Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

. ' ljl • . Dofl. ,, OffoekingGotliface. earth; but ~ot enough to unite them to the·element of fire: therefore they fall and returne to their firft principles. Artthouwatchfull over all thywayes, ~earefull to offend, looking to every ftep'Jwhctre thou fettefi thy fooce, how thou hearelr, how thou prayefi, .howevery worke is done,every word fpo– ken, every houre fpent ~ For this is certain(', ifhe be ;humbled, it will dry up the fountaineof finne, it will heale ·_his bloudy flux , and make him wary in all his wayes , and fearefull to nnne. Th1:1s much for thisfirfl c.OI'Jtiition•. ¥**¥*****************~** If my ·people tl>at are calledby my name, doe . bumhlt themfthes, andfeek.e myfoce. . vv·ee are n~w .come to the next condition; If : · mypoople {eeke my face : whereweemayob- : ferve thispoinr, . · ' . i T:lu1t except a man feeke G~dsfice, allhi&lahlnr is . loft in h~ humiliati111 11ndprayers, Andwhlltfoe'lltr-elfl heed1th. · This is pudn among thofe other condit.ions; and therefore without this the promife is not made tous. For the unfoldingof this point,. weemull firfi • I enq01re, - ,. -!J.!!e{J. , WhAtititlo{tekeGodsfac.e. ,. · , An[w: · It is to fieke the Lord himft!ft .· for his fiHe in l: Scripture is often taken for his perfon ; foths wor.d. \ lS : - ~------------------~--~--~~-----