Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

--. ' - Tbe l;;ord'is mercifull to the humble. · 127 tter as foone as it harh eaten our the proud flefh; fo foonc: as thy beartjis truly humbled, the Lord will ' helpet_hee: he will either removethecroffe,orgive thee that which is .rqlilivalent: and thus the Lord I - hath alwaies done. So he dealt with 1o[eph. You hlppily may thinke, and he might thinke, ir was long before l<1ee w~exalted; but yetthar time was l not too long, for as foone as theLord had truly • humbled him, then heepr_,e femly exalted him ; as youmay fee in Pfolm.I o5. 1 8,I9,zo .Wh()[ejette they hurt with feuers: he Wd& laid in iro.n,untill the time that hu word c.ame ; the word of the Lord triul him : then . the King font, and/oofer/ him, &c. And fo he dealt · with /{)b. All that time that his friends were reafoning with him, his heart would not be brought dowoe ; but the Lord himlelfc mutl: come and reaI fonwith him;andthcn he beganto abhorhimfelfe, ( in du.ft and allies : and how foone after was hee refiored, and all helotl: reftored double alfo ~This be i~,las you (ee) Godscontl:anrcourfe,ifrhouhum~ bling thy fdfe,yet 1yell: longunder a calamity,thoo mayetl: affure thy felfe, there is fomething wanti 11g I' in thy heart, and therefor~ beecomen~with Gods dealing. z cor. rz. left S4iiit Paul fbot~Jdbeexalted, therewMgivmhi~ath~rneinthejlepJ: if SaintPaut · I ne~ded humility, who cloth not ~ Remember this i . 'rule, that ifGods p@ople humble themfdves> then he will cerrainely helpe them~ ondy irwill hee~n duefeafon. · But you will fay : how lhall we get downe our .f2!tefl• . ftub~orne hearts ~ Pride is very namrall, and the haraea: thing in the world to overcome. Let ~ ..,. --- l !