Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

no ' . ohjtl1. ·Witbout-· Humiliation no merey. did worke miracles before you, from day to day; yet uoleffe God fent his fpirit of bondage upon you, · you would not be huri1bled. See the neceflity of rhe fpirits heJpe in admohttions alfo. r..Amaziah was admonilhed by aProphet as well as Davidby Nathan, yet he was not humbled : and 'fo we fee fome are humbled by affiictions, and others not. Therefore pray that God would fend his fpirit to ' convince you, and learne alfo not to be offeqded at · us, when in preaching the Law yourconfciences are troubled. It is the fpirit that troubleth you; elfe our words would not ~rouble you : and there. fore be not angry at·us : and therefore alfo doe not put off this dutyof gettingyour hearts humbled 1 for thou art not able fo much as to h~mblethy felfs: therefore t4ke the opportunities of the fpirit, when he fiirs thy heart. But you will fay, this rather difcourageth us from the worke' : for then we mufi ever waite like rnarriners, till the tide and the gale comes, and l had as good fit fiill : for 1may goe ahout it to no purpofe, feeing the Lord mull: doe it. I anfwerthee ; thatifthou woulddl:goeabout , it and fhut up thy felfe in privateaday, and afcer rhat another, in the end God wonld fend his fpirit. When ChrHl: bad them goe and rowe,though they rowed all night to little purpofe, yet ChrHt came , at lafi, and they were on the other fide prefcntly ;it . rnay be thou maiefl: be about it amoneth or two,. ere thou ~ndefi: the fpirit coming; yet he'will come in the end, and then tl.le worke will bethroughly done ; for Godhath madeapromife of the Holy · ·Ghoft, /