Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

i ·n.S. T!Je L(;rd is mercifull to tbe h-umbte. l -t....r.!nf:': ' every man confider, wheth<:+h~bereleafed ~ · or no from the plague of his heart ; if that _rhere 1 - ' l ' " 1 l ,. I . be not fome cahlmity,which hangs contim~ally on him : if there be, then know~thou art not humbled enough .(rhe meaning ~s not; that thou iliouldefi be brought to an apprehen{ion and feare of hell ; but thy heart is to be brought dowa more: thou mayefr be lll1mbled truly fo as to be within the covenant, -and yet not enough to have thy heart wrought to this or that frame God would bring it unto.) And tobring your hearts lower, ufe t hefe rlleanes. Firfi: confider your hearts ofcen, confider what unruly lu!l:s you find hid there ; makiit yourdaily cuftome, to fearchintothis. Wcgoenotadays. journey in this life, but there is fomewhat difca– vered in ,our Hearts whieh may ferve to humble us– further, as it was with them :in the wilderndfe:, Deut. 8. 2. Thou flu:lt rtmemberaUthe wAy which th.e Lord thy GtJa led thee the(e forty ye~tres in the wil– dernejfe,.tohumhli tllee,to'prove thee, and to /mgw wh~t WM in thy heart) &c. Thereis not·oneday, but a godly. wife man may difcerne fomething in his heart, which may be: matter of -humiliationtohh~, which he faw not before·; vaineglorious fpeeches, unlawfuH filence, cowardize in good caufe$,1thy worldly mindedneffe, thy unruly affeet:.ions; -that will :he fiill fiirring, and fomething will bedifcd– vered w'irhout in thy aCtions alfo,which when th()\J feefi fuch fparkes afcending , remember t-o loolee to the fire, the furnace within ; thefe 'are but the buds, there is a deepe roote of bitterneffe withi~; thefe are but cbullitioos sconfider there is a fpririg · wirhin,.