Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

·------------------------------ ----~----~ .! I. ,• 94 I Wi~bout Bumilit~tion n~.mercy. ~-- --~~--------~--~-, 1 ken £uddainely as.hee was going toDAm.Afom : anci it was difcovered eo him~ that -hee was gui~ty of fo,greata ·finne, a)S heecoUld never h-ave im~~Jgin~d) ~r vo:ce from heaven to {hike his eares ~on tbe fu.4- : daine, why perfecuteft thou me ~ And thisw~eJinde · -by experience to have peene in many who never' . have true Humiliation, .as wee fee in rudM. G o I> : indeed fometimes ufeth it tobring rnen totrueHu- . miliation, as hee did inSaint PAul. ; . But againwcrlind inexpeFit:nc~ in fom-eacleaving: , toGod, andholinelfe of life, Etnd a conftant ~ct;re to: ,pleafe him in:all things,without th:is,violeat v~~ing: for-row: andmany that have'had·their ·hearts deep· . Iywounded,amazed,affrightedandhavethereupon· taken up great purpofes which have c:ome to·no· · thing , the-grmmd whereof having,beene aviolem! paflion, as that·the roooe withered, ·fo the f(l!it wV theredalfo; but a trueapptehenfion andconviltiool · ofliane; as init.felfethegreateft mifery i-s-m.orc re– , aU and ·drawes the heart nearerto Chrift;· . in·this cafe wemay fay·ofthefetwo forts,lls·Cb-rill:' ' faid of thole who ·w~re·b.iddento gee intotheyine..· yard: Tnty that{~tid tl.iey wouldg~e,didndt, ant/others . . that [aid theyw.1uldnot goe, ytt!'fW1It •• andth~refore,' ; wee anfwer, that it is not alwayes neceffary to have 1 ' fuc.h a violent forrow, orthat amanfhould -lieany l l long time infu~h an_evident fence ofw:rath,tho~g-hl( : -alwayes t'here 1s anght apprehenfton of fin whtch. : doth ftumble a·ma.n : whichwill appeareby thcfe. ~<:onfiderations. ' · · · 1 ; ·That 1s not a'l·wa:yes the~greatefl: forrow that is_ . - 1 thusviolent : though it feetue to bee fo, .itis not al.: · -- - ----~-------~-.:_; _ ___ ~--- - ~-----···· .... _ _ __ waycs