Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

JVithout Humiliation no mercy. · ·Ghofi, that he will b4ptize with the Holy · ohofl~u with fire i not onely tohis Difciples, bunhofe that yet never had it : for it is not one!y for encreafe, but to begin grace. Yeai.f God hath given thee a heart to pray, to confider this promife, fo 2s thou · - hall: taken up a refolution to waite aud to fet chy felfe to the worke, when thou hafr done fo ; the (p irit is already in thine heart, the worke is begun, though thou thinkeft not fo; and never pleade thou ianfi not do it without the fphir;for I aske thee this quefiipn, didll: tho~ ever commit a fin in which thou couldell: fay, I did it againll: mywill ~· was there ever any duty which thou hadll: a thought to doe,that thou couldefi fay,thou couldell: not do it ~ thyheart tell_s tliee no. · l:hereforef{!t·about this duty which is themaim·;. which therefore we have prell: much,becaufe ic is as ~ naile driven into a wall ·oQ which·othergraces hang. This: and 'Faith' are thegreat things which the mafter builders were occBpied about, and in– deed the foundation, which therefore above all you mufr Ieoke to ~ ; and thefe our exhortations (hould beeas forked Art·owes to lticke in yoLJ, and not out agaiae, . and·not as ·other Arrowes that wound onely. - We have done with the negative part, Thilt fncb M ioe not /J~mb.le them{el11es h4v.e 1ng .inte'reft in the Pr 0rPi{es.r · . . . . . . · ·We come now to the affirmative part, which is for comfort 1 That if any man doth humble him. felfe, .God ·will heare his prayer:, his linnes .llull bea fQrgiven, &c. · ', .. Ill