Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

PJ/itbout Humiliatien nomtrcy. 109 with thy felfc:: ; a fickndfe may come onmy body, ·a croffe may come on my efiate, yea anapprehenfion .on my foule, .that may fuckeupthe marrow of mybones;and above all, I have an immortall foule ~n a velfell of clay ; and thinke when that glaffe, that !hell is broke, what will become ofthat poore foule of thine: And this- woul4bring a mal) to the Pr#dig11//s cafe. Belfhazz~tr faw this, when he faw the hand writing upon thewall. Had it not becne wifedome inhim tohave feene and acknowledged it before '? Thouart well now; .thou doefi not know what alcerations may befall thee in the yeare, and thou .hadll better leave a thoufand bufi. ndfes undone,then thiso. " . Andyet thirdly, all this will not doe it, ,except 3 the fpirit of Godcome on thee .: tohumble a._man is amighty worke.. ThoughEliAh lhould preach to you, yea all the formes ol thtmder fhould,come, yet without the fpirit,theywill not beable to' finmble you; yeaGodhimfelfecame d.owne from heaven, upon Mouat SinAi, .and ·with what.terrours ~ and yet the peopleremained unbroken,though they · were amazed for a_,time. When ,Chrill:fpaketo Saint PAul .and.ll:ruckehim off-his horfe, if hehad t:lOt a light well as without, be hadnot . beenehumbled; nor the l4ylor.i£ there liadnot been an .earthquake inhis heart, as well as in theeanh. · Ierobo.em had as grea~ a miracle.wrought before him as Saint P.wl: you may well thinke rhe .drying .. upof hishand.amazedhim, yet made him not give over his finne. ; and what was the reafon ~ . t h.t!re was a miracleinhoth, but not the fpirit : and ifwe l did I . ~.