Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

i Witb-out,Bumiluti&n nemercy. 90 draws all fap and life from him.,.as the_-brancb doth from the roote, and thence comesthanefolution and ~biliry, to cleave to theLord,aod topleafehim in_al'l things~ . . . As t.he refolution to doe it , fo allhisahi.Iity to · goe throughwith it ;for beiog joyned to Caa Itt, -·there comes the fpirit of'"'"(card thevenueof ~: Caa r:sTs dead~,beczaufe it worka:savert.ue likeunf' ro his death) into the hean : But whenthe heal't is •' not yet inthis.matlotrbroken, matty uake up puipo- :;· .fes and good delires , ·but are not able to keepe them , bccaafc they1wuebotromed.onth~irowne ,firength ,;· whereasifthe hea.rt were htroltenfromir - ~,. fdfe a~ e.ngrafted;;iato Gw •r:i!.~~ fucb purpQ(~s "" made_m lius'~ Arel)gth would~ aneiig~ov~ttbe,re: > ·, ":' For if·the foil~ bee·l'ft,ade goea, and £Jt plants bet planted in it, ·it is cercaine they wi1hhtive. Now . im a good .hearttoofct defi.res that: beep~ant.ed there doedn:i~e,. a11dwithe.!' no.more., alild thotJgh there· may now. and,thenw-aves,a,rife,and fothry ma¥ be.e ., t0ffed, tO and fro;; y~t .fubftantially theyd(i)e not .wither·nor fall ftom,the fo-uNdatioa! . Thof~ tbet:e- .. fore who haye beguna. g~odcourfefor a,yeare pr · ~fmoneth,and goe not on in.i!rJt ~a, 4gne f hey want "' humb-]ing: He.e is·nruely·hl:lmble~,_rfalls backe '· · no more: Ma,;ajesdid oot,nor SaimP.tUl, LordwhAt :fflih .thou -h4!Ttlt mettiM-, foiJ.hee-then ~-· aRd hee was · as good as his word. The~~fr0ne take-kn<i>wledge you that doe&Ilaway~ what th~ ·defe~ hatm:beene land whe•eia : forthat will bee a.meanes to fet yo 11 , right . - 3o · 3 Pro,perty of Humiliati.oo is,, t01ha:we-all the·af- . . · · (ecrionsl ~ • !.