Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.·· ... - ·Jrtithout Humiliation noneercy. \ 99 !. came hither : And thereforetho~gh it be good'ro . get it, yet let G o ·D.goe his owne way-and ufe hjs \ owne manner.ofworUing,whether by Legall terror or otherwife,what he fees good for thee he will doe to humble thee, but doe thou ufe meants tounder· · fiand the Law, thy owne heart and actions, andas thou art fallen into new finnes, labour to fee: what a • cafe thou f11ouldfl: be in, ifChrill: had not delivered thee : But let not thy alfurance bee weakned, for you'mufi know there are but two maine ends of hu· mil-iation, which if they bee attained in thee, thou ~ needdl: not call in quell:ion thy efl:ate : Now fi rfl: it ferves to make thee willing to with Chrifi : Wee are Chrifis, and woo you every Sabbath day, but wee finde all rhe world like them who tbinke themfelves·beautifull and rich and that they have matches enow, who though they ·are contented to have Chrifi for their husband in Hea-, ven, yet noi: on the earth with all thofe croff~s they mull: rake him with. · Now 'humiliation comes and makes men wil– ling, when a man comes to fee and fay, I have no ·Juch thing in mee as I imagined, no riches, &c. bot I am in debt, and fhall be arrefied a-nd1aid inprifon, ·. and n1y life mull: goe for it, unleffe Chrifi will mar– ry me; in that aman fees hee lhall bee'kc-pt from all . arr'efis by him, this makesaman willing to match · with Chrifi,'ycaglad, though he·ha:vemany <:rolfcs follow in this life upon themarriage. Now there- . fore if thou find_efl: this wrought that thou canfi fin– cerely fay, I amwilling to take Chrifi, and to bee fubjetl: to him in all things to follow him in all J Hz conditions