Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

-~· .. -· · VYitlxJut Humiliatian no merry. l01 with the thought ofdeath, _in their health, which yet isoneofthegreateftevills, and fo ·apprehended by us when we come to dye: the reafon is, becaufe it is then conceived to be a farreoff, and fo men are no't movedwith it• Thus is it in our apprehenfio~ of fins alfo : the dillance rriakes them feeme fmall;. there is not a aeare conjunCtion and application -of ~he obj.eet ana the affeCtion,· they are HOt brought nigh, but men looke upon finnes long fincepaft as ftl1all, whereas in tr-uth fins long fince <!:ommitted are the fame in.themfelves and in·the light of God they were when firft committed ; and th~refore· fhould bee the fame to thee• . ·- So aman that hath ·comrnitted a treafon twenty ye:ires agoe, inay be ,execute!d for it now : and therefore Jo(ephs brethren - remembred their .fin as frelh, · though long before committed, as ifthey had then committed it: their · atHietion revived iri their confciences, and made-ic as .prefent : but we ufually.looke on fins pall as none ofo~rs. lob faith, that .the L o R n. made~im j/of-· fejfe .the.finpts ofhilJDUth: he polfelfed them, that is , looked on them ·as his owne. · · What i§lthe·reafon -why to men in jeopardy, as·in·aftormeac Sea, and · in the.time of fickneffe their fins then appeare fo ter·: ·rible and feat:_~fullo: they ~ppre~ep.d themas prefentl · Now that w'h-.Godidoth by affitchon, let us.lab6ur .·to get done by rriefution, ;;and by faith to looke on them as prefent ; turne that end of the opricke glaffe-whichwill bring them near~ to thee, labour; to have a true ludgement of their greatndfe, and! that they are the fame,for therein 1yes true humili- 1 ation, when the Iudgement is. righ~ly cof1yin-ced to! eftceme' ., _- ' ~