Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

lOO Vrithout Humiliation no mercy. conditions ., ·to give a full confent to take him, as l finde .. that he in thewordhath a full confent to take mee ;.thencerrainely thouart' bumbled, elfe not>; if thou hadll takenhim onely in afie, and not out of ludgemem , thou wouldefl: have-repented thee ere now. . The [econd end wch Humiliation ferves to is £or · . s~wcbfi cation, as the other hdpt him in his Iull:ifi- · cation, tb t everj unruly luft may be broken and mortified. in thee; .that thou mighteft ·feare to of· f,·nd and bee plyable to the Lord in every thing; whereas.another that is unbroken quarrdls with e– very thing, thinkes his worke too much, and his wag~s too lirtle,and knowes not why he lhould'goe .1 contrary way to the w_orld,. but an humbled~man will doe all this chearefully, like a broken Horfe chat turne:s at every check-of the bridle, when ano- · thcr calls his Rider : DoeR: thon finde that thou tremblell: at the word, and fearefl: finne, and da.refi: · not venture in it, and fo for duties thou dardl: not neglechhem ; al'ld this thou haft experience c;)f'in ~ the whole conrfe .of thy life? then fyrely this , ,worlce of humiliation hath b~ene in~ thy heart: ·' ThQugh.thou feefr not the fire,yet if tho,u ~ndefi the . ,heate,it hath:beeneth<:re: for, thefe are th,e ·effeds of ; :it,_andas Ifpeake this for the comfort 0;£ iho_fe that t 'have not felt fuch violent forrows, ,fo le"t me on the i– contrary fay toothers,.who ( it may. be~ )have had fuch fits of forrow, yet ifthou finde a'q uriwillingnes thus toCH & ·t ·ST ., finde!l: thy necke fiiffe ·to the Lords yoke, an4fuch anunbrokennes in thee, chat thoa canft not live without fatisfying this or · that l