Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

- 98 l Witbout Humiliation nr~ mercy. ~- fafe!y apply the _Promife ~ becaufe they have not h:td that meafure of forrow t-hat ·others have had. I But let no man fuffcr his a!furance to bee weak, ned for want of~ t.hi~; for aman may have as high an eil:eeme ~f C rf .a. I s l' a.nd pee as throughly ' convinced of fi. tne hough hee want that violtnt :, worke ) which G _o D workes in fome , even a ' f· great fence of his wrath, and ktting themlie there ; i :and then fpeak~s peace, fo as thefe are-wrought , J by diftin{t acts arid caufes in a great diftance one 1 I from the other, fo that as their forrow was evi- 1 l ) dent fo thdr j0y was evident, inanother hee workes I ' fo, that as foone as hee feesfinne -hee fees Godal- ·fo pardoning. · ,. · · ·, · - . . · ~.- . · And in thofe that have that violent fh,-niog of atfeGl:ion in. their firfi Humiliation ; looke how much o'f it is violent , :wm·vanifh, and what is ' :fubfiantiall, will' hold ; fo.that even 'they in the end ·come to this folld convietionof Judgement at lafi , which onely is confiant, and abideth with , -. . them-. I And · therefore . let .not thy affurance bee Weak.ned for .the Waflt.:of thiSL·; · for · f:tidil ·Unites toG ~~& t ~ ·Tand'dl:ablifheth us in well -doing:.· - o~efl. BUt youwill fay, .is it not good to·get that fenfi-' b!e fiirring fence and fight of finne ~ A.nfw. l anfwere , yes ., for to that end Go zi .leads 'through croffes ·, -and1 uffers thee to ·faH into t.innes;.. that thou maye!l: fee the vanity ofthe creaturearid: the finfulnelfe of thy nature, that when thou eommer\ to Hea,ven thou·mayefi fay by thy owne experience, it was not by my owne righteoufnelfe that I came --