Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

/ ' Offeeking Gods fact. is ufed Exqa111 zo .z. in thefirft Commandement, Thm /bAit bne no other g1ds heforemy [4ce, that is, before mee. So then the meaning is, wenn1ll: feeke the L oR D himfelfe. Many, when they are in di– firelfe, willfee~eto the.Lord for deliverance,in time of Famine, they will ftel:t to him for Comeand Wine and Oyle,_as they in the Prophet; but they fielee not the Lord himfelfe, nor communion and re· conciliation with him ; they fteke t1 t!Je Lord, but not the L"d : they fie lee what bee can doe for them , but not his perfon, not himfelfe: So thofe Hof.7·I4· re b~ve 1111 &ryttltomt,fo7ts God, when7ee howled "''" ' '"' !Jeds. Tee a.lfemble 1111rjel'rJes f~r corne ,,J Wtllt 2 Andre~eJJAgainjlmet• They then wanted Corneand Wine,&&. and fought thema_t Go» s hands ; but not meetheL~rd who[t) you hadlofi. Thou mayefi fidefalvation and deliverance from hell, out ofthe fireogthoff!a- · ·turall wifedome, becaufe it is for thy good: and al– fo beingconvinced of the ncceffity of faith and re· pentance, to cfcape hell, and cbtaine falvation. · Men may thereupon goe farrein ~he performance of many duties, and bee confiant ~rwhile inthem, aadyet not{teke the Lords{Ace irj all thefe : and then the Lord regards themnot. Take a thieferhat isarraigned at r he ban·e,he will cry·earnefilyfor his life, but yet heftekethnot-thefi&e l{thtludge,i,._t.hedoth it without love to the Iudge,but onely out ofthe love of life: So weemay doe muchtoefcape hell,andto attaine the life oppofire to it; and.yetall this while not (eeke th~prt{ence-o} G6d' and thenG 0 D regards . it not. You find this difpofitionin yourfelves, and . .. . ._ ... · . . .. . . _K-3. -·- .. --~ __. . .fee . ~ ~ ... .