Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

JPitbout Humiliation nomere1. r; 9 t ------------------------~~--~ fedions moderate, all delights inworl<iJyrhings faint and remiff-e~ and.all bis .alfeetions-·takenchidly. up about_ grace~d finne :, True affettion in him I wiUeareop·thefalfe; ij': efieemeth fpirituall things. . ·at a highrate, andallotherthingsaslitt1e. Aske fuchanone what of all thing-self,e he would de~re,. and he wHl tell you,·Chrill,and the favour of God, . a:nd the;es of the Spirit, andtG have his lu!~s- · m.ortifi<ld and his finnes pardoned, andthat hee l'af- .feth not for t-he things of .this life, neecares not~ -- · comparif<illl whether bee bee,poore or rich; bonder ·free, {notw.ithftanding.if hemay have abetter con– .didGn , hee w1ll u(c it ·1\ather )'as a man that is con– .·demaed to di:e ; 'little reg~11ds~ .hee l:ii~dbte-or ~he; thingsof-this life, .his -&pprehenfians ·ar.e t aleenu~ · withgreater things;give himhis IJardGtt)andtake ~1 elfe: Sohereonetrudyhumbled, counts thefa– vour of: God [ogr~eat, ashee-efteerns aU things-e!Ce light in comparifon :· Whentmeref~re menare vio· lent in their affections towa!ds wortd!y ~Iiings~ : in their deftres and delights in t hem,att<l ende.avour,s. . afrer them, it isa tignethey are ~rnot humMed • 1 4 Propertyis to love G<l)~.and Otlri~mt3Ch; M it~· . ryl~t~tJr»Ucb, IJtcllll{l ·111H&h·wdl jlrgiVIJf'Btr; tl\af is., : not limply that m.Ucl\,was forgiven her,but becaufe w.itlul £.he had ateD:.ofit,appre'hended it, and her {in great b-y a·workeof humiliation, and fo apprehendedit a~~eat mactettobepardoaed. And · f0 a man havingonceapprehended d~ath- and hell, aad the w.rath of G·o»·as belo~gi~g tohitn , and . God comes on afuddaloe aad·tdls him; thfJfl ]halt· ~ ~ l1ve, whenhisneckc wa-s on thehlode; and heeex-. ' peered · 4· ! ' . ,