Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

I _/ 114 - The L(Jrd is mercifull to the bumble•. ----------------~--------~.~~--- humble a mans felfe. And thus did David, whem hee fled before Ahfol~n, Let the L1rddoe with mee wh~tt feemes goodinhueyes. zSam. I5 z6. Andfo [aid Eli, InaOthi4 the Lord i4ge~J, that is, the Lord is jufr in ail tchis, and .I and my fonnes deferve it, ·and more. Thus ·when.a man thinkes it reafonable .that God lhould put1ilh him, hee blelfeth God that the croJfe is no greater) without complaining or re– pining. If the Lord willleadetheethroughvari- . ecy of conditions, fay withP.cuJ,. I kn1w how to w.cnt, Alld· how to ablimd, and how to goe through bad re- . port as ·well as good report ; and I am ;not one1y content,but chearefull in all this, and would bee, if it were farre worfe. " If the Lord bath faid hee will bee mercifull to the humble, then let us humbleourfdves more and . more and get our hearts low~r and lower, feeing . there are fuch mighty and large promifes belonging to the.humble, and know that as the Lord fufpends . his .promifes upon this here, fo they lhall bee ful– fild upon the performance ofthis, and as wee doe this more or ldfe, fo lhall the promifes be fulfilled -_ to .us more or le!fe, th~refore let us doe thismore and more, fer if weehumble our fdve-s, the-Lord will fill our hearts with good taings~ when heefees . aman takinga, bee will faY' fit up higher, · aU tke wor,ld cannot hold downe an humble man, becaufe the·Lord fecteth to his hand\to raife him up, · _" neither kee·pe-up a proud man becaufethe Lord fet- · tet.hhimfelfe eo depreffe and gebafe them; when the wall fwells it is not like tofi.and long, when a-joynt is luxated and fwelled, till the fwelling abate,it cannot ..