Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

·------~~~ -~-~t-------~----~~~~~~~--~ · --· ~1~2 The Lord il marcifull to tbe humble. · ; :·· . . .• not be fricnqs with any difeafebut narure will refill: ir, it fees them at variance, as the Wolfe and the L:nnhe, as theJpringand mndde, and living waters wil(cleanfe rhemfelves, though the mudde arife a choufand times) ifas theWolfe which re~kons the Lambe the greateft enemy it hath in theworldby an inH:in&. of nature, fo ifthou reckonefrfinne the moft deftroying thing in the world, whence is.this .but becaufe humiliation hath made that impretlion and apprehenfion of it on thyheart ; which ~od · · · hath fee on thy heart ~sabrand in the fldh that will never ou't, then thou wildigbt againft everyfinne and never be reconciled to it, as aLambe is not to ·a Wolfe, becaufe nature hath implanted that en· mity there ; if thou finde this bee the confiant difpolition of thy minde , keepc thy alfurance · ll:rong, thowgh many weakendfc:s be difcovered in thee 3 It is utterly a fault among you to weaken you~ affuranceby your daily flippings arid fail~~gs, •· and Sathan labours that above allorherf Torthen ·. when your affurance and hope is gone, you walke · unevenly, and are as a Ship that hath loft her An• . ·ehor, or iswithout aRudder : thou mayeft Come– times feele a hardnetfe in thee, and yet if this afore· faid bee the confiant difpolition of thy mindei, Weaken not thy affurance, but fay, though I finde · my heart hard and carelelfe, froward and angry often, whereas I lhoulcd bee meeke and humble; Yet I will not queRion the maille , but I will.Eoe and renew my humiliation, which willll:rengthen .my aifurance; how ever,hold that firm~ ' for it · · drawes into nearer Communion with God, and .further