo hilll ; w.I..thout whl(:h fence of mtfery 9r"lves . liS fr9m lhe .Ld"" ll s ;P~lt ~ope of me~cy J>eing , a.dded to ir, ·C,aufetb tblS a~Ive humi/i4#~11, W:ee fp~ake .of, :wb~e,by wee fay, I wi(Jgoe andhum~lt ' '11J1 .ft 1ft. ,2 Payre of iogre~ientsare the fetue ,pfopr O,'Jrfllle emp.. . ti11tl{e.,together w1th anap.prehenfton pf tbat..A1{uf · ftcienty that is in Gop,;w.h1chwealfo.J.!!ay{(ejn the ! ProdigAU, whenhe faid, I fbAPjiAr1JePJ44Je, :ifljiAJ . /Jere.;.ltHt, f4thers ha.u{e i4 bre~e~ough: helookt 1 · to that all fnfficient fulneffe tba,t w,~ -in . ~od to ' fupply his 'wants. The <;rca_ture wh~lft it fiodeth .any ~hitm ~n it felk, it will fta.nd upon itsowne ; ,. bottome, and not bee humMed, .lp.ut wilen it tinds . nothing ioits.felfehut.emptinefie, t.hen_it;beginneth to feeke out for.ahoetqme ;which it fe~jpg to he in ·.Godalone, itgoes,a~t tp.h~llll) fqr mep~illnot be drawneQff from.thetr own_~. bott~, ;ull they fee ; anotb~r bottome-~o'fta~ qpon. 3 The~e muft be a f~nceof a 11,\~·ns PlVQe Ji»/HI– ntffi' :at\d .the L.o Jl ,X} i rB rS '" s Il,i! ~lgbttoH:{iltjfo, aJJd LO-alight·come_s inth~t,qjfco.v~r~thboth: t.hus w.~en'S. 'PAt#washumbled, tb~re ~asalight fhoae about him,whichwasan out·w~rdfymboleofthat ·' 1new light which v;ith}nhiQ~~ ~ ofCbrift·aad · :his own finfulndfe. · · 1' = . .G 2 . A .~;;_;::-..... --LL.Si y .w;i I 2 W I 3 I ' 7 '