Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Wit~Hwmi~i~tknino 111etey~ -li---1·· . -. •. -' eo Gods Elettlongoeyet funher- : thereh aAothet . ' } . \ kinde of Bvilft!tli&All ~l#~iJiati~n wr{)'Ught in:them, a fruic of fo1ir#iftc'atif1)1;; t-o·r in <!>ne whom. G·o· 1>· .fave, whenhee is com-e.t<>tllis, the L. o R' o·- fends the (pitit of aalfti~w into his .. heart, the fiiril 'f g~Ace;, a1S Z~Cchm.,- calls him ,. vvhich gives him fome fecret h6pe, het {ha:llbe-e. re~i\Yed . to· mercy, iF be·· will C:ome in; wnkbisa worke of faith .ill' fome q·egree begun : and. t'hen– fays the {ouie wit'bit:felfe, ·I wiUgoeaod humble ;my {ie-Ffe, l -will goe home·td_· Go'I>,· ~nd ·chmg.e I my courfe; and!> give UJ"mY fetfetlo him. .rnd ferve .~ .Ihim' : and thiswe'lball find in thefe examples men- 1 ·:tionedbefot-e,efped:rlly ofthe PtorJi!'All, Lfl1 t -S. be· came to this conclufton, lf lfaJ,hffe, I tlyef8rbun1 I ger; hutlnmy{4t-hers-houfl ~b~rffJ,btea4efJDugb: here 1 - - [was'ho'Pewhichbred·thisrefolution. lwiOg~ hlkhe,~· . 'A»d(Af to myfist her~ l ';bA'UtjiJttHJA!lfl.lTJfl he~ven aNti-, 1 the~;&~. 11ttewa$ th!t true humiTiation wefpuice , .of. Solri'Amtjf~sthe hi4mbltdhlmfeJftgre4tly, t>ne of, a;n hope ofm·ercy ; fdr-a m-ari COrtl.eS not/ tO this aa.;; ~ · ive' humiiiati1>n wlieteinhckincity lrorllbleth him– feffe, untelfenehath hope·ofmercr=;amdthebegin .. , ning o( faith -is witH'l··hojreofmtrcy, whichLets u mana\V~~keto goet·b.Gt>d, andfay3 Lor<ll, l'have r · · -~ictetf., fucb andfudH1ns, but I-wiU returneto · tlretn ·nomore ; tamworthyof •OGthing. ,l Now ther~ ,are f6ure f~veralt totnp~·fitions of , · ' Foutep'i-yres 6f ~dieots\\1\'!t bavem'ftueOC'eidto · . thisfecotrd kindof~hutnilhttiotl-; to taufe us to hMlfl· .-_lilt,,,.fol'utr·,. , . · .' · : I ·.. l:'. Payre)an h6pe·~merct/~&"S'Wt\h.s·tafo1'Juofmiferyi · that