Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

_ JPithout Ht~m4liation rVJ ntlYC1e :_ wayes the greacell: forrow which melceth i'mo tea-res; as that is not the·greateftjoy that difco~ers Jc fdfe in laughter ; that is nonhe greatefl: forrow . which workes tlfe·moft vipFent commotion in the heart; there is a fad filent quiet fon:oow that finked1 d~per, rh·at wetS-more fl.owly , and fokesinto the I . hea!t,an~makes the heart mor~ ~ruirfolfin ~h~ iffue, j :wbJchanCethout of_a1'l){)re fptr1tuall eonv1chon_oh 1 · Iudgemeat;of the ev1U of finne;though leffe Jraffion · l· ac.Cdmpanies it , yec a!l:tonger and deepe·r affection: · o'fforrow is wro~ht. I call it dcepet,_becaufe it i~ :.: rm~r.e ,conrtartt ~nd'lafl:'ing,more toputp<1fe;-theone ~ b·eirtg as aland-ftot~d, theother as ·afpring• . · Put thecafe,. fuch a violent 1orrow ~ould:bee. .· g~ter, yet it is not alwayes alike necdfary, neither ··· on Gods patt nor marts-. . · ·. Not- on mans part ; as fom( difeafe doth not · -need fo iharpe and quick ame~Hcineas afl other , as . fome meng._ Gdh-i.s: harder toheale thanothers, fo, _ ·:f0tne mens-hearts- havemore tl:ubborneneife in dr~cn ..tha·n others ~ fome brave ma-de themf€tves chil. ··. dten of the DiveHby their·wick-ed 'Cou'rfes , worfe · . -then they wereat:firft ;othersincorrtpatifonatebur as the children of vld•m, ftil'l as they were borne, · and therefore the fame wmkemaybee wronght in., · them, withmuch letfcadoe. . . . · , On<iods-part it is notalwayesfo ne<;effaty-, but is ptoponi.oned toGods ends; :attdGocl differs and · is va.rions inhisendsconcerningmen. · · · Hemeanes to bellow agreater mea{ure ofgrace · upononethen up<>na'n 'dthet f andwhere he tneJrt:es ' r eo fet a greater hailding) ·the-re he digg<s a lower ··.. ~ · _ _· fo~nda- ·. '1 i 2 I l 2 ''·. .!'· ._, i 1