Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

- rr. '- H ·z· · · . ..... J,., ttuout unu 1ats.on no,mercy.. · 10 , ,folves, &c. that is, if you will have your hearts 1- --l . ,humbled, ab!hine from lawfull delights for the 1 time, get alone. So ltJtl 1.. he bids them fet apart . ]a day, that they mighth.ave no-interruption; and if that will not q<i>e it, fantl.ifie another ; let not one fparke goe out ere another be ,;- otherwife :you will be alwayes b~ginniog and nevercomect(} ·be humbled• . ~. Ifyou would come to lay your fins to heart,and ·:be affected with them; then be fure you be not kep~ . ;oft by thofe falfe reafonings and excufes, which , .. hinder men from being humbled, and keepe their : fins.from comming in upon them : as for inftance; .. · w9~ a ~all> comes to confider of h~s fins, ay but _ ' fays he, am I not in a good eftate alrea<iy ~ and then . 1 my fin-s ar~ pardoned ; for I have good defires in I me andagoodmeaning,l meanenoman no harme;, : . i and thus thefe keepe hi.m~ from feeing himfelfe a · ' ~rhild ofwrath : but confider, that thou m1ifi have · · 1 all thefe good t~.ingsin thee,.. and rn?'~ethen tllefe, .and yet beac~tld ofwrath ; .. thefe w1ll befound to. : ~ the praife of the Holy Ghoit who wliought th ·:11 · .:in thee, but-not to thy advantage to efcape clamna-. _ ·cion; for though thefe bein;thee, yet they .have nor . :that full eff.eet they fuould, for ·they overcomenot : ~hat evill that is in thee : for notwithftanding all ~ . thefe good things.thou art fiill aSabbath profaner, :adrunkard given to Company. .I might goe overr . ia~l other fins.;.but inaword; ifthey,overcome not ~every fin, they are nothing.for thefavinz thee ; if ' I . ' •· . ' '! I f ' they h1dbcene c:ffectJlll in the~,. they would have drivenout the dar.keneJfe ; .allah~,good thiags thou 1 ·' hall ------------------------------~~----~~