Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

104 ' . . ' ' . ! ~ ) : ' . \ Yf!'ithout El11miliationnomercy. man. oes .to rub agreat ll:aine out of adoath, by · rhe fame a tr hpe rubs out others, thar are the ldfe,£ r m1 e ing is, not that you .thoul~ led)~ · rher ftnoes ~\le, when I exaort you to,fingle out .;e ;but o confiderall particularselfcalfo, though never fo fmall: the multitudes of.them will helpe to 'humblethee,as well as the greatndfe: \Vhen a man.,. fees hee hath many~btsthough but fmall, of fix– .ences and (lullings ; yet being many, the totall ·fumme may arife to agreat quantity, and make a man fee ~,.himfelfe bankerupt : Therefore fer your ·finnes in order before you, givethedue weight toe– "very fin, but yet efpecially let great fins bee inyour ·eye. Now fome finnes are greater in -' theirowne n:lture, .as fornk'ltion, ·{wearing,.drunkcnnetfe., &c~ others are made,g(eat by their circumfl:ances, as that : ·they were committed againfl: knowledge:,with·deli- : beration, asSaN! f}aring1he Amaleiites, an~ facrifi-! :cing before Saf1!uel came., .wherein a, commande:. i:nen.tto.thecontrarywas diilindly given. S~God . aggravated to Ad~tm his finne, did not I commAntfthe~ ihecfJnlrAr1 '! and didll: thounot know< thou thould • . eft not '! We arenot to take finsbynumber onely, but.alfobyweight : as when theywere committed contrar.y toma'ny pl'omifes,purpofes,and fo ashard_- , neffe.of heart followed upon it. . . . • :! _ : ' And fecondly, withall labour tom~ke ' ftns pre· · {ent,though long fmce committed; looke on them :as if they were newlydone: for though our fiiu~es , 9e grear., ,.yet if we apprehend the,m and view,at a difi:ance, and a great way. off,>theymoveus not: · Which is-the reafonwhymenarenot moreaffUted I ·' . -. ' .