Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.\ VP}t/,out Humiliation no·mercj. . -~ ~ - _......__ foundation ; bee tl1Canes tou[e fome as ameanes to comfort others,.and thereforeletteth them fee and ! feele more the bicterneffe of finne:,that they may be 1 ! !· 3 I-I - . able ·to 'omjort ut hers with the.[ime-lomfort wherewith th~y h~~,ve beene comforted. . · _ . , " Bee differs in the me~nes to attaine his ends·; -if hee meanes to bring them ~o the famemeafureof grace ,yet heewill no-t goealwayes.thefaJne way to worke, as hee often cloth th~t -without affi ittion,– which fgmetimes hee doth _with it ; a-s .a ,man is brought to the fame ~ Hayen divers wayes, forne ina calme is ~ided in,others are driven in with a llnrme, but it is no matterho~ the¥ comefothey come in, the:promife is made to t~ofe that come. . A third confideratiqn is , that it' is not fo_r want. of this greatndfe of humiliation, th~t divershave not fo vioLe.1t a forrow, but from fome circumftance in the worke it felfe; as, -· · ,_- - Erfl,becaufe the light ofcomfort comes in foo· ner to fome than to others; they .have the falv.eprefently after ~he wound is given : ·God h-aving bre– keq.the heart bindethit up prefenrlyagaine, ~man may have as dcepe a wound which amitigar·ed me– dicine comming neare to the botfome of the difeafe a~d foone applyed may fooner healethan another -le{fe deepe , to wkich the rernedie is not applyed .a long time after, which therefore askes longer _: So alfo it is in joy, fuddainndfe increafeth it for afit; fc r example, put cafe a man is condemned for high treafon, and brought to the blocke, and verily ex, peCts death, and his'pardonon the fuddaine comes, there is fuc.hagreat fenfiblechange wrollght in him (and :~~~~------~- -- ~-- ~~~~~==--~--~~--~- ~