Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

PP.ithout Humiliation no mercy. in ·this, that the true ca1:1fech eo come to C.hrifi,and to cleave to him-without feparatio n. .· -:- That you may therefore ·fee the difference·be~ cweene this and the other,and wherein that orher is def~ctive ; marke how thaf which is true workes this·in"oae, who yet is not quitecut' off, but hangs ~y a thred1 as :it were, there being feme fecrec · fihrtt;, fo~e veines ~nd. firings that-are not cut in peeces, whrch keepehfe mthe oldm·a.m, and a m-an · remaineth ·frill upon his old fi0t:ke,-: and ~ fo long Chri{l comes not into the hea~1; ·not amiH' a man be unbottomed of himfdfe, and fees he can no way be happy in himfelfe, or withil'l his owne <;ompalfe; b.ut fees all is to bee had in and from the .L o·a » l' ·E·,s u-s"; umill cheer, he will·not goeo'ut of him– .felfe, no(cleave to or follow the Lo a. n. I a sus C,a ·ll l ·S T · fuUy~. · . Now the,q, the othe·r. humiliation·is defeet:ive in this, in that it is not in this maaAer enough bottom– ed,' it cuts not a manwhollyofffrom himfelfe, the foundation ,is not laid low enough ; there is want– ing ~eptbof t~tiJ.; there is indeed fo mxh earth as fluH bring forth agre~ne blade of profeffi :m, and fuch a foundation as there rruy bee erected a fiight building upon, but it is not(low enoughtobeare a · fubfl:antiaH '~uilding that !halllhndout all windes and weathers; This true humiliation hath. .thefe two things goewith it. · · . · Am<tn{ees no,boetome-inhimfelfe: .. Seeth a b"ttom out of ·himfelfe to ftand·upon, . . ~nd fo h~c calls himfdfe upon that, clafp-sabout\ Ch~ifi, and wholly :adfl.ereth unto him,. . an4 fo · . .r, .· ~ · < drawes , , ~--------------------------------------··