Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

(, 10 6 'i Without Humiliationnomercy. ------------~~--~--~~----- . ' . efi:eeme them the greatell: evill, though it bee nor · . accompanied with fo violent an_d turbulent a for- · · row. . When you have made them thus :prefent, d<ile · not quickely make an end, but let forrow abide··· '. upon your hearts, for the worke is not fofooae . ' done ; you will get into fome rocke or other, un- ' letfe you be C<lntinually perfecuted and followed ·. by the apprehenfion ofyour fins, till you come un- · to the Ci·tcy of refuge: but doe as VAviddid Pf4l. ~I. he fet his fin h.efort him s andas Saint PAu-l-, to– whom that ·fin of perfecution was ever freili in his . memory ana alwayes in his mouth, I aperfecut~or; · . &c. In this cafe learn~ fomething 0f t~e .Devill~ ~ · who when he would bringa-m-an to,befwallowed ' . upof forrow, his manner is to keepe·am'ans fin frill : :.before him,nor will he let aman-he at· r~fr;therfore . ~ ~ cw. I~. they are called·thebajfeting.stJf SAt'h~n, . : . becaufe he: comes often withblowafter blow, t~ . difcouroge.and amaze a man:·now learne from that , : praCl:ife of his to fray and dwell upon the medirati· . ons of our fins, an.d often to prefent them toour foules. Thy grecnewoodhappilywill not burne without much blowing: it i~freqneJ~s & intenfigr Ar• ,: gt~mentali~, a frequent preffing of arguments that . workes on the affetnons.fand fo here keep·ethe ob· ·· ·jeel: neare the faculty,andat laft it will worke :look · _not on thy fins by fits, let there be !lo interruption ,· by worldly joyes or pleafures, no1nterv•Ha : an~ this is Saint lAmes counfell, Be afftiEJed, ,andmAurNe , A114 .weepe. lames 4• L'tly9ur taughttr be turnedinto , 1111Ur11J1Jg, ana11NY. jo1 i1111 htArvJnef{e : h11mb/e JOUr {el'flts,