Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

, Tbe Lord u merei full to tbe bumble. 123 further from finne . eftabliilieth aman in welldoing, and makes hirn abound in the worke ofthe Lord. _ . Learne·hence alfo, that it is not enoughfora rft·3· rrian only to be patierdn affiictions,but hemufi alfo humble himfelfe under them, wee mull: not ondy beare_the cro1fe, but wUJ_ingJy and cheerefully acknowledge Gods jufticein it, and our owne finne, for to oee .humbled is a furtherthing then to bee patient, as in 2. chron. l 2.. 6. when the peoplewere left in the hantdofShifbak, it is fa id, thJt the Princes oflfrael humbled them{elves, andt~ey[aid, the Lurd is' where being humbled, is expreifed by aclhiowledging God to be righteous,which is more then. to bee patient, .God lookes for this in all af- ' · fliClions, therefore he fayes in r Pet. 8. 6. humhle 'JDIIr {tlvts (and·not bee patient onely) under the migh11 h11ndof God, thAt heemay exalt you in due time. Many a man in affiidion may fay, hee will bee patient; but that is n~t enough_, but bee mull: humble himfelfe, which is morethanpatience; forpati- . encc is only to beare it contentedly, but a man mull: < goc to Go _o, and fay, Lord Iconfelfe I am finfull · and have deferved more then this punilhtnenr, I wonder not at thy judgment but at thy long fr,ffer· ing rather, that it is no worfe wich mee, the leaft of Saints and the greatdl of linncrs. So wee fee it waswith Na1mi i_nRuth 1.1 o,l I. call me not by an ' honorable name, not 'l(gomi, but UMtrrah ; 1wmi .: ... _ out full, but la71J come homeemptie, and the L~rdbath ' . 11fjltEied met; and (~eing hee bath ~rffiict:ed mee, I ' ,, will carry my faile ,.accordingly. This is truly to humble ' -·